Donations on Facebook to buy a girl a horse...

3 March 2011
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I cannot believe you people on here! if anyone had read the facts instead of just jumping behind a computer giving your tuppence worth you would know about the story.

This young girl has horses of her own and I believe at her own yard. I have had horses since a young age and I have never brought one my self as I couldn't afford to buy outright but can afford the upkeep! (Including insurance!!) does this make me a bad owner!!! NO it bloody doesn't!! my horses have never been without! EVER!

this poor girl wanted THAT horse not just another horse! that horse had fell in love with her like she had with it. also on a grooms wage you cant really afford a big outright payment. (I've been there!)

no one made any one donate it was just an 'idea' they were joking around about originally and then thought they'd give it a go!
CNG cannot give the girl the horse as at the end of the day they are a business so do need the money for the business.

I cannot believe the THREATs they have received from jealous people. if you didn't like the idea don't follow or donate!

Congratulations to all you pathetic people this poor girl and poor horse now will end up with their hearts broken!


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23 October 2013
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I cannot believe you people on here! if anyone had read the facts instead of just jumping behind a computer giving your tuppence worth you would know about the story.

This young girl has horses of her own and I believe at her own yard. I have had horses since a young age and I have never brought one my self as I couldn't afford to buy outright but can afford the upkeep! (Including insurance!!) does this make me a bad owner!!! NO it bloody doesn't!! my horses have never been without! EVER!

this poor girl wanted THAT horse not just another horse! that horse had fell in love with her like she had with it. also on a grooms wage you cant really afford a big outright payment. (I've been there!)

no one made any one donate it was just an 'idea' they were joking around about originally and then thought they'd give it a go!
CNG cannot give the girl the horse as at the end of the day they are a business so do need the money for the business.

I cannot believe the THREATs they have received from jealous people. if you didn't like the idea don't follow or donate!

Congratulations to all you pathetic people this poor girl and poor horse now will end up with their hearts broken!

Welcome to the forum !


Well-Known Member
19 October 2011
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I cannot believe you people on here! if anyone had read the facts instead of just jumping behind a computer giving your tuppence worth you would know about the story.

This young girl has horses of her own and I believe at her own yard. I have had horses since a young age and I have never brought one my self as I couldn't afford to buy outright but can afford the upkeep! (Including insurance!!) does this make me a bad owner!!! NO it bloody doesn't!! my horses have never been without! EVER!

this poor girl wanted THAT horse not just another horse! that horse had fell in love with her like she had with it. also on a grooms wage you cant really afford a big outright payment. (I've been there!)

no one made any one donate it was just an 'idea' they were joking around about originally and then thought they'd give it a go!
CNG cannot give the girl the horse as at the end of the day they are a business so do need the money for the business.

I cannot believe the THREATs they have received from jealous people. if you didn't like the idea don't follow or donate!

Congratulations to all you pathetic people this poor girl and poor horse now will end up with their hearts broken!

My thoughts exactly! I couldn't afford to buy my horse but I came into some money and luckily I has enough cash! But if I didn't that doesn't mean I can't afford the up keep of a horse!

Damn right disgusting you lot treating a young girl like you have done you should ALL be ashamed of yourselves!!!!!! Instead of being negative you should support her!

Vile creatures


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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Instead of being negative you should support her!

Support her in what? Her dreams to add another horse to her collection?

In all seriousness where (on a grooms wages) does the money come from to afford the livery, and everything else that goes with it, 3 or 4 horses?

Really I'd like to know - because on my salary having two almost bankrupted me and I can assure you I earn a hell of a lot more than a groom.

This is not about dashing someone's dreams. It's about good old fashioned common sense.


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23 October 2013
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Support her in what? Her dreams to add another horse to her collection?

In all seriousness where (on a grooms wages) does the money come from to afford the livery, and everything else that goes with it, 3 or 4 horses?

Really I'd like to know - because on my salary having two almost bankrupted me and I can assure you I earn a hell of a lot more than a groom.

This is not about dashing someone's dreams. It's about good old fashioned common sense.

Again, hit the nail on the head.


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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excuse me!...... this is my point!
we all have our own opinions..... and people like your self are obviously bullies!

