Well-Known Member
Mine is in over night. i dont agree with them being in for 24/7 but i never feel bad if he stays in a day or two during snowy months or when the feild is too boggy. Aslong as he has food, other horses around and a nice big fluffy straw bed he seems happy them few days. tbh i would rather have him in on a horrible day then have him standing at the gate for 4hrs in the rain feeling sorry for his self not eating. when hes eating he is happy. but who are we to tell other owners its not going to change what people do with there horses.
About the pts comments. you wouldnt pts a child who couldnt live a normal life so why a horse? Only because it couldnt be turned out. you have to work around the situation and give them the best as possible, what you can offer.
About the pts comments. you wouldnt pts a child who couldnt live a normal life so why a horse? Only because it couldnt be turned out. you have to work around the situation and give them the best as possible, what you can offer.