

Well-Known Member
5 June 2010
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Cubs are fully grown at this time of year.
It is perfectly legal to poison, shoot or snare foxes all year round which makes this argument a bit of a nonsense when you think about it.


Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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But the old term 'cub hunting' was one devised by hunting peeps, was it not? So it's not unreasonable for non hunting peeps to be confused and to picture small cute fluffy cubs being hunted. As it is, as this thread title demonstrates, hunting folk still often inadvertently use the term 'cubbing', as old habits die hard :).


New User
26 March 2012
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Cubbing is where the hounds get to kill fox cubs which are in burrows not running across open ground
Oh I see.....s
And I'm sure there are loads of fox cubs round at this time of year! Hmmmm.

Why don't you take your scaremongering elsewhere? You're obviously completely ill-informed - you're spouting the rubbish that is peddled by antis to make the general public (who know nothing of hunting) think it's this awful thing and we go around slaughtering fox cubs which couldn't be further from the truth.
Well it is boring when the pack disappears into a huge wood for about 1 hour with no sight or sound of anything and all the riders are standing alongside the wood with nothing to do but wait until they are told to move.
What do you mean "sight or sound" ?? Are you a nasty little criminal that gets its kicks out of setting dogs on terrifed young animals ?? You lot are no better than scummy dog fighters. There is definitely a sickness in the heart of the British countryside. And you will be exposed.


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26 March 2012
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Called Autumn Hunting by the way!

Tweed jacket is correct, no need to plait, although clean and tidy obviously.

With our hunt it is very boring with a great deal of standing around for ages, with an occasional trot to another cover - but hunts vary so you would have to ask about yours.
Calling it "Autumn Hunting" now are you ? Why's that then ? Worried in case the public might find out about the appalling cruelty that goes on in the depths of the British countryside, are we ?


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26 March 2012
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I went and read the link and as a description of pre ban cubbing it us pretty accurate. But even lacs don't claim that foxes live in dens or burrows.
There is nothing factual about information provided by the LACS. They are ANTI HUNTING, not a neutral group, and therefore will post biased, extreme and inaccurate information to promote their cause.

As discussed throughout this thread, it's not called cubbing it's called Autumn Hunting.

I suggest you don't believe everything you read on the internet, particularly if it comes from LACS.

And why have you changed it from "cubbing" to "autumn hunting" then?? Guilty about something, are we ?? Do you honestly think this new term will prevent normal folk from finding out about you setting your hounds on to terrified, young foxes, just out of infancy, at dawn do you ? LACS' "cause" is to represent the British public's opinion that you are neanderthals that need dragging into the 21st century. It's sad and pathetic that you cling on to a perverted "tradition" that's utterly repulsive to 80% of the public who just cannot understand why you enjoy such a sick and barbaric pastime. WHY do you do it ? Do you honestly get a thrill from setting dogs onto lone, terrified animals ? You are EXACTLY the same as scummy dog fighters, no difference at all.


Well-Known Member
16 February 2009
Slopping along on a loose rein somewhere in Devon
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Sadly it is a reflection of the "times" that we live in, that good old-fashioned "cubbing" is now more-and-more being called "hound exercise".......... :(

Traditionally, we all know of course that cubbing was always a time for both hounds and green horses to crack on with learning their job before the start of the hunting season proper.

(Edited): have just seen the post from "new member" "rca" above. May I possibly - and as respectfully as possible - suggest that this is not the ideal forum for you??

After all, it IS (ehmn) "Horse and HOUND"........... and you will therefore see threads and posts on this forum about hunting and allied matters which may cause you distaste and offence.

If hunting offends you (and it obviously does), then perhaps there are other Sites which may better cater to your sensitivities?

And may I invite you - and the other "anti's" we seem to have picked up on here - as politely as possible to perhaps to consider joining your local hunt on "hound exercise", "autumn hunting" or whatever this season, to perhaps go with an open mind and actually see and experience what goes on as well as have the opportunity to ask all the questions you want to, so you are better able to judge??
Last edited:

The Fuzzy Furry

Living in 🦄 🦄 land
24 November 2010
Ambling amiably around........
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And why have you changed it from "cubbing" to "autumn hunting" then?? Guilty about something, are we ?? Do you honestly think this new term will prevent normal folk from finding out about you setting your hounds on to terrified, young foxes, just out of infancy, at dawn do you ? LACS' "cause" is to represent the British public's opinion that you are neanderthals that need dragging into the 21st century. It's sad and pathetic that you cling on to a perverted "tradition" that's utterly repulsive to 80% of the public who just cannot understand why you enjoy such a sick and barbaric pastime. WHY do you do it ? Do you honestly get a thrill from setting dogs onto lone, terrified animals ? You are EXACTLY the same as scummy dog fighters, no difference at all.
How unpleasant, new user resorts to name calling, insults and incorrect arithmetic as seemingly is unable to put a comprehensible post together......


