Do you LOVE your horse ?


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7 April 2010
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I love him and adore him to bits. He is my best friend, he is what I strive for and one of the reasons I'm going through uni. He has been there for me through everything and whilst he's not the most affectionate horse and can simply be a swine sometimes, I couldn't imagine life without him.


Well-Known Member
13 August 2010
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In response to your thread title - yes definitely :D He's the best thing i've ever ever had, having something solely dependent on you is just so lovely! (bloody hard work, but so so worth it!) :)


Well-Known Member
10 September 2010
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Yes I do, very much so.

She is my everything, for nearly 20 years I have been so privlidged and proud to share my life with her.

She is my inspiration and she has definately made me a better person, I really believe that :) She has taught me patience, responsibility, understanding, compassion and how to trust.

I dont say it lightly when I say if she hadnt been in my life then I would not be here today, I have been through some VERY dark times and she is the only thing in the past that stopped me from taking my life.

I owe her so so much I really do. The overwhelming love I feel for her sometimes takes my breath away and I cannot imagine her gone from me.

I love my husband very much but its a different love of course :D, lucky he thinks the world of her too and so he doesnt think I am wierd for thinking so much of her although I know he worries greatly for me when her time comes and how I will cope.



Well-Known Member
5 February 2010
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I can honestly day i loved my horse to bits. And he wasnt the easiest horse to love!! He was one of those horse which looked pretty and sweet and when you went to stroke him he'd pull a big grumpy face and eat you. But he was a wee pet around me, but would launch himself at other people ... he grabbed someone by the coat one day and dragged her across the isle!! But i just loved his quirkiness and could stand and watch him all day just doing nothing but eat. He cost me a hell of alot of money, but i wouldnt of had it any other way. I miss him alot!


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19 February 2006
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I'm with Enfys. I have never loved a horse, and find it an odd concept.

I don't have my own horse, so my opinion is probably invalid :rolleyes: but I have spent a long time caring for individual horses, getting to know them etc and whilst I care a lot for them, enjoy being around them and would happily slaughter anyone who harmed is definitely not love...


Following a strict mediterranean diet...
8 July 2010
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I love the horse I have now and will do anything for him.

However, having worked on big yards in the past, I can't say I 'loved' any of the horses there. I had a soft spot for a few that I shared a bond with but can't say I fell in love with any of them. I've also had horses of my own in the past and can probably say only one other that I've loved as much. Oh and of course, my first pony!!!

I guess it depends on your level of connection!


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17 November 2009
West Sussex almost Hants
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Toffee has seen 4 horses come and go with me and shes stood there whinnying at the gate. Shes my first pony and a family pet, shes loved by everyone (my dad says he doesnt but has hinted that I should never sell her).

Samba has definately touched something not sure what but she amazes me with her day to day progress :D

However do wonder how I will be once I have my own human babies where will my horses lie then? I honestly do not know.


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4 December 2008
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More than anything else. she comes before everything including myself lol
She is cuddly and affectionate and knows who her mum is
I don't knw how anyone. Can not love their horse


Well-Known Member
14 March 2010
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i love my ponies. they mean everything to me.
cloud has put me through hell and back, i have had hysterics after she galloped off, spent days crying when she was nearly pts, and had some of the best rides of my life on her. she is far from perfect, but gives me her all and i just love her to bits.

matrix is a quirky thing, he can be grumpy, badly behaved and at times i want to pull my hair out, but again i love him to bits. he is really precious to me, had him 5 years, cant imagine him not being there. i love him, quirks and all, and seeing him tranform from lame, scared pony into a county level show pony with serious attitude is just so rewarding. he has a certain charisma about him, and draws people in whereever he goes. he is a handful, a challenge but i love him just as he is. he makes me laugh everytime i see him with his personality and all he has to do to win me over is whinny at me and all is forgiven. very very special boy.

i love my share pony too. she is not mine so perhaps is not quite the same, but over thet past few months we have built up a really nice bond. i know her owner will always be number one, but i am happy to be her devoted aunt :D


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24 October 2010
Pamber Heath, Hampshire
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:pYes I love both my boys - only been involved with horses since march time - fell in love with Archie (new forest yearling who looks like a donkey!) when I was in field loaning another horse - he would come running up to me neighing so when the lady was selling him I couldn't resist. And then Echo terrified me when first met him till i realised he had an evil eye (with white edge) but it soon turned to love and ended up buying him too. I no longer have anything with lady I got them from and her horses so am on my own and we're learning together - they're happy and they're healthy and have a race to see how can get to me first - I can't imagine not having them now


Well-Known Member
28 December 2008
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Is can understand why a jocky may not actually love horses, they are usually born into a racing family, or see it a job they can do as they are brought up in an area that has lots of stable jobs in the local area, and happen to be the right size and weight.
They get paid to do it.

But I do love my horse, I moan about him sometimes and he can be a pig some days to ride, but he still runs over when I get to the yard and always sticks his nose up for a kiss over the stable door, and with his big brown eyes its hard not to love him.


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3 September 2010
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I have to agree, i love my horse even though he's not strictly mine. T%hey give you so much one you really get to know them, i think my hubby can be a bit jealous but it's hard not to get attached and i wouldn't be without horses in my life now.

