Do you keep anything in the stable?


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27 December 2006
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So I've always kept my stable empty of anything that didn't have to be in there. Several others on my yard have rug racks and tack boxes with their saddle and things in. I always preferred to keep as much space as possible for the horses.

However my tack room is now not really usable. The gutter is broken so everytime it rains it just pours straight into my tack room. It won't get fixed. I've been asking for a long time.
So now I'm thinking of putting some sort of saddle box in the stable for my hat boots and tack. My saddles are really mouldy, especially the one I don't use :-( I haven't dared look too closely at my rugs yet but any of those that aren't totally ruined will likely go home into my garage.
Ideally I want one box left in the tack room that I can keep my grooming kit, headcollars, first aid etc in and then I'll keep feed and tools in there.

Do you keep anything in your stable??


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13 March 2010
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I have a ledge around my stable and I keep loads of stuff on it, including sprays, radio and stirrups, etc but I'm lucky I have a horse who has never touched it. There's no way we could do that with the youngster as everything would be on the floor and trashed. I also tend to keep rugs draped over the haybar I don't use!

Should add we don't have a tack room so most stuff goes in my car or in the garage at home.


Well-Known Member
20 March 2009
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I don't now because my ponies are at home and I have places to keep things. At the last livery yard I was on I used to keep my rugs hung over the partitions between the stables, apart from one pony who I couldn't do that with because she pulled them off and dragged them round the stable.

be positive

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9 July 2011
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I think unless the stable is larger than average, or the horse smaller, I would not want to reduce the space they have or put in anything that may be a hazard if they roll into it, even rugs hanging up can get caught by a flailing hoof, I certainly wouldn't want to risk my horse or tack by leaving the unsupervised however sturdy the box, not to mention the risk of theft if it becomes common knowledge that tack is unsecured.

I would rather get a decent box to put inside the tack room so it can be kept dry or find someone to do the guttering if that is the only reason the rain gets in it shouldn't be too difficult to fix and may be cheaper than buying a couple of boxes.

The Fuzzy Furry

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24 November 2010
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I just have old brushes on the ledges.

Friend on livery has a tack storage box, made across the corner of each stable, it's lockable and she can get saddle, bridle, horse boots etc in it, grooming kit on it and hangs a spare rug on a wall.
These storage cupboards are triangular in shape and about 4ft tall. They do have a shared tackroom too and the yo won't guarantee security if stored in stable as most use those for grooming stuff and spare kit.


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25 October 2010
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I keep my big horses tack box and sometimes rug in the corner. He doesn’t bother them. I’d not keep anything in my minis stables cause they bloody destroy everything


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3 August 2009
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My pony would think Christmas had come early if I started putting things in her stable. She already stretches over the door to grab anything within reach, including other people's coats or tack, so no, definitely not.


Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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So I've always kept my stable empty of anything that didn't have to be in there. Several others on my yard have rug racks and tack boxes with their saddle and things in. I always preferred to keep as much space as possible for the horses.

However my tack room is now not really usable. The gutter is broken so everytime it rains it just pours straight into my tack room. It won't get fixed. I've been asking for a long time.
So now I'm thinking of putting some sort of saddle box in the stable for my hat boots and tack. My saddles are really mouldy, especially the one I don't use :-( I haven't dared look too closely at my rugs yet but any of those that aren't totally ruined will likely go home into my garage.
Ideally I want one box left in the tack room that I can keep my grooming kit, headcollars, first aid etc in and then I'll keep feed and tools in there.

Do you keep anything in your stable??

We have rug racks in all stables for those who want to use them, hayracks, I keep a plastic truck or two under my rug rack with grooming kit/boots wraps etc. Up to owners if they do the same.


Well-Known Member
25 June 2010
South East
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My stables look like messy locker rooms ... I rarely keep my horses in, though, and when I do they don't seem to mind the extra stuff for a night or two. If I had to stable more regularly, I'd clear most of it out just to make the space a bit more "horse friendly" but I'd probably keep a tall metal locker in each one with their specific belongings.


Well-Known Member
15 June 2009
Was Surrey, now West Berkshire
I'm always in awe of people who keep rugs hanging up in their horses' stables. My two ponies would probably be ok, but both Cassie and Cam would regard them as things to play with. I can't even leave rugs on the rug rails on the outside of their doors as they end up on the floor in about 10 minutes. ;)


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18 April 2013
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I would only leave things in my stablesif I specifically wanted them wee'd and poo'd on ����������


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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I think unless the stable is larger than average, or the horse smaller, I would not want to reduce the space they have or put in anything that may be a hazard if they roll into it, even rugs hanging up can get caught by a flailing hoof, I certainly wouldn't want to risk my horse or tack by leaving the unsupervised however sturdy the box, not to mention the risk of theft if it becomes common knowledge that tack is unsecured.

I would rather get a decent box to put inside the tack room so it can be kept dry or find someone to do the guttering if that is the only reason the rain gets in it shouldn't be too difficult to fix and may be cheaper than buying a couple of boxes.

This ^^

I leave an old brush on the ledge of one, and their "current" rugs are thrown over the partitions but that's it. I have 12 x 12 stables and they would be quite cramped with any more stuff in there I think.


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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At home I don't, on livery I l kept a skip bucket and my grooming bag with a few bits behind it in the corner by his waer bucket and the rugs on a rail at the back. He is very much not one to fuss at stuff though and it didnt really take up space (person before me took up half the same stable with trunks!). It only disappointing when on occasion he managed to dunk his hay then dump it in the grooming kit :D

Mum's mare you wouldn't dare, my lovely jeffries traditional headpiece on my bridle is currenty bearing her scars because it was left within reach :(


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7 September 2004
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Sometimes I might keep rugs hung over a string, horse dependant.
If there is a manger I might keep a few brushes, horse dependant.

