Well-Known Member
It sounds like you have been unlucky as going over land that you don’t have permission to be on is extremely rare in our area, similarly if we are following in vehicles we are careful to not park up where we would block the road, nor drive on mowed verges.
We are aware that poor manners on our part will not make for good neighbours. If the hunt is trespassing then report them, the fact that the hunt near you lacks manners doesn’t mean that all should be tarred the same.
Think how people feel that live next to football stadiums where you can have upwards of 40000 people going past your house, some drunk, some looking for a fight, some abusive, some potentially using your garden as a urinal. This would happen 20+ times a year. Should football be banned so that these people can enjoy their house free of fear and inconvenience?
EDIT can I also point out that even if the new government doesn’t manage to ban hunting, they might end some hunts purely by building across the hunting country. As AR does seem determined to urbanise much of rural England. So whilst you might not have a hunt anywhere near you, you could end up with an extra 400 neighbours!! (She is talking about CPO so there might be little choice)
House prices near football stadiums, concert venues, etc, should reflect these inconveniences - or people can for the most part choose not to live there. They are fixed locations, with fixed dates of inconveniences, with advance warning.