Dressage saddles - what do you have/like and why?


Well-Known Member
20 October 2006
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I've got a few saddles to sell and am hoping to gather enough finds by the autumn to buy a better dressage saddle, as I have only ever ridden on very old fashionned dressage saddles with no real support/blocks etc.
Just wondering which ones people have and why, and also what shape/type of horse they have the saddle on, and also what build the rider is? I need one to help me bring my leg back, as it does tend to be furter forward than ideal...
Half of me wonders about the solution treeless as in theory I could use on both boys but have heard mixed reviews...?


Well-Known Member
17 March 2010
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The only dressage saddle that I really love is the isabell BUT it didnt suit my wide horse only my medium ISH. It really puts you in a lovely position and doesnt cost half as much as some of the other dressage saddles on the market - I picked one up on ebay for £350!
If money wasnt any object it would be the Jaguar. Cant help with the treeless as Ive never used one but have heard good things about them! x


Well-Known Member
20 October 2006
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Thanks farma - irritatingly I also have two very different shaped horses! One a 16.2hh sports horse who is currently in a Med tree (lovatt and rickets), and the other a 14.2hh arab who is in wide saddle (ideal).
The isabel is the wintec isn't it? That would most likely be fine on my sports horse as he fitted the standard wintec GP very well (always buy with saddler advice obviously). I had thought about those as could potentially get one each for boys for same price as one treeless type saddle!
Do they make them in brown ;)


Well-Known Member
17 March 2010
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Yes the wintec and yes Im sure I have seen them in brown. I had this problem having 2 very different shaped horses and therefore ended up with a collection of saddles - the best fit for my wide girl is an albion - I cant say I love it but its the best for her shape. I was gutted that the Isabell didnt suit her but I still went for one for the ISH just because I felt it was the best possible choice of saddle for my wandering thigh and really sets you in a good position - I had ridden in a few before I bought it and just instantly loved it.
BTW whilst you are shopping alot are fitted with CAIR system which Im sure suits some but I was strongly advised against by several saddlers.


Well-Known Member
20 October 2006
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Lol we obviously have similar shaped horses - my wide arab is currently doing all three disciplines in his albion XC saddle as his ideal jessica just isn't fitting him well any more.
I just had a look on ebay and discounted (before reading your post) all the cair ones, as I have also heard many negative reviews! Looks to be reasonable prices tho.
What was prob with your wide horse? Were they not wide enough? Mine's problem is he is a bit croup high so saddles tend to drop in front and lift behind. He's an awkward fit. My sports horse type is the opposite, built uphill (wasn't battling conformation again!) and hence much easier to fit!


Well-Known Member
18 December 2010
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Don't ever get an Albion SLK. It is horrible. Pommel is too high and seat is too deep, knee rolls are very awkward. So uncomfy!

Can 100% recommend Bates Innova w/standard blocks. Sister has it, it is incredible. Like sitting on butter. Only saddle I've ever sat in that has never given me a sore back. My legs tend to slip forward too, but they didn't move whilst I was sitting in that! (For the record she had the inside stripped of all the cair etc and reflocked with traditional materials).

Have heard good reviews about the wintec range.


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16 January 2008
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I can second the bates innova, both of my boys have one, one is medium tree on a kwpn, the other is mw tree on a chunky cob type. I know that saddlers can strip the cair out and this seems to be the fashion at the moment. I love it and it always puts me in the right position, I tip forward terribley, and am all for riding jockey length, but the innova makes me sit tall and with my legs long and down!


Well-Known Member
26 April 2010
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Have the Albion SLK on my ISH and love it. Its on a wide tree and have had the flaps slightly shortened to suit my leg length - it has large knee rolls and a nice deep comfy seat.


Well-Known Member
17 March 2010
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Yes ecrozier thats exactly it - even though they fit I feel like I am tipping forwards and leaning down the neck rather than sitting up as per the isabell.


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30 August 2008
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Rauti has got an Albion SLK (which I love, it's my favourite saddle ever!) and Frodo has got a Jaguar XKC, both are very comfy with smallish knee blocks (you don't want them too big/obtrusive as you don't want your legs to be forced into a fixed position!)