Echo Bravo

Well-Known Member
6 August 2009
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Yes Ilove my hubby and over the years have shared my life with umpteen horses, dogs and cats, not to forget the cows,chickens and pigs. All my horses I have loved but not the same intensity from one horse to another, my old skewbald and Angel my old mare now who was a complete nightmare when I first bought her, I'm devoted too. the other 3 I love dearly but not in the same way, same as my dogs. The love of my life Sam, died from cancer,we had him put down when we found out how bad it was, that was 5 years ago, we have 4 dogs now and although they will never replace Sam, I love them dearly and they like my hubby and horses are worth getting up for each day. And this winter I walked 4 miles in heavy snow,dragging the dogs behind to go and do my horses.So must be love:D:D:D:D


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18 October 2009
Tipperary, Ireland
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I love horses but i think there are some that you love more than others. My cooper was one in a million, i loved him sooooo much, he really was under my skin. (RIP cooper - nearly 12 mths now). I do love the 2 i have now, and some of the riding school ponies, but i dont have the same feeling for all horses. I like all horses, but dont love them all.
I can, however, understand what ruby walsh is saying though, in so far as, he doesnt have the same love we have, but he's the one losing out though, because they have much affection to offer, maybe it's just that those horses that he races are not happy at what they do, so dont have the love to give. it has to be a two way thing, if you love them, they'll love you back!!!!!!

I'll bet that lots of jockeys feel the same, it's a job to lots of them, you'd wonder how someone like that could have so many winners. It's burst my bubble, always thought they had some of relationship in order to win big races.


Well-Known Member
12 March 2010
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I love mine, he's been there for me through everything (LOL I say that like he has a choice but to put up with being owned by a madwoman), always makes me smile, and really is one of my best friends. I cherish every moment I have with him, and will never forget some of the things he's taught me :)


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14 November 2007
Thirsk, North Yorkshire, UK
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yes, definitely. Without question I love him.

I think it used to bemuse OH slightly, but he's coming round to the idea! He's even admitted to caring about Ron!

Anybody who says they don't have character hasn't met our two! Everyone who's met them says they can't believe that two horses can be so different in character.


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17 July 2010
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Totally, completely & utterly!!!! And she "loves" me in her horsey way I'm sure, she is unsure of others handling her, though she never misbehaves and no-one has ever treated her badly. She is just far more relaxed & comfortable with me around, she is very cuddley with me, she will follow me and nicker to me (even when its not tea time!!) And it means so much to me :D I feel the same way about my dog who is also a complete mummys girl lol! My daughter doesnt feel unloved or second best as she feels the same way about her pony! But the OH..... not so much! ;)


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26 June 2008
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I've not yet owned my own horse, but i have loaned and shared and cared for plenty. I've loved them all apart from one. I looked after a demic riding school horse for over 8 years and i loved him so much it hurt. He knew me, as the person who made nice stuff happen like walkies and scratches and cuddles. I don't think he loved me as such, but he was certainly glad to see me. I even loved a horrible horse i rode 5x a week for a friend who wouldn't ride him. He tried to kick me, bite me, throw me off any way he could. Still loved him though, when now and again he would look at me with his smiley cute face and have a cuddle.

I love my current share to pieces, i really do. He's not a particularly affectionate horse although we have had our moments, and he does not love me back. In fact, i'm not sure he even likes me. It breaks my heart, sad as it is. But we do have fun, and he has fun with me too so it's not so bad.

I have also been completely in love with the horse of my dreams, but i only really knew her for about 6 months. She was attached to me though, and would whinny when she saw me and stand for hours to be cuddled instead of eating. Shame i can't seem to have that sort of relationship with my share, but she was a very special mare. Hope i find that again one day.


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4 August 2009
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I've had my girl for not even a couple of months and I love her with all my heart and she is my reason for doing anything most of the time. From week one, she knew it was me that was looking after her, and calld to me, and came to me to catch, and comes to me for protection and I couldn't imagine not having her, when all else fails, i've got her.

Saying that, playing devils advocate, when you ride as many as Ruby, do you have time to love every horse? I'd love to think I would, but for him ir's a means to an end really isn't it? Another reason why all my horses will be TB so they get the love they deserve as individuals once they've finished running their races.


Well-Known Member
12 July 2009
Cheshire - I'm part of the Cheshire Set!
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I adore my horse, he's ace. I have loved all my horses over the years but I seem to have a special bond with my current boy.
Anyone who has a one to one relationship with an animal has feelings for them. It may not be head over heals love but even the most hardened heart loves their horse.
Even the pros have their special horses, their once in a lifetimes etc however it's understandable that they can't get attached to everyone of the horses that go though their yard otherwise they would never sell them!!!
Jockeys ride different horses everyday and travel from one race course to the next, of course they aren't going to love those horses they are a day job but I'm sure they have a soft spot for the horses that given them a good race?!!?

All I know is how I feel about my boy and yes, I've even told him that I love him and I'm sure in his own horsey way he kinda likes me!!!!


Well-Known Member
19 July 2010
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of the 7 horses/ponies we have owned/loaned over the years - i have liked most of them - been terrified of one [ horrible horriblle rearer] - disliked one intensely [ oliver aka the git] BUT am only really fond of one - big rubes & its taken me a long time to get to that level of emotion - she is a very cold horse - well behaved - safe & fun but has never shown any level of affection for me & TBH i dont expect her to - BUT am happy for out relationship to be a one-way street of unrequited love:)