Donations on Facebook to buy a girl a horse...

3 March 2011
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Christ! I hadn't said that you guys wasn't entitled to your opinion nor did I say that the horse would be heartbroken NOR did I say any of you personally was nasty! I was purely letting folk know the story as some of you (not you personally) seem to have facts slightly off course!

I will leave it at that........ its silly arguing over things like this and people to judge you personally!


Well-Known Member
23 October 2013
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Christ! I hadn't said that you guys wasn't entitled to your opinion nor did I say that the horse would be heartbroken NOR did I say any of you personally was nasty! I was purely letting folk know the story as some of you (not you personally) seem to have facts slightly off course!

I will leave it at that........ its silly arguing over things like this and people to judge you personally!

That's what happens on forums i'm afraid ..


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4 November 2012
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I for one have seen the posts, and read the facts, and have formed my opinion on such.

Just because someone doesn't share your view does not mean they have not read the whole story.

Jim Moriarty

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12 March 2009
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It's funny to see people come on here just to cause trouble. Stick to facebook!

That's where I suspect the 'threats' we have been accused of issuing originate, not here.

Similarly, I don't even think these 'newcomers' to the thread (yes, i know I'm one too), have actually read it and are just hopping onto the knee-jerk-reaction-to-bull-I-read-about-a-thread-on-H&H-on-Faceache bandwagon.
3 March 2011
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OMFG! I will stick to Facebook at least its not like this! this is why I haven't been on for a couple of years everyone has their own opinions (which is fair enough) but wont allow other people to air their thoughts as you 'gang' up on them!


Well-Known Member
19 October 2009
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I have hereby informed Frank that he must be more broken hearted if I go away in future and someone else has to feed him :p

Tell him he should probably stand in a corner with his head down scuffing his feet and looking dejected! at least he knows you will come back whereas the horse in this case now faces a life without the chance of anyone to love her. no one at all :(
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Well-Known Member
23 October 2013
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That's where I suspect the 'threats' we have been accused of issuing originate, not here.

Similarly, I don't even think these 'newcomers' to the thread (yes, i know I'm one too), have actually read it and are just hopping onto the knee-jerk-reaction-to-bull-I-read-about-a-thread-on-H&H-on-Faceache bandwagon.

Completely agree. They only came along as HHO was mentioned in a status. I bet a few of them end up staying.. :rolleyes:
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Jim Moriarty

Well-Known Member
12 March 2009
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OMFG! I will stick to Facebook at least its not like this! this is why I haven't been on for a couple of years everyone has their own opinions (which is fair enough) but wont allow other people to air their thoughts as you 'gang' up on them!

Sorry if you feel my asking you to show where these threats are on here to be ganging up on you, but you threw the mud, time to back up the accusation.


Well-Known Member
23 October 2013
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OMFG! I will stick to Facebook at least its not like this! this is why I haven't been on for a couple of years everyone has their own opinions (which is fair enough) but wont allow other people to air their thoughts as you 'gang' up on them!

I'm guessing this comment is aimed at me. Listen, love. You can come on here and post whatever you like, the chances are we will never meet each other and so your comments are meaningless to me. We have no issue with you staying around and voicing your opinions - That's what forums are for. Just don't be rude about it as that's where people start ganging up on you!


Well-Known Member
19 October 2009
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I'm guessing this comment is aimed at me. Listen, love. You can come on here and post whatever you like, the chances are we will never meet each other and so your comments are meaningless to me. We have no issue with you staying around and voicing your opinions - That's what forums are for. Just don't be rude about it as that's where people start ganging up on you!

I think I love you


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12 July 2008
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One final point is this, those that gave their money to C N G may be thought of as mugs' by others on this forum, and some have said they should donate to charity instead. My issue with these comments are as follows: Firstly, you assuming they don't give to charities when a lot of them have said they do, so as they saying goes 'you've made a ass out of u and me'. Secondly, how many of us fritter away £3 odd on a fancy latte, well if they wanted to instead give £3 to a stranger, well maybe that was the point, instead of frittering it away they liked the idea of helping a stranger out!

The point is that most normal people feel that begging (and that is what this is) for something you don't need at all, a luxury, is wrong. Now, if the girl had asked for money for food to eat, or essential medication or even to pay to care for a rescued horse she'd had dumped on her without a choice, most would have happily given a 'coffee's worth' to her.

