Difficult yard owner and daughter (DIY)


Well-Known Member
12 August 2015
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I'd be pleased that the horse had been moved out before work began. How would the OP feel if the horse was left in the stable whist drilling etc was taking place?


Well-Known Member
9 March 2008
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I'd be pleased that the horse had been moved out before work began. How would the OP feel if the horse was left in the stable whist drilling etc was taking place?

I had a yard owner who started repairing my stable door with power tools while one of my ponies was still in the stable!


Well-Known Member
4 May 2016
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I do not think it is harsh. Think it through. The OP thinks the YO should ring her every time before touching her horse. So if there is danger ie fire should the YO leave the horse to smoke inhalation at best and possibly worse to ring someone to get permission to move her horse to safety?
The YO has to have the right to move the horses about if the need arises for maintenance, safety etc. What if the yard owner finds the horse ill with colic? Do they ring vet first or owner? In my book vet then owner as every minute can alter the outcome.

Come on, you can't compare moving it for routine maintenance to something life threatening.

I would expect a heads up , it's just courtesy. However, I do think OP is in for a shock if they deem this to be a difficult YO!


Well-Known Member
23 March 2018
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Hi all,

Thank you those for your kind relevant opinions, I think many people have gone off on a tangent, this post is not here to attract rude or nasty comments so please keep those to yourself.

Like I said I’m laid back I just wanted to hear other people’s opinions etc...

There was no window it was two 30cm by 15cm grills in the wood.

I didn’t ever say I had an issue I was just wondering what people expect,

From my opinion the yard owners daughter and husband are not insured nor have I ever said they can handle my horse. Hence why I was shocked to hear this, also had I not been there and returned later in the day my horse would have been put back in his stable with multiple chunks of wood in his hay....

The title of this post goes much further than the post itself, I keep myself to myself on my yard - I would have just assumed should they be moving my horse and going in my stable I’d like to know before hand so when I arrive at the yard I am aware as to why my horse is outside and there is 7 people in my stable...

This was also not routine maintenance....

Gentle reminder Again if you do not have anything nice to say please do not comment on my thread

The Fuzzy Furry

Getting old disgracefully
24 November 2010
Pootling around......
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You make some fair comments, but unfortunately, your last sentence isn't helpful.
On this, as well as many other forums the world over, you WILL get differing opinions, whether they fit your criteria or view is likely to be very different.
As has been said on another of your threads, if you don't want opposing answers to your mind set, then don't post m'dear :)

Hi all,

Thank you those for your kind relevant opinions, I think many people have gone off on a tangent, this post is not here to attract rude or nasty comments so please keep those to yourself.

Like I said I’m laid back I just wanted to hear other people’s opinions etc...

There was no window it was two 30cm by 15cm grills in the wood.

I didn’t ever say I had an issue I was just wondering what people expect,

From my opinion the yard owners daughter and husband are not insured nor have I ever said they can handle my horse. Hence why I was shocked to hear this, also had I not been there and returned later in the day my horse would have been put back in his stable with multiple chunks of wood in his hay....

The title of this post goes much further than the post itself, I keep myself to myself on my yard - I would have just assumed should they be moving my horse and going in my stable I’d like to know before hand so when I arrive at the yard I am aware as to why my horse is outside and there is 7 people in my stable...

This was also not routine maintenance....

Gentle reminder Again if you do not have anything nice to say please do not comment on my thread


Well-Known Member
6 November 2004
North East Scotland
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I wouldnt be happy personally, but then Ive only ever kept my horses privately so cant imagine anyone else handling my horses especially when I was there or told! I guess on livery, Id accept them moving my horse if they had to do some proper stable maintenance but making a hole in your stable IMO is not maintenance and Id have expected to certainly have been told about it in the first place and as you say they would have left chunks of wood in your horses hay which is pretty stupid of them and unacceptable. I wouldnt like the rest of their family handling my horse either especially if you havent even met them... as you say they probably aren't insured so it shows a lack of professionalism on their behalf already. So OP, I'm on your side here but then Id likely make a dreadful livery which is why I keep my horses privately, I couldnt deal with stuff like this!
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Well-Known Member
12 August 2015
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Hi all,

Thank you those for your kind relevant opinions, I think many people have gone off on a tangent, this post is not here to attract rude or nasty comments so please keep those to yourself.

