Well-Known Member
I’m assuming the allergy is more an intolerance not a deadly case. Chill out people.
Interesting thread. I would love a dog. Have always wanted one. I Am also allergic so would prefer to keep some rooms dog-free just so if I'm having a bad day there's somewhere to retreat to.
I'm allergic to horses too but do get a degree of tolerance to my own, still have to be mindful of it even with all the medication etc.
I know OH wants another dog. His last one lived in a kennel in a shed adjacent to the front door and seemed content with the arrangement, she went to work with him all day then in her own space overnight. If we get our own place I think I'd be OK with an indoor dog so long as it wasn't allowed everywhere.. Good to hear others manage this.
Reading through these replies, everyone who keeps dogs elsewhere has more than one. That would he my issue with it. I wouldn’t choose to keep any animal alone. They need company, whether that be human or the same species.
i think antihistamines really just take the edge off for me. Though I did notice the other day that contact from Kira's nose whiskers has stopped giving me a rash, only taken 7 years strange animals go straight through it, MIL has a bichon x something or other and after 30 mins in their house I'm always snuffling despite dosing up beforehand. Its def food for thought though, i know OH misses his dogs loads having lost both fairly close together, at the moment our rental makes it a no-no but we won't be here forever.MP I am super allergic to horses and dogs and cats
I get little bumps everywhere if my horses lick me, wheezy, streaming eyes and nose and the allergy comes on so quickly. Antihistamines every day and now I'm fine! I'm still more allergic to the horses than the dog or the cats.
Not really, my eldest was an only dog for seven years, he does not like other dogs, including his own daughter (who is very loving, ironically and doesn't underatand why he shouts at her when she tries to jump on his head), and can take or leave human company. He'll come for a pat/tummy tickle on his terms but will take himself off when he's had enough.
He was always like this, nothing I've done, when I first saw him as a puppy he screamed when restrained and routinely marched purposely off into the distance away from people. A bit of a weirdo but in the round, the best dog I'll ever have.
A lot of his relatives have form for independence.
If I win the lottery I'll buy him a compound and occasionally throw in a live antelope for him to hunt, and he can live the feral life he's always dreamed of ?
I do agree about it being more difficult with only one dog to leave it alone in the kitchen.
My three have the run of the dog room with multiple beds to choose from, a long hallway to a very big kitchen with more beds and a sofa. They are always in here with me in the day.
Pearlsasinger, I keep my sitting room door shut in the daytime, then they join me in there in the evenings but in beds on the floor. It stays quite clean, smart and undoggy!