This gir doesn't have a 'problem'. No emergency or disaster or sheer horrific luck has befallen her. All that's happened is she's fallen in love with a horse she can't afford. And basically everyone sensible is thinking ' That's sad, I remember my beloved Sooty/Dusty/Ginger at the RS school that my parents just wouldn't buy for me. I cried for weeks. Then I grow up. So diddums and get over it'.

Theres are sooooo many deserving charties that actually NEED to money. Whether this begging would take away from them is rather beside the point but for this girl to ask (beg) along side them like she has a similar need is just plain wrong.

For the foolish who gave 'just a fiver' then maybe you'd have been better or giving to ahorse like this. One like this who actually NEEDS the money



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1 September 2011
I really don't know. I'm a wonderer
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I've dreamed all my life of having a horse but never had any money, at nearly 50 maybe it is time to forget my horsey dreams, unless I can get other people to pay for them! Why not? You wouldn't all want to see me sad would you?
I learned a long time ago, with any animal, the buying price is not the biggest expense. If you can't afford to buy a horse, who pays if it gets ill or injured? Another Face Book charity drive?
Why should strangers buy a horse for a girl who already has horses when there are thousands of girls who spend their lives dreaming of ponies but can't even get near a horse?
I'm sure if you work with horses you will always come across the occasional one that you bond with. You can't buy them all.
And what is with the whole jealousy thing? As soon as someone has a differing viewpoint the jealousy card gets pulled, most of the people on this board, I'm sure, have nice horses of their own and aren't the slightest bit jealous.

I agree with this completely.

I have fallen badly for 2 horses in my whole life. 1 who ended up in not a good home and don't know what happened too and one that I still see and ride and involved with just as much as I had in the past but I've still managed to live.

And I don't have a horse but I'm not jealous I'm just think its immoral to ask strangers to donate money to feed a habit. You wouldn't give money to a drug addict or an alcoholic no matter how desperate they were


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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OMFG! I will stick to Facebook at least its not like this! this is why I haven't been on for a couple of years everyone has their own opinions (which is fair enough) but wont allow other people to air their thoughts as you 'gang' up on them!

It's usually how they air their thoughts not what they are which riles.....


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20 August 2007
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my point is jumping on people ... like you have just done to me.

I really don't think you get the gist of the whole thing! the girl wanted THIS horse not just any horse or even another horse, as they fell in love with each other. I assume you are a horse owner so should know how this feels when you are young.
just because a girl wants a dream to come true doesn't mean she doesn't have common sense! she has enough to support the horse, but hadn't saved to buy one as she wasn't planning to. CNG cant let her loan the horse or have instalments as it is a business, their sales from their horses buy in others and pay their upkeep and wages!

no point being harsh about a young girls dream and completely trashing it! and starting up a thread about the whole thing just to get others to jump on the slagging off bandwagon is beyond me!

the poor girl has had people threaten her and CNG is totally crazy! if you didn't find it a good cause don't look an move on!

"This girl wanted THIS horse" - sounds brattish when you put it that way. If you can't afford to buy a horse, why on earth get out the begging bowl and have other people fund the purchase? If she can't get a loan to purchase, if she can't pay in instalments and if she can't afford to purchase the horse herself, then that's what we call tough titties.

When you can't afford a horse (in terms of purchasing it, you don't and someone else does, it's that simple. It isn't as if she doesn't have horses already, and if she really wanted that horse, she should sell her other horses to foot the bill.

It's disgusting behaviour, but that's just my opinion.

Jim Moriarty

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12 March 2009
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Sorry if you feel my asking you to show where these threats are on here to be ganging up on you, but you threw the mud, time to back up the accusation.

Shall we take your silence on this issue as "I'm sorry, my sincere apologies, there appear to be no threats to the groom in question on this thread/H&H".

That's OK, glad we've sorted that out.

Time to go and get dressed for dinner.


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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OMFG! I will stick to Facebook at least its not like this! this is why I haven't been on for a couple of years everyone has their own opinions (which is fair enough) but wont allow other people to air their thoughts as you 'gang' up on them!

Actually quite a few posters on here have disagreed with the majority. The difference between those posters and you is that their 'arguments' are measured. They haven't resorted to swearing and have debated the topic.

You on the other hand have become ever more hysterical in your responses - which give them no validation at all. You simply come across as a rather petulant schoolgirl.