Sorry - what is your point? Because all I see is hysteria in your post.

I'm not a bully - I've just got a brain.

Oh, and I fell in love with a particular horse once - but I didn't have the money to buy her at the time. Guess what? She was sold to someone else. A wonderful home, and is still in that wonderful home (probably a better home than I could have provided). I lived......
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24 November 2012
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I've dreamed all my life of having a horse but never had any money, at nearly 50 maybe it is time to forget my horsey dreams, unless I can get other people to pay for them! Why not? You wouldn't all want to see me sad would you?
I learned a long time ago, with any animal, the buying price is not the biggest expense. If you can't afford to buy a horse, who pays if it gets ill or injured? Another Face Book charity drive?
Why should strangers buy a horse for a girl who already has horses when there are thousands of girls who spend their lives dreaming of ponies but can't even get near a horse?
I'm sure if you work with horses you will always come across the occasional one that you bond with. You can't buy them all.
And what is with the whole jealousy thing? As soon as someone has a differing viewpoint the jealousy card gets pulled, most of the people on this board, I'm sure, have nice horses of their own and aren't the slightest bit jealous.
3 March 2011
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my point is jumping on people ... like you have just done to me.

I really don't think you get the gist of the whole thing! the girl wanted THIS horse not just any horse or even another horse, as they fell in love with each other. I assume you are a horse owner so should know how this feels when you are young.
just because a girl wants a dream to come true doesn't mean she doesn't have common sense! she has enough to support the horse, but hadn't saved to buy one as she wasn't planning to. CNG cant let her loan the horse or have instalments as it is a business, their sales from their horses buy in others and pay their upkeep and wages!

no point being harsh about a young girls dream and completely trashing it! and starting up a thread about the whole thing just to get others to jump on the slagging off bandwagon is beyond me!

the poor girl has had people threaten her and CNG is totally crazy! if you didn't find it a good cause don't look an move on!


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29 November 2007
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Bullies because we have an opinion? So, you're a bully too. Takes one to know one .

What i find very sad is the poor girl has been hounded and bullied, has people coming to her home etc, i just hope your kids dont make an error one day being naive, because i think you have all acting appalling. Yes you allowed and opinion but i think you are all very low.


Well-Known Member
23 October 2013
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What i find very sad is the poor girl has been hounded and bullied, has people coming to her home etc, i just hope your kids dont make an error one day being naive, because i think you have all acting appalling. Yes you allowed and opinion but i think you are all very low.

I don't have children nor do I wish to have any . Everybody is entitled to their own opinion and posting all this on facebook, where everybody can see it is bound to cause controversy - Which it clearly did. To say you think we're all low is insulting and no wonder people react to such comments in the way we do. Clearly you are no better than any of us.


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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my point is jumping on people ... like you have just done to me.

Have a little read back at your initial post - and ask yourself who was doing the jumping.

I really don't think you get the gist of the whole thing! the girl wanted THIS horse not just any horse or even another horse, as they fell in love with each other. I assume you are a horse owner so should know how this feels when you are young.

Oh, how many of us have been in this situation? Many of us I think. As outlined above it happened to me and big time. BUT I didn't have the money at the time for this particular horse, so was unable to buy it. I cried I admit it. But really in the big scheme of things was it the end of the world? No of course not.

just because a girl wants a dream to come true doesn't mean she doesn't have common sense! she has enough to support the horse, but hadn't saved to buy one as she wasn't planning to. CNG cant let her loan the horse or have instalments as it is a business, their sales from their horses buy in others and pay their upkeep and wages!

Absolutely a valid point. I think it's more so the people who were chucking money at this that are lacking common sense to be fair, and their reaction to those who were pointing out the pit falls of such a scheme. All this spouting on about jealousy, haters and bullies is just nonsense. But the bottom line is no money = no horse. And actually the dealers with whom this horse is based can do anything they want. They are not restricted in how they run that business.

the poor girl has had people threaten her and CNG is totally crazy! if you didn't find it a good cause don't look an move on!

Which is totally outrageous. I wonder what the foundation of the threats were though. It's very puzzling.


Well-Known Member
4 November 2012
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my point is jumping on people ... like you have just done to me.

