depressed pony


Well-Known Member
20 August 2023
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my pony is 23. she's skinny maybe a 1 or 2 out of 5 on fat score chart (getting her weighted soon) and she's depressed, we've dealt with this before however we figured out it was cos she was separated from her friend (her friend is now dead). she's never liked been in a stable for the 6 years I've had her but recently she's been flat out refusing to go into the field (same field she ran to not even a month ago) and will stand at the gate for hours. we had vet out last week as she got stuck in her rug and she couldn't walk but the vet said she was just uncomfortable with having arthritis and was a bit stiff, said to keep her in for a night and put her out but I kept her in the rest of the week to make sure she was better. she's still not 100% but can walk ok. The only time she's actually happy is when she's eating her feed, and has actually been eating hay without quidding (which she's done pretty much the entire time I've had her(she's never had problems with her teeth)). She's not gaining weight and its awful seeing her so sad and sick of her life all the time. she doesn't like other horse, always by herself and I cant exactly keep her in cos I have no stable for her and her arthritis will get worse.

sorry if this all over the place(I cant be bothered to read through it🤣) but how on earth do I help her??

i was going to attach photos of her weight but it wont let me so ur just going to have to imagine it lol

cauda equina

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2 February 2014
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Is she on anything for her arthritis?
If not I would ask your vet about giving her regular bute or danilon
The grass should be growing now, some Dr Green and (hopefully) warmer weather should help
But as has been said above, it might be that she's just had enough
So sorry, it's horrible seeing our dear friends getting old


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24 December 2021
Wet and windy Pennines
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All the above, plus get a good dentist to look at her. Maybe start her on short chopped forage such as Fast Fibre, soaked sugar beet and dampened dried grass. If she has lost her appetite and is not interested in food, then that's a different ball game, and some difficult decisions may have to be made. Hope you have a happy outcome.


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8 August 2014
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Our oldie is 26 but is keeping weight on and still marching to field..throwing the odd shape in the field now and then and can get up and down to roll etc..I too am dreading the time when I have to objectively assess her and be brave enough to put her to ll be the final kindness I can do for the grumpy old baggage.


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25 October 2010
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Cushings will definitely depress a pony but honestly she sounds like she’s in pain also and not living a very happy life (not because of anything you have done, it’s just old age)

Consider whether it is in her best interests to keep going or if it might be kinder to put her to sleep.


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15 August 2015
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Is she really 1 or 2 body condition? 1 is almost emaciated. If yes I would be concerned she has an underlying health condition and would be deciding whether to pts and or get vet to run tests to find out what is causing this, but unfortunately this may lead to the inevitable too. Thinking of you OP as it’s never an easy decision to make but IMO it’s definitely quality of life over quantity that needs to be considered.


Well-Known Member
20 August 2023
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Is she really 1 or 2 body condition? 1 is almost emaciated. If yes I would be concerned she has an underlying health condition and would be deciding whether to pts and or get vet to run tests to find out what is causing this, but unfortunately this may lead to the inevitable too. Thinking of you OP as it’s never an easy decision to make but IMO it’s definitely quality of life over quantity that needs to be considered.
im getting her weighed soon but im not too sure she's very fluffy but I can feel her spine bone and her pelvis/tail bone are visible. she's also got a slightly swayed back


Well-Known Member
20 August 2023
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Definitely test for Cushing's if you haven't, treatment can make a big difference.
we had her tested around 4 years ago and I think again around 1-2 years ago and she's been healthy each time so its trying to convince my mam (who pays for her) to get her checked again


Well-Known Member
20 August 2023
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Is she on anything for her arthritis?
If not I would ask your vet about giving her regular bute or danilon
The grass should be growing now, some Dr Green and (hopefully) warmer weather should help
But as has been said above, it might be that she's just had enough
So sorry, it's horrible seeing our dear friends getting old
ive started giving her Bute as nvet said too but ive been giving her about half a packet a day. she doesn't seem to be wanting to eat grass(not much grass left in winter field) and standing at gate all the time. I had her out where we put our horses when we muck out with my other pony (hes very attached to her and she's grumpy but tolerates him more than any horse) and was eating hay and her feed fine


Well-Known Member
20 August 2023
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I think I’d almost be thinking of calling it a day personally. Sorry 😞
I think I might give a month or 2 when she con go out into the summer field and see if I can arrange something with the owner to put her with my other pony who loves her and she tolerates him more than any other horse she's with. Vet is coming in April to do jabs for them so they can check on her, maybe get her tested for cushings but if she's the same I think I will have too.


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8 April 2007
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Our oldie is 26 but is keeping weight on and still marching to field..throwing the odd shape in the field now and then and can get up and down to roll etc..I too am dreading the time when I have to objectively assess her and be brave enough to put her to ll be the final kindness I can do for the grumpy old baggage.
I could have written this! Mine is the same. I have noticed that she is now finding it difficult to eat the very short grass. The poor grazing at our yard was fabulous for her when she was younger but not so good now her teeth have worn down.
With any oldie that's not thriving a good dental checkup would be my first port of call, and also a Cushings test.


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28 May 2013
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How sure are you of her age? If you told me she was in her thirties, I would think her condition makes sense. She looks very sunken and atrophied, in combination with low condition which you’d expect for this time of year.

So it wouldn’t be the seasonal condition that would worry me, it would be the underlying muscular skeletal situation.

Melody Grey

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14 April 2014
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I agree with others that it might be time. My thought would be that even if things improve, next winter will be tough and she’s weak. I wouldn’t want her going down and not able to get up/ break herself trying (sadly have seen it happen).

If you are looking to try to put weight on and continue in the short term, I’d recommend asking your vet for a higher dose of bute/ danilon. Half a sachet a day isn’t enough in my experience to make a difference.

ETA: well done OP for sharing on here and getting opinion, I’m sure the reactions must be difficult to hear ❤️