Currently I’m already squeezing a giant into 12x12 and I wouldn’t trust him not to get up to mischief with anything left in the stable, let alone needing the room!


Well-Known Member
14 July 2010
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Nothing can be left unsupervised for more than a few seconds with my ponies - rugs are pulled of the wall, brushes taken out of the box etc etc.

I'm just pleased I no longer have the bucket-destroyer, at least these two don't play with their food or water...........


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5 April 2010
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Well-Known Member
25 March 2015
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My pony would think Christmas had come early if I started putting things in her stable. She already stretches over the door to grab anything within reach, including other people's coats or tack, so no, definitely not.

Mine too. Can't even leave the headcollar hanging on the hook outside as he throws it on the floor for fun!


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11 September 2007
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Can’t leave anything in with the Diva. I made the mistake of having a rug chest in there once and arrived one morning to find she had decimated the chest, removed the contents, hung some stirrups and leathers over her door like some sort of art nouveau and pee’d all over and torn everything to shreds.

I left my jacket within reach a few months back. I went to get feeds and by the time I got back 2 minutes later, my jacket had had some pretty severe cosmetic surgery courtesy of Dr Diva... she’d removed the pockets, pulled the stuffing out and torn it in half.

Magnetic Sparrow

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1 November 2010
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I have left rugs over partitions. That has resulted in the occasional rug on the floor, but I think that was only when I'd under-rugged and she was trying to put an extra rug on herself. I'd be very wary of having a cupboard in the stable as a horse at a yard I was at had a freak accident with a cupboard and had to be put down. It was a really unlikely accident, but the memory lives on.

In your position I think I'd get a cheap outdoor storage locker from B&Q or similar - the ones designed for garden tools and such.


Well-Known Member
25 August 2010
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Both my horses have rugs hanging in the stable and one of them has his grooming box kept in the stable, I did try putting one is Louis stable but he absolutely wrecked it overnight bits of plastic everywhere brushes were chewed so he just has his rugs in there now but he will occasionally pull them down if he gets bored, so beware some horses will destroy things left in there stable my sister left her handbag in graces stable once and her channel glasses case was almost bitten in half so lesson learnt there lol.


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11 February 2010
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I hang rugs in my horse's stable on rails on 2 of the walls (in theory 1 wall stable rugs, coolers etc 1 wall turnouts) in his old stable there was a pre-built in cupboard to keep things in (not enough room for saddle) which was handy. We dont have much room in our tack room/feed room but he's a big horse and I'd worry that it would cramp him more than having his extensive wardrobe hung in his stable :)


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29 June 2016
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no way! my little pest would be straight in/on it destroying everything!

we have hay racks in all our stables that NEVER get used for hay and so i do leave his current night rug in that (in the day when he is out) so its quick to swap turnout for stable rug when he comes in, but i cant even leave that in there with him, as he pulls it out inch by inch then wrecks it!

im amazed by people that can leave boxes and sprays etc!


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28 February 2017
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I have two rails with rugs on, and hanging up high (very high, I'm 5ft 8 and have to tip toe to unhook them) I keep my headcollar and grooming bag.

Other's on my yard keep various items in their stables with no issues but I know if I had anything within reach it would be played with/destroyed. Once in a blue moon I'll even have a rug pulled off the rack and trampled.


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10 September 2012
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1 rug rack with a turnout and stable rug on, her jumping boots and high-viz hang of that as well. There is a ring with bailer twine and my brush bag hanging from it. our stables are 16 x 16 so huge and room to spare!


Novice equestrian, accomplished equichetrian
8 December 2017
Seine et Oise, France
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I suppose it depends on what your horse is used to, and what he will allow you to keep in his space...

At the yard where I ride, there are two tack rooms for the school horses, and there are lockers where we could keep a small amount of personal stuff (though I don't know anybody who uses them). If I so much as turn my back on my grooming bag in a stable, the horse is trying to undo the zip to see if there are treats in there.

Other yards I go to occasionally have a loft space where people can store a trunk, and I've seen rugs hanging up along the walls inside the stables and boxes in the corner, where the horses are, and the horses don't nibble or break anything....

I suppose you could try leaving something of no value in the stable, to see if your horse plays with it. But I think that a storage case inside your leaky tack room is a better solution.

You can buy silica bag pouches from EBay or Amazon in a variety of sizes, to put inside boots, your helmet, in a plastic bag with tack and rugs, etc. Dry out the pouch in your oven before it loses its efficacy.


Well-Known Member
15 December 2015
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Used to keep a metal filing cabinet in the corner with stuff in for immediate access without any issues. I just duct taped the edges/corners to remove any potential for injury. I did try keeping a few bags of bedding in the corner too (shavings and pellets) but one would bite holes in them and the other paw holes in them! Also had a plastic garden trunk in one when the livery yard at the time decided noone was allowed ANYTHING outside their stables besides a headcollar because it looked untidy.9
Now I'm on my own rented yard with stables with individual tackrooms in the back of them, I keep everything in there! (And maybe converted one into a temporary aviary for the new guineafowl haha)


Well-Known Member
27 December 2006
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Surely it would be easier just to crack on and fix the guttering?

I wish it were so simple. Think the tack rooms were added on later. The gutter runs along the back of the tack rooms and there is a building behind them. There are 5 tack rooms. If I mess with mine too much, it will make the others worse.
I have tried adding gutter joints, using sealant. Using waterproof duct tape type stuff from b and q. I Cannot get on the roof because it isn't very well built.

It would be good to have a storage box for he saddle in there that would protect it but I'm not sure what kind of box would protect the saddle from that amount of dampness