I really don't think you get the gist of the whole thing! the girl wanted THIS horse not just any horse or even another horse, as they fell in love with each other. I assume you are a horse owner so should know how this feels when you are young.
just because a girl wants a dream to come true doesn't mean she doesn't have common sense! she has enough to support the horse, but hadn't saved to buy one as she wasn't planning to. CNG cant let her loan the horse or have instalments as it is a business, their sales from their horses buy in others and pay their upkeep and wages!

no point being harsh about a young girls dream and completely trashing it! and starting up a thread about the whole thing just to get others to jump on the slagging off bandwagon is beyond me!

the poor girl has had people threaten her and CNG is totally crazy! if you didn't find it a good cause don't look an move on!

This horse, that horse, or no bond the principle is still the same. I would love Valero, I feel that he would be right for me,will people set up an Internet fund to buy him for me... When I was younger, the pony I used to ride at the riding school I felt I had a really close bond to... He was sold elsewhere, and life goes on.

The thing is I judge others with the same expectations I would put on myself. I don't think it was the wisest thing to do to ask people to put donations to buying me a horse, I would feel ashamed of myself. However I get that the girl is young and probably quite naive. However I get the dealer may have been a bit naive but she should have had the forsight to see the damage this could do for the business, when to all intents and purposes it looks like she's begging the public for a sale (I'm not saying this is what she was doing but look at the objective perspective).

The people who have threatened the girl and have been to her home I'm assuming know her personally, especially the ones who have been to her home. There is no excuse for this and it's despicable.

However, the fact is that when you make a matter public, and I've seen it written that it was a private matter, well sorry no, it was on Facebook so completely public, then you open yourself up to criticism and negative press. Any business should be aware of any actions they take, in particular on a public platform.

You coming here to call people bullies is hardly helping your own arguments, people are entitled to have an opinion, and when something is in the public domain it will be expressed publicly.


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19 October 2009
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Support her in what? Her dreams to add another horse to her collection?

In all seriousness where (on a grooms wages) does the money come from to afford the livery, and everything else that goes with it, 3 or 4 horses?

Really I'd like to know - because on my salary having two almost bankrupted me and I can assure you I earn a hell of a lot more than a groom.

This is not about dashing someone's dreams. It's about good old fashioned common sense.

I agree with this

The horse will not have a broken heart, if it is a good horse it should find a good home

As for the girl she will grow up to really understand what a problem is and what heartbreak actually means soon enough

If the girl wants the horse badly enough she will free up some of her weekly/monthly wage by giving up the other horses she has an involvement in and take a trip to the bank, a reasonably solvent person can get their hands on a surprising amount of money.... if she isnt solvent then she shouldnt be comtemplating the purchase


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8 May 2005
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1) I doubt the horses heart will be broken

2) If either of my kids tried something like that I would be jumping on them before anyone else had a chance to. But then they know better than to try.


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4 November 2012
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What i find very sad is the poor girl has been hounded and bullied, has people coming to her home etc, i just hope your kids dont make an error one day being naive, because i think you have all acting appalling. Yes you allowed and opinion but i think you are all very low.

To be honest it's the girl I feel most sorry for, she is young and naive. The dealer should have have the forsight to see flaws, with an issue so controversial, on such a public platform should be obvious, and should have stopped this to help protect her staff. I'm not saying it wasn't set about with good intentions.
3 March 2011
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my initial post was about every one in general that was hounding the poor girl & CNG and throwing threats around not you personally.... so for you to call me a 'silly little girl' is beyond me... do you know me? nope.... I could be older than you for all you know!

Yes I admit 'most' of us have probably been in the exact same situation but if you didn't want to donate you didn't have to. all my point is that it wasn't fair that the girl was given a glimmer of hope not just by CNG for the offer of giving her some towards it but by many of the general public for their generosity (which they DIDNT have to do). a lot of people thought this was a lovely thing to do.

I didn't donate as charity starts at home with mine! I wasn't pressured to, like others wasn't that did donate.

just think its been totally blown out of control..... just over helping someone chase a dream with help from others (if they wanted to)


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11 November 2013
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I haven't read every page of this, nor have I seen the facebook page. I know it is very bad form to make a comment on a thread without reading every single minute detail therein. But I shall comment and be damned. ;)

We now have a second rate, hitherto not very well known dealer who has now managed, with a little help from his stable girl, to get his name and trade spread out far beyond even his wildest dreams. And the real plus is the pair of them have managed to pull in some very nice dosh at the same time from gullible members of the public.