Love it or hate it hho has a reputation for plain speaking, hot debate and intelligent argument. Nothing like fb.


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11 November 2013
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The point is that most normal people feel that begging (and that is what this is) for something you don't need at all, a luxury, is wrong. Now, if the girl had asked for money for food to eat, or essential medication or even to pay to care for a rescued horse she'd had dumped on her without a choice, most would have happily given a 'coffee's worth' to her.

This gir doesn't have a 'problem'. No emergency or disaster or sheer horrific luck has befallen her. All that's happened is she's fallen in love with a horse she can't afford. And basically everyone sensible is thinking ' That's sad, I remember my beloved Sooty/Dusty/Ginger at the RS school that my parents just wouldn't buy for me. I cried for weeks. Then I grow up. So diddums and get over it'.

Theres are sooooo many deserving charties that actually NEED to money. Whether this begging would take away from them is rather beside the point but for this girl to ask (beg) along side them like she has a similar need is just plain wrong.

For the foolish who gave 'just a fiver' then maybe you'd have been better or giving to ahorse like this. One like this who actually NEEDS the money


I'm glad there are people like you supporting charities, but I doubt at all money was taken away from charities in this case. People were donating because of the personal story of the girl, and if it pleased them helping a stranger than that latte would have, then fair play to them.

What I disagree with is this 'policing' of what causes constituent being acceptable and what don't. Some would argue the RSPCA shouldn't be donated to due to their anti-hunting stance or the way they are taking more cases to court and not so much money is invested into abandoned animals. Blimey if we properly debated it we could spend days arguing what charities are actually charity. Which ones are more important than others? We could argue a charity for an art gallery renovation is less of a cause than one for animal welfare? Or that animal welfare charities are less of a cause than human cancer charities?

Playing devils advocate here, if we were to take the Romanian government's stance (look at their new dog legislation) all those helpless abandoned animals would simply be out down, problem solved... Or is it?

At the end of the day the people who have donated have got something for their money - a good feeling! Now on here those people have been called 'stupid', 'fools' and 'mugs' but I wish I could get that feeling for as little a price.

Finally as to begging for luxuries I think I need to tell my partners kids to stop doing it for the things get want, as on here they would be classed as being immoral and shameless (according to some)... Boy have those poor kids got a lot to learn saying next time I 'beg a cup of tea' I shall refrain in case I too am being shameless!


Well-Known Member
12 July 2008
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I'm glad there are people like you supporting charities, but I doubt at all money was taken away from charities in this case. People were donating because of the personal story of the girl, and if it pleased them helping a stranger than that latte would have, then fair play to them.
As I said, it's may or may not have taken money away from a real charity but that's not the point. It's the fact she's out there begging for something she most definitely doesn't 'need' in any shape or form, she just wants, alongside the genuinely needy, as if her need is similar. It is, in many people's opinion, distasteful.

What I disagree with is this 'policing' of what causes constituent being acceptable and what don't. Some would argue the RSPCA shouldn't be donated to due to their anti-hunting stance or the way they are taking more cases to court and not so much money is invested into abandoned animals. Blimey if we properly debated it we could spend days arguing what charities are actually charity. Which ones are more important than others? We could argue a charity for an art gallery renovation is less of a cause than one for animal welfare? Or that animal welfare charities are less of a cause than human cancer charities?

You're absolutely right, you'll never got everyone (or even a majority! ) to agree on which charity is more important than another but you WILL get a majority agreeing that a charity should be something that benefits many and/or has a genuine need. This begging doesn't even come close to that

Playing devils advocate here, if we were to take the Romanian government's stance (look at their new dog legislation) all those helpless abandoned animals would simply be out down, problem solved... Or is it?
That would be an interesting debate but not even remotely related the the current: is begging for something entirely selfish moral?

Finally as to begging for luxuries I think I need to tell my partners kids to stop doing it for the things get want, as on here they would be classed as being immoral and shameless (according to some)... Boy have those poor kids got a lot to learn saying next time I 'beg a cup of tea' I shall refrain in case I too am being shameless!

You've rather twisted the point. Of course kids will beg their parents, family and friends for something they desperately want. It's part of growing up and something most people grow out of as they learn you need to WORK for what you want but can't afford. But I'd most certainly hope you'd be the first to give them a metaphorical clip round the ear is they were found begging strangers in the street (or online) for something frivolous!