Dog scoffs rat bait!


Well-Known Member
25 June 2001
Shropshire/Worcs. borders
Everyone knows the risks. We HAVE to use the stuff - being a busy stud with a yard right on the edge of woodland we are always invaded in October - and we're VERY careful! Obviously this time we weren't careful enough - or a spiteful rat decided to hurl the sachets out of the pipes we use to feed it ......

The wierd thing was the first symptoms! On Wednesday, the farrier had been trimming foals' feet and she went beserk scoffing the bits (she always does and while we try to get it cleaned up before she gets to it, she IS a Lab!!

So on Thursday, when she was off-colour and very sensitive around the belly, I suspected a blockage and took her to the vet. He thought there was extreme constipation and she was medicated accordingly,

Friday she was about the same - but had a small nosebleed (literally less than a tea-spoon). I took her back to the vet and he decided to x-ray the abdomen - found only a pile of gas in the stomach and small bowel. But she had another - slightly more noticeable nose-bleed. So he endoscoped her - and the blood was definitely coming from the lungs. He rang me and said: 'likely to be either lungworm - or rat bait!." We agreed rat bait far more likely - my terriers are constantly attacking snails - but the Lab doesn't fancy them!

He treated her for both - and I picked her up - still very groggy after the GA. But over the next few hours she did not improve - her breathing and heart rate were up and she was weak, So BACK to the vet - her PCV was down to 16 and we took her to the Vets Now Clinic near Birmingham (at 11.30 pm!) and she stayed there overnight for monitoring and treatment. Thankfully PCV didn't drop enough to make a blood transfusion essential. We picked her up at 8am and - via another trip to my vet - she came home.

The thing that nearly costed her life was the abdominal symptoms - and my knowledge she'd been scoffing horse foot trimmings. If we'd treated her for possible rat bait poisoning a day earlier - it would have been far less severe.

So the purpose of this post is to warn all dog owners: IF there is ANY chance your dog might have had rat-bait - don't be fooled by the early symptoms. Giving Vit K1 is cheap and easy - delaying it is life threatening (and hellishly expensive!!)


Well-Known Member
3 July 2007
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Got that t.shirt! Trouble is I think people expect the dog to be sick or ill fairly quickly so when it appears ok after a day or 2 they relax. Then the trouble starts! Very very lucky to get them through it and as you and I have both found, very expensive. Glad the dog is o.k.


Well-Known Member
27 April 2010
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How scary, my JRT nearly died a few months ago after eating what we think was a small wild bird which had either been poisoned or was full of bacteria, his first symptoms were staggering and then convulsing it came on so fast. Thought we were going to lose him a few times but after 3 days at the vets he recovered. Thank god for insurance!


Well-Known Member
17 June 2010
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How scary, my JRT nearly died a few months ago after eating what we think was a small wild bird which had either been poisoned or was full of bacteria, his first symptoms were staggering and then convulsing it came on so fast. Thought we were going to lose him a few times but after 3 days at the vets he recovered. Thank god for insurance!

indeed,if your dog eats or kills and eats a groggy rat,straight to the vet for treatment please,and don`t forget a lepto booster at the same time,been there,but all ok with prompt treatment


Well-Known Member
9 May 2007
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Gosh - that's scary. Hope she recovers fully. Haven't had a problem before but new flat coat is the greediest dog I've every met so will be mega careful.


Well-Known Member
11 August 2008
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My boxer are a large bit if rat poison , lucky my farmer noticed her eating it or I'd of been none the wiser. I rushed her to the vets and she got her stomach pumped and some vitamin jab, she was ok but gosh I was worried sick


Well-Known Member
1 October 2010
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Labs, they'd eat anything,hope she recovers fully Janet. We used a grain base poison for a while which was good and the dogs were less likely to eat (although we were careful where we put it in case) but a stray cat arrived and kills rats regularly and then eats them so we are afraid to put down poison any more. Does anyone know if there is any poison that if it kills the rats would not kill the dog/cat if he/she then ate the dead rodent?


Well-Known Member
5 January 2008
South of France
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Hope she feels better today and makes a full recovery.

We have the same problem with rats and the same disaster with rat poison. We used poison that was supposed to be unpallatable to rats, stuck it in a special box that was supposed to be inaccessible to other animals and shoved the whole thing under a pallet of hay...the dog ate it the same day. Luckily I heard the noise and saw his doing it so he was off to the vets immediately and was fine, but I refuse to use poison since.