Like I said I’m laid back I just wanted to hear other people’s opinions etc...

There was no window it was two 30cm by 15cm grills in the wood.

I didn’t ever say I had an issue I was just wondering what people expect,

From my opinion the yard owners daughter and husband are not insured nor have I ever said they can handle my horse. Hence why I was shocked to hear this, also had I not been there and returned later in the day my horse would have been put back in his stable with multiple chunks of wood in his hay....

The title of this post goes much further than the post itself, I keep myself to myself on my yard - I would have just assumed should they be moving my horse and going in my stable I’d like to know before hand so when I arrive at the yard I am aware as to why my horse is outside and there is 7 people in my stable...

This was also not routine maintenance....

Gentle reminder Again if you do not have anything nice to say please do not comment on my thread

you make me glad that i don't do liver anymore! if you don't lie the set up get over yourself and just move.


Well-Known Member
17 August 2008
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Hi all,

Thank you those for your kind relevant opinions, I think many people have gone off on a tangent, this post is not here to attract rude or nasty comments so please keep those to yourself.

Like I said I’m laid back I just wanted to hear other people’s opinions etc...

There was no window it was two 30cm by 15cm grills in the wood.

I didn’t ever say I had an issue I was just wondering what people expect,

From my opinion the yard owners daughter and husband are not insured nor have I ever said they can handle my horse. Hence why I was shocked to hear this, also had I not been there and returned later in the day my horse would have been put back in his stable with multiple chunks of wood in his hay....

The title of this post goes much further than the post itself, I keep myself to myself on my yard - I would have just assumed should they be moving my horse and going in my stable I’d like to know before hand so when I arrive at the yard I am aware as to why my horse is outside and there is 7 people in my stable...

This was also not routine maintenance....

Gentle reminder Again if you do not have anything nice to say please do not comment on my thread

I really don't think you are as laid back as you claim.

But seriously -if you are on a yard where the YO doesn't have care & control insurance then you really do need to be moving - and as soon as possible. You should not ever have your horses on a yard without suitable insurance.


Well-Known Member
30 August 2014
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I would have been a bit peeved and had a right old grumble to my husband. BUT, if that's as bad as it gets, you're doing alright. I could tell you some stories of unreasonable behaviour of yard owners. In the grand scheme of things, if the yard suits and you're happy there, just take it on the chin and carry on. If it happens again, maybe you could gently ask YO if they could poss liaise with you next time. But in my experience, it really does pay to bow down to your YO and keep them on side. We do as much as we can to help our YO and we fully co-operate with her. She a little unpredictable, and been known to be somewhat tricky, so I go out of my way to keep her happy. Things will happen which irritate you, but just look at the bigger picture. Hey, at least they are doing maintenance ! :)


Well-Known Member
30 August 2014
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I really don't think you are as laid back as you claim.

But seriously -if you are on a yard where the YO doesn't have care & control insurance then you really do need to be moving - and as soon as possible. You should not ever have your horses on a yard without suitable insurance.

I'm afraid in the real world, an awful lot if yard owners don't have ins. Some yards have just happened accidentally over the years, often starting from just a farmer renting a field. I'm not sure how many yards I have been on have actually had ins. I know of one farmer who keeps all the rent in the house, literally under the mattress, totally keeping the livery side under the radar. I've heard of planning being applied for and granted for a building for farm storage, but it is used as an indoor arena. We all have two choices - accept this is as it is and enjoy the cheaper livery, or livery on a top class purpose built yard (where it's usually full livery anyway) and pay the higher costs.


Well-Known Member
25 June 2012
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I would've expected to have been informed what work was going on, and therefore given the option to come and move the horse myself before anyone else just took it upon themselves to do so when DIY.

I would insist on whoever was going to handle my horse (on any yard) having full insurance coverage...

Plus I wouldn't expect to have to clear up any mess they'd made whilst doing the job - and would certainly be complaining if this turned out to be needed after maintenance work.

Its like if field maintenance is undertaken, you wouldn't expect a gate to be left open so your horse could escape - so why should you accept lumps of wood being left in your stable?!


