Does anyone ever feel they are getting worse at riding?


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6 June 2007
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Quite often. I rode regularly in my teens, almost daily, then things have been sporadic since although was having weekly lessons about three years ago (time and lack of money got in the way since). Even then I found once a week wasn't enough to see real improvement, the old muscles and mind forget things when there's a 7 day gap!


Well-Known Member
21 December 2012
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You know how sometimes you feel as if you're taking one step forward and two steps back? That!
I was kicking myself today - I had thought my canter transitions were improving (even, dare I say it, sorted) but today's lesson was terrible. The trot was bouncy, my legs were all over the place, I was leaning forward etc... Sigh. I really feel as if I should have passed this stage by now as I've been riding on and off for years. At the moment I can only ride once a week at a riding school but hope to go up to twice a week soon. Just feel a bit downhearted as I'd made a real effort to concentrate on my position and get the horse listening but it all fell apart. Does anyone else get days like this?

i feel the same..... one day i think great ive mastered my riding again the next its gone to pot again.... is it me or is it my horse.... its drives me mad.... keep being told it will come just keep at it.


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20 August 2008
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Frequently! I've been riding for 24yrs and I'm blessed with the coordination and reflexes of a hobbled cat. I persevere, mostly the good lessons outweigh the bad, and I try and keep a smile on my face.


Well-Known Member
25 August 2010
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Me too been riding for 35 years and I look worse now than ever, I used to do showing and dressage years ago then had a break just hacking and a bit of schooling, started showing again and I just forget how to ride in the ring, I feel like a complete idiot and I look like one, leaning forward looking down what has happened to me ! I feel like I am loosing the will as the more I worry the worse I seem to be.


Well-Known Member
10 February 2009
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Ah Ah, I love this post and I can so identify with it...

I have never been a brilliant rider but I have the feeling I am getting worse by the day. I have had my horse 5 years and we are just going nowhere. Quite often I think I should just give up because really this is hopeless but then I remember how nice it is to go for a hack or just enjoy my horse... so I am not going to give up just yet, I am going to try and find a different instructor, a different method, ride different horses maybe as well and concentrate on what is going well rather than what is going wrong.

Pinkvboots, I think so too. The more you worry and you are self conscious of what you are doing wrong, the worse you get.

Good luck all... we will hopefully get where we want to be eventually.


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15 April 2013
Brighton, England, Uk
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I know how you feel. I've been riding for two and a half years and I still can't canter properly. You think I'd be able to jump by now! Last lesson my first canter was brilliant but my second canter was awful.
I've found that the more I think about my canter position the worst I am. But if I just canter and don't think I'm actually ok, if that makes sense.


Well-Known Member
19 May 2012
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I know how you feel. I've been riding for two and a half years and I still can't canter properly. You think I'd be able to jump by now! Last lesson my first canter was brilliant but my second canter was awful.
I've found that the more I think about my canter position the worst I am. But if I just canter and don't think I'm actually ok, if that makes sense.

I'm the same :eek: had a real breakthrough moment recently though. After my poor RI wearing her voice out for almost two years about sitting up properly...I though I was..doh! I sat correctly and magic, horse went beautifully and listened to my seat much more. :D
I over think it too and it gets in the way if doing it correctly.