Do you LOVE your horse ?


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27 August 2008
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I absolutely love my horse

we've been through so much together in less than 2 years and he is a firm part of my family


Well-Known Member
7 September 2010
East Mids
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I do!

The thought of losing him is unbearable.

But I also recognise that his "love" for me is purely cupboard love. He's been on boxrest much of the last year and has become much more affectionate and needy. Part of me likes that but mostly it bothers me. I liked the independent little monster he was before who would only come to me if he needed something. When he's independent and barely gives me a second glance I know he's happy and content and has everything he needs- when he feels he needs me for things I know he's insecure. Hard to explain.


Well-Known Member
12 March 2010
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I do love my horses, both of them although i know i have a much greater bond with my old boy than i do with my youngster.

with my old boy i can go into the field and he will come and stand with me for as long as i am there and i dont mean looking for a feed etc i often just go into the field and watch the herd graze as i find it really theraputic he will come and stand and watch with me its an amazing feeling. All my worries and troubles melt away when i am with him, He is my everything. With my youngster i do love him too but i know that we will never have the same type of bond that me and Bill have, close but not the same.


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28 July 2005
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I don't have one at the moment but the first pony I had, I still get twinges when I think about him today. All these years of riding and a little Section A is the one I'll never forget. He could be a grumpy old man but every morning when he heard me coming he would whinny and he also tried to groom me like they do to each other in the field. I was learning, and he'd forgive me anything. Although he was on a livery yard on a farm and was terrified of cows. They were just about bigger than him though :D

I love all horses of course but the ones you get a bond with you love more, and I really did love him.


Well-Known Member
5 February 2009
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sadly no, not really.... we never really bonded and have had a couple of instances of broncing that have made never want to see him again (although just as much my fault as his).

However ive given myself a good takling to and hes now gone away to be re-backed/schooled and were going to get lessons together to hopefully get us both on the right track :). but if theres still no connection we will be going our seperate ways come spring..


Well-Known Member
7 April 2008
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I read that, and Brough Scott's article, and although a great admirer, particularly of Ruby Walsh, I felt rather sad at their comments.

My boy comes well before everything else in my life, and to see him following me round the field, I dispute that they are emotionless beings.

And i certainly love my boy, and all my previous horses. They each had their own characters and each was loved in their own way.

In a post yesterday I said I felt quite sick that my boy had to be on box rest for a few days and was very distressed as a result. I utterly hated seeing him so upset and potentially wrecking our bond.


Well-Known Member
14 September 2009
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No. I dont love my horses although I like and respect them well enough. I am very fond of 2 of my horses probably because I bred them both and they are now very old so I have been through many years with them as friends. I love my family and some friends but not horses.