You have to agree it is a genius piece of marketing. OK, he might attract a few negative comments, but it would seem that they are FAR outweighed by all the interest now been shown in his trading stock. :D

Hmmm MrsJingle .... sorry but I am going to have to be pedantic and ask you, who said the dealer was a he?... I only point it out because as a woman who has worked extremely hard against the 'male' glass ceiling in my workplace I find it a little annoying when fellow women (I'm assuming you are a woman by your name on this forum) confer to the sexual prejudices that still exist.

With regards to C N G equine I believe one of the main people involved in the running of the business is actually a woman!

Furthermore, I know of a horse on my yard that has come from this dealer and irrelevant of the story to which this thread refers to, I can say the horse I know is a delightful horse with no vices or faults at all. Furthermore, if that is the standard of horses that come from this dealer, I will be considering them for my next horse in years to come. Because to be frank I although I didn't donate to this groom to buy this horse, at the same time I couldn't give a toss if people did! Afterall, I borrowed £500 from my partner to buy my own horse, as it wasn't the monthly cost but the initial outlay for him that I struggled with all those years ago.

Unfortunately, I see all to often in the horse world people with money that buy horses too strong for them or just simply don't have a clue of how to look after them. Many a good horse are spoilt abnd ruined this way by people with more money than sense and behavioural problems develop later on. With that said all to often I see those that can look after horses but struggle with the initial cost of purchasing them. I agree horses are expensive but a good horse insurance policy at £20 p/m will cover £3000 of vet bills, and if you keep a horse out a grass on your own rented land it is a fraction of the cost of a full livery. So let's not be quick to say if you can't afford £1800 right now to purchase the horse that you therefore can't afford the monthly cost of a horse full stop.

One final point is this, those that gave their money to C N G may be thought of as 'mugs' by others on this forum, and some have said they should donate to charity instead. My issue with these comments are as follows: Firstly, you assuming they don't give to charities when a lot of them have said they do, so as they saying goes 'you've made a ass out of u and me'. Secondly, how many of us fritter away £3 odd on a fancy latte, well if they wanted to instead give £3 to a stranger, well maybe that was the point, instead of frittering it away they liked the idea of helping a stranger out!


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23 October 2013
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my initial post was about every one in general that was hounding the poor girl & CNG and throwing threats around not you personally.... so for you to call me a 'silly little girl' is beyond me... do you know me? nope.... I could be older than you for all you know!

Since you joined this forum, every post of yours has being rude and unnecessary . Hence our opinions on you.
Age is irrelevant. You're still acting like a child .
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Well-Known Member
4 November 2012
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Yes I admit 'most' of us have probably been in the exact same situation but if you didn't want to donate you didn't have to. all my point is that it wasn't fair that the girl was given a glimmer of hope not just by CNG for the offer of giving her some towards it but by many of the general public for their generosity (which they DIDNT have to do). a lot of people thought this was a lovely thing to do.

This is part of my point, the dealer should have put a stop to it as if things go belly up, it's just a complete mess. Damaging to a young girl, and their business. On the other hand this has probably taught them a valuable lesson about thinking what they publish on social media or on the internet in general. The dealer also never considered any possible legal implications of starting such a collection.
3 March 2011
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who ever can join what ever they like and have an opinion, cant they?!?.... sorry am I being rude and unnecessary because I am not slagging of a young girl and her dream!


Well-Known Member
23 October 2013
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who ever can join what ever they like and have an opinion, cant they?!?.... sorry am I being rude and unnecessary because I am not slagging of a young girl and her dream!

Nope, but you've just repeated what I said. EVERYBODY is entitled to their OWN opinion. It doesn't make us nasty or horrible it's just our view. Just like you have yours !

I am sorry this girl is upset but the horse isn't going to know any different and most certainly will not be 'heartbroken' . As harsh as it sounds, it really is better she doesn't get this horse and maybe in a few years when she looks back on this, she'll realize that it was the best decision for the horse.