Well-Known Member
27 October 2016
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True - but MJR2BT's response is masterful in contrast. RCA is obviously trolling and I would usually say don't feed the troll - this thread is from 2017 so they must have searched a good bit to find something they could take offence to!
Perhaps it's the schools being off.


New User
26 March 2012
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Sadly it is a reflection of the "times" that we live in, that good old-fashioned "cubbing" is now more-and-more being called "hound exercise".......... :(

Traditionally, we all know of course that cubbing was always a time for both hounds and green horses to crack on with learning their job before the start of the hunting season proper.

(Edited): have just seen the post from "new member" "rca" above. May I possibly - and as respectfully as possible - suggest that this is not the ideal forum for you??

After all, it IS (ehmn) "Horse and HOUND"........... and you will therefore see threads and posts on this forum about hunting and allied matters which may cause you distaste and offence.

If hunting offends you (and it obviously does), then perhaps there are other Sites which may better cater to your sensitivities?

And may I invite you - and the other "anti's" we seem to have picked up on here - as politely as possible to perhaps to consider joining your local hunt on "hound exercise", "autumn hunting" or whatever this season, to perhaps go with an open mind and actually see and experience what goes on as well as have the opportunity to ask all the questions you want to, so you are better able to judge??

No thanks. I wouldn't want to be anywhere near your sort. I love to gallop on my horse just as much as the next person but don't see the need to viciously kill animals in order to do so. And I am not a "new member" either. I understood there was a ban on hunting wild mammals with dogs, so why should I be "offended" by coming on here ? Are you saying you break the law of the land in a thinly veiled manner ? If so, the question is this: in what ways are you so inadequate and what is lacking in your life that you feel the need to set dogs onto defenceless animals for your "jollies"? It sounds like a sickness to me.
Sadly it is a reflection of the "times" that we live in, that good old-fashioned "cubbing" is now more-and-more being called "hound exercise".......... :(

Traditionally, we all know of course that cubbing was always a time for both hounds and green horses to crack on with learning their job before the start of the hunting season proper.

(Edited): have just seen the post from "new member" "rca" above. May I possibly - and as respectfully as possible - suggest that this is not the ideal forum for you??

After all, it IS (ehmn) "Horse and HOUND"........... and you will therefore see threads and posts on this forum about hunting and allied matters which may cause you distaste and offence.

If hunting offends you (and it obviously does), then perhaps there are other Sites which may better cater to your sensitivities?

And may I invite you - and the other "anti's" we seem to have picked up on here - as politely as possible to perhaps to consider joining your local hunt on "hound exercise", "autumn hunting" or whatever this season, to perhaps go with an open mind and actually see and experience what goes on as well as have the opportunity to ask all the questions you want to, so you are better able to judge??

No thanks. I wouldn't want to be anywhere near your sort. I love to gallop on my horse just as much as the next person but do not see the need to viciously kill animals in order to do so. And I am not a "new member" either. I understood there was a ban on hunting wild mammals with dogs, so why should I be "offended" by coming on here ? Are you suggesting that you break the law of the land in a thinly veiled manner ? If so, the question is this: in what ways are you inadequate in your own life that you feel the urge to set dogs onto defenceless lone animals for your "jollies" ? Sounds like a sickness to me.

The Fuzzy Furry

Living in 🦄 🦄 land
24 November 2010
Ambling amiably around........
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No thanks. I wouldn't want to be anywhere near your sort. I love to gallop on my horse with just as much as the next person but don't see the need to viciously kill animals whilst doing so. And I am not a "new member" either. I understood there was a ban on hunting wild mammals with dogs, so why should I be offended by coming on here ? Are you saying you break the law in a thinly veiled manner ? If so, the question is: In what ways are you so inadequate and what is lacking in your life that you feel the need to set dogs onto defenceless animals for your "jollies"? It sounds like you have psychopathic tendencies to me.

I suggest you find somewhere else to vent your spleen. You have 4 posts in total, all on this thread, all quite unpleasant.
If you need to keep returning to a subject you clearly don't like, have no interest in but feel the need to be aggressively posting, I think you have rather odd issues going on yourself dear.


Well-Known Member
17 August 2008
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No thanks. I wouldn't want to be anywhere near your sort. I love to gallop on my horse just as much as the next person but don't see the need to viciously kill animals in order to do so. And I am not a "new member" either. I understood there was a ban on hunting wild mammals with dogs, so why should I be "offended" by coming on here ? Are you saying you break the law of the land in a thinly veiled manner ? If so, the question is this: in what ways are you so inadequate and what is lacking in your life that you feel the need to set dogs onto defenceless animals for your "jollies"? It sounds like a sickness to me.

What an exceptionally biased and close minded post. In absolutely no way whatsoever has any response suggested that the law is broken - thinly veiled or otherwise. Cubbing is a traditional term which no longer represents - and hasn't for 10+ years - the practice. The fact we have chosen to change the term to something that better reflects reality is not cause for vitriol or abuse. All we have said is - come out with us. See what actually happens. Make you mind up based on reality not on social media.

And perhaps stop trolling?