do you take better care of your horse than you do yourself?


Well-Known Member
21 September 2011
West o' Scotland.
thinking about this earlier..

fox was showing signs of a sore back, next day i had the physio out and saddler seeing to his saddle. even if hes acting a bit off i always phone the vet for advice, i think they think im mental..

wednesday i showed my mum my red raw sore throat and she forced me to the doctors the next day (by forced i mean she phoned and got me an appointment even though i kept saying i was fine then came and picked me up to make sure i actually went). Ive also had a sore back for ages, and only recently looked into getting my TMJ sorted when ive been suffering from it for over 2 years..

anyone else the same? horse comes first to me i can suffer through :eek:


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29 August 2009
Milton Keynes
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100% yes.
I gave Ned 2 weeks off for a slightly sore leg. I got 5 days for a very very bruised foot and it still hurts.
I bought him a new saddle and got his back checked. I need to go back to the physio, but haven't booked yet. I've needed to go back for months.
He gets good quality tack and rugs, I get charity shops.

I'm sure there's much much more!


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26 November 2011
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Any sign of probs with the horses and vet is out the same day. Ay probs with me and I put up with it for weeks. Even if I decide to go to the docs it takes about a week to get an appt anyway. They are definitely better looked after than me.


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7 March 2008
up a hill
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Haven't bought any new shoes or clothes months, and can't remember when I last had a hair cut....

However horse wants for nothing, and wouldn't have it any other way!


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14 August 2005
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Yep. Thought about this last time.
Horses have their backs checked/teeth checked/annual MOTs/the minute somethings wrong the vet is phoned/their diets are looked over almost obsessively/feet kept trimmed.

Me - I've meant to make a doctors appointment a few times, but well... there's always tomorrow. Dentist? What's that then? Back sore? Take brufen, it will sort itself out.

They cost so much to keep and its like a child I reckon. If I had a child with a problem etc, they'd be taken to doctor ASAP.


Well-Known Member
13 March 2012
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Yes, without a doubt. Before I spent 50 quid in Matalan the other day I hadn't bought anything for myself since Feb last year, everyone keeps commenting on how long my hair has got... It has grown about 17 inches since last having it cut. I hate the expense, the time and the awful feeling of not fitting in in the salon and having to stare at my own face for an hour.

I really need to take time to look after my nails and feet, won't go and get them done by the pros but after doing everything else I can't be bothered to do them myself.

Her diet is carefully thought about, steamed hay, supplement for joints and hooves. I really need to start taking vits but don't. I know I could probably look after myself better but I just don't.

She gets much, much better care than I do.


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26 January 2002
West Yorks
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I'm the same.
I've had a back injury for about a year and it's slowly mending, but a physio wouldn't go amiss.

But Star has a Sports massage every 6 weeks, her teeth done regularly, nails, clipped, new rugs, saddle cloths etc.

I wouldn't mind a spa day, a dental appountment (well maybe not that!) a manicure/perdicure and a new wardrobe :D


Well-Known Member
12 October 2011
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Without a doubt!! That horse is spoilt rotten :eek:
One example being her wardrobe, she has every variety of fleece, exercise sheet and winter weight rug under the sun but only last week did I treat myself to a snuggly coat (in the sale!) after freezing all winter in a lightweight trench coat I've had for years.


Well-Known Member
29 July 2010
North West, England
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Yep :D.

The boy has a physio treatment today just to check he's ok. He gets everything he needs, feed, tack, supplements, bedding.

Me? I've got wellies with holes in! Very long hair that I dye myself and a capsule wardrobe!

Hmmmm ... Balance may not be exactly right.


Well-Known Member
15 July 2012
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I take better care of all my animals than myself.
I wanted to get some more warm clothes last month but needed rugs instead so I forgot about it.
This month I'd planned to get some clothes instead but the rabbit is now getting a play friend so I need to spend money on extending her home.

Big dopey horse is filthy so I'm giving up on the deep bed and need to buy him rubber matting, thats going to set me back a fair bit.

Think I'll have about £60 for clothes in the end.. Not too bad though I suppose!


Well-Known Member
2 January 2012
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Is it wrong that I take care of myself as well as my horse? He is my pride and joy, has everything that he needs and looks smart; but I don't do that at the expense of getting my hair cut and taking care of my nails! But then before becoming a horse owner five years ago I used to have my hair coloured and have nail extensions; since buying my boy I have sacrificed those (and many other things including buying so many clothes) and I don't miss them at all. But I still like to make an effort every day, besides I have to for work.

However I'm sure that my horse eats a more balanced diet than I do, but that is probably the only thing that is better. But then all animals probably eat better than their human owners, it's just how animal food is manufactured. I just think that if I don't look after myself then I won't be able to carry on working and looking after him as well as I do, because I'll be ill or have a bad back or whatever!


Well-Known Member
18 September 2012
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Yup, for sure. I spend my time making sure he is putting on weight, researching new feeds, etc etc etc... When what I should be doing is going to gym myself, cooking for OH... One of my new years resolutions was to spend as much time on me as I do on horse... So far it's not happening!


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2 February 2007
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Yep - I bought myself a massage machine from eBay for £20 for my bad neck / back which has to do instead of visiting a physio .... And I've just booked the physio for my pony which will cost £70 - and ill need her out again in a few weeks!

I also bought a coat for a fiver from oxfam for the winter after spending £140 on coats for my two horses!



Well-Known Member
3 July 2012
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Asoutely, I'd think nothing of spending 130euro for a supplement for shauna's pony, Joey. Their stables are immuculate, they want for nothing and I'd get the vet in a second, if I thought he was required. I have my vets bill down to 1000 euro now, and fingers crossed that it keeps coming down, :). Their teeth and backs are done religiously. On the other hand, my house is always a mess, never have very much time to do housework, my skin is weather beaten, rarely gets to see moistureiser, see I cant even spell it, my hair gets washed, rarely blow dried. I put in my own colour, dont have the money or time for hairdressers. And I'd die before I'd spend 130euro on a supplement for myself.And I only ever go to the dentist if I have a bad toothache. So yes, horses, (and dogs and cats) are much better looked after than I am. Children are too, lol!!!


Well-Known Member
2 April 2010
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I'm exactly the same. Pony wants for nothing and shes had the vet out more times than I care to think about in the last 6 months.

However - with reguard to physio for her, shes always had the physio out every few months to check her over. However since I have also been seeing the physio she hasnt had any issues when the physio has been! Think we should ,as riders, remember to see the physio as much as our horses -then our horses may need them less.... Cheaper for us to see the physio to! I know I always do my best for pony but I do have a tendency to forget that issues which are created and need the physio are often created by me. I know that I sit wonky but with me going to the physio I have created a happier horse!


Well-Known Member
21 July 2005
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Silly question......of course I do

I've had a sore back for 2 years, sometimes I can't even get out of bed or put my socks on and I haven't had it sorted. If this was my mare, she would have had someone out within the hour.

Also I don't see the dentist or have new shoes as often as she does, even clothes, I think she has a bigger wardrobe.
29 July 2005
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This sounds like me - I can't afford anything for myself but my boy always has everything he could ever want and lives like royalty! He is worth it though! :)