Well-Known Member
3 February 2009
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I keep my horses at home but if I was on DIY I would expect to be informed that changes were being made to my stable. However I certainly would not have an issue with my horse being moved to a safe area whilst the work was carried out. I would be a bit peeved that a mess had been left but would just clean it up and grumble to myself. Certainly I would not be of the opinion that no-one was able to enter 'my' stable.


Well-Known Member
17 August 2008
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I'm afraid in the real world, an awful lot if yard owners don't have ins. Some yards have just happened accidentally over the years, often starting from just a farmer renting a field. I'm not sure how many yards I have been on have actually had ins. I know of one farmer who keeps all the rent in the house, literally under the mattress, totally keeping the livery side under the radar. I've heard of planning being applied for and granted for a building for farm storage, but it is used as an indoor arena. We all have two choices - accept this is as it is and enjoy the cheaper livery, or livery on a top class purpose built yard (where it's usually full livery anyway) and pay the higher costs.

Perhaps you are right. But anyone without insurance in this day and age takes a terrible risk. We insure our horses (at least at 3rdP) becuase of the strict liability under the Animal Act - and I think the least we can expect is that YOs do the same. If only to ensure that they do not loose their home in the event of a claim! But you may well be right about the very small "under the radar" type yards. I know my YO has the appropriate insurance - I asked. Perhaps more of us should!

sport horse

Well-Known Member
23 January 2002
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you make me glad that i don't do liver anymore! if you don't lie the set up get over yourself and just move.

Well said.

OP have you seen a copy of the insurance policy held by the owner? I employ staff for my own (non livery and totally private) yard and I have full public and employer's liability as if I was a livery yard and nowhere do I have to name staff.


Well-Known Member
15 February 2017
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So I have recently moved from full livery to DIY, the yard itself is lovely and everyone there Barr the owners are also lovely.

It’s nothing major but would just like to know where I stand etc,
I came up the yard y day to find my horse tied up on the other side of the yard..... (to my knowledge no one has been or will be instructed to move my horse out of his stable) the daughters husband was drilling a hole in my stable so the horse the other side could see in.

I’m quite laid back and didn’t have a problem with this but after he’d finished drilling there was large bits of wood in my hay bucket which he had not bothered to move whilst drilling. My only concern is I was not even notified of this and I do t actually want anyone going into my stable to move my horse without ringing me or letting me know...

I am also under the impression that I rent my stable and therefore the yard owners daughter and her husband should not be entering my stable at all let alone drilling a hole without my prior permission?

It’s just made me think what else might they do whilst I’m not down the yard etc

What are people’s thoughts on this?

comments for what they're worth.

maybe he just happened to have time available and thought he'd crack on
you say you got there and he was drilling, so maybe he would have cleared up after himself if you hadn't arrived
renting livery space is not the same as renting a house its a service not an exclusive right and moving of horses around is not something to get too het up about unless there is a specific exclusion in your agreement (ie your horse is normally on single turnout and he is put in shared without warning

to me just say you would be happier if they let you know ahead of time if they planned on moving him for maintenance purposes as he can sometimes be silly and you'd hate for him to injure one of them or himself, obviously if its an emergency then just call/text and let you know when they can.


Well-Known Member
21 November 2010
south East
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gosh I am on a DIY yard and would always be notified if anything done to stables or field so horses can be got out or tied up by me personally. I think horses should only be moved/touched by their owners or sharers unless agreement is in place. What if said horse had taken offence and pulled back got loose and done damage? I just think a text or phone call would have been courteous.


Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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gosh I am on a DIY yard and would always be notified if anything done to stables or field so horses can be got out or tied up by me personally. I think horses should only be moved/touched by their owners or sharers unless agreement is in place. What if said horse had taken offence and pulled back got loose and done damage? I just think a text or phone call would have been courteous.

So what happens in a flood or fire???


Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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I really don't think you are as laid back as you claim.

But seriously -if you are on a yard where the YO doesn't have care & control insurance then you really do need to be moving - and as soon as possible. You should not ever have your horses on a yard without suitable insurance.

Don't see why - there are a lot of yards who don't offer insurance - as long as it is stated in the contract or yard rules for all to see, then it does not make it a bad yard if they don't have it. I have been on many yards who don't have yard insurance - it was spelt clearly to me when i went there, my horses were fully insured for most things and that was never a bother to me, nor would it be now as long as it is written down.
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Well-Known Member
2 July 2009
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I would have preferred notice unless it was an emergency . I also would not like a peephole as my horse hates to be overlooked in his stable and would probably end up double-barrelling to adjoining wall.


13 May 2007
Northern Ireland
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Don't see why - there are a lot of yards who don't offer insurance - as long as it is stated in the contract or yard rules for all to see, then it does not make it a bad yard if they don't have it. I have been on many yards who don't have yard insurance - it was spelt clearly to me when i went there, my horses were fully insured for most things and that was never a bother to me, nor would it be now as long as it is written down.

Just because they've told you they don't have insurance doesn't stop you suing them if anything happens.

Anyway, the OP doesn't actually know whether they have it or not.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2010
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Don't see why - there are a lot of yards who don't offer insurance - as long as it is stated in the contract or yard rules for all to see, then it does not make it a bad yard if they don't have it. I have been on many yards who don't have yard insurance - it was spelt clearly to me when i went there, my horses were fully insured for most things and that was never a bother to me, nor would it be now as long as it is written down.

Insurance isn't there to protect the livery, it's there to protect the yard owner! If a horse or owner gets injured and the yard is liable, lack of insurance just means the costs of meeting the claim are covered by selling the assets.

It's more of a hassle for the livery to extract the cash (and might be impossible if the assets aren't there) so it would be crazy to livery somewhere without it - but lack of insurance does NOT mean a yard can't be liable for a very large bill!


Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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Just because they've told you they don't have insurance doesn't stop you suing them if anything happens.

Anyway, the OP doesn't actually know whether they have it or not.

No it doesn't but if a yard does not have it as long as liveries know it - then that is the yards risk if they want to do it, and if they don't they run the risk, but if they are happy to it is their problem.

There has to be some cheaper yards who charge less because of lack of insurance or other thing - and owners choose to stable a horse without insurance and they accept it then. No one has the right to slate a yard who does not offer it, they just choose a pricier yard which does, no one forces them to stable there.

I know many round here who have no insurance as the cost of having it out weighs the cost of running it.

Anyway I said my bit. Down to an individual and a yard.
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Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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Wow, pretty shocking to read from an yard owner that they don't think not having insurance is an issue. I hope they never have to try that out.


Well-Known Member
4 November 2010
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Wow, pretty shocking to read from an yard owner that they don't think not having insurance is an issue. I hope they never have to try that out.

I'm not shocked in this context, but I do think it's a ludicrous stand point!


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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I'm not shocked in this context, but I do think it's a ludicrous stand point!

I'm not shocked because the poster has told us that her yard doesn't have insurance before. I can't see that it makes much difference to the liveries tbh but it certainly could make a difference to the YO if something went wrong. There are very few people who have no assets at all - car, horsebox, house, stableyard for instance.


Well-Known Member
24 April 2007
New Forest
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I can understand you worry.

But try not to think negatively.
They moved the horse so he was away from the drilling.
Much better than letting him panic in the stable.
Secondly, a man, thinking?!
He wouldnt have done it it in a nasty way, but a normal man way and not think of the mess he left behind.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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No it doesn't but if a yard does not have it as long as liveries know it - then that is the yards risk if they want to do it, and if they don't they run the risk, but if they are happy to it is their problem.

There has to be some cheaper yards who charge less because of lack of insurance or other thing - and owners choose to stable a horse without insurance and they accept it then. No one has the right to slate a yard who does not offer it, they just choose a pricier yard which does, no one forces them to stable there.

I know many round here who have no insurance as the cost of having it out weighs the cost of running it.

Anyway I said my bit. Down to an individual and a yard.

So the barn falls down while you are filling hay nets because they have botched fixing the roof you lose the use of your legs .
The yard is owned by them but on a huge loan ,are you happy to have no compensation to pay for the rest of your life .
Any business that operates without third party cover is a bad one if you skimp on that there’s no end to what you skimp on .
Not a sensible place to be .