I also really like Prestige saddles and of course if money was no object I'd go for a Hennig, but right now I cannot justify Hennig prices :)


Well-Known Member
17 March 2010
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Rauti has got an Albion SLK (which I love, it's my favourite saddle ever!) and Frodo has got a Jaguar XKC, both are very comfy with smallish knee blocks (you don't want them too big/obtrusive as you don't want your legs to be forced into a fixed position!)

I also really like Prestige saddles and of course if money was no object I'd go for a Hennig, but right now I cannot justify Hennig prices :)

Im so jealous would love either one you have! x


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14 November 2005
Parisienne Dressage
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I've got a Wow dressage saddle which im really hoping is going to suit my rising 3yr old next year (as at the moment its sat in my cupboard doing nothing).

However ive recently been riding a horse that has a Bates Innova and i love it, its the most comfortable saddle ever.

Ive got to get a new dressage saddle for my mare once shes back in work in October after weaning (in foal at the moment) and ive no idea what to get - shes very wide, with no wither and a bit croup high which makes saddle fitting a total nightmare. I couldnt get my Wow to fit her at all so just gave up with it. She did have an SLK Ultima but that got too narrow and i found it really uncomfortable. I think im probably going to have to go for the Throwgood Cob dressage saddles that they do for ''wider'' horses as im at a loss as to what else will fit her. I do like the new wintec contourbloc but again i dont think it will suit her.

Honkey : )

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3 June 2010
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I have a keifer paris on my ISH who is 7 , its incredibly comfy and as i can struggle with my lower leg coming foward. The other horse i ride has a sue carson standered that is brilliant to ride in! Both can be altered regulary and are very good to ride bigger moving horses in : )


Well-Known Member
18 December 2010
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Pink_Lady & FB...... do you want to buy Bruces Albion off us? I haaaaaaate it. Gives me crotch, bum and back ache!


Well-Known Member
20 October 2006
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Ive got to get a new dressage saddle for my mare once shes back in work in October after weaning (in foal at the moment) and ive no idea what to get - shes very wide, with no wither and a bit croup high which makes saddle fitting a total nightmare. .

This is my little one's exact problem - he's wide through his ribcage and fairly flat from wither to croup ie not a very pronounced wither, and is slightly croup high - oh and to add to the fun has very big shoulders!! And is only 14.2 so can't take anything too huge.
The SLK seems to be an real love it or hate it one! The bates and wintecs seem popular choices though - are bates fairly hard to come be second hand? Would poss look to spend more on my awkward shaped boy as he is 15 this year so less likely to change shape than the rising 5 year old who a wintec isabel might be ideal for as several on ebay for reasonabe price!
Thanks all, lots of food for though


Well-Known Member
18 December 2008
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I have an albion SLK and I absolutely love it! So comfortable, best dressage saddle I've ever sat on.
My horse is 17hh trakehner, quite wide, the saddle is a wide. I'm slim build, 5'7ish.


15 March 2011
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Hi guys I have a Barnsby lorenzo which suits my big mare perfectly and the tree can be altered (by a qualified fitter) which was great when she had her last foal as her muscle structure altered. As they are MTM i had shorter flaps on it as only have little legs,
I just have a cheap synthetic gp for when we do gallop work


Well-Known Member
7 February 2006
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I have a wow with dressage flaps and I do like it but I dont have the feeling of being 'held in' that you get with some dressage saddles. I love albions and adored the SLK - I agree that they are either love em or hate em saddles (much like my wow!)


Well-Known Member
29 March 2007
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I've just had the nightmare of having to change my dressage saddle (so stressful!!!!!!). I've gone from an Albion Platinum Ultima (looking for a new home ;)) to a Bates Innova with standard blocks and absolutley love it!!! Can even do sitting trot without too much drama ;)!!

The Albions come in different shapes etc like high head (which I imagine Nikkimariet is struggling with - my saddler said I wouldn't have a crotch left if I had a high head so not surprised you're struggling :eek: ) or low head, and different seats eg narrow........


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7 September 2004
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E the best thing you can do is to borrow as many different saddles off friends as you can and just try them.

Obviously different saddles suit different rider body shapes, and horse shapes, but also riding standard can have an influence. I have even found a have liked riding in a particular saddle on one horse yet the saddle has felt totally different to ride in on another horse.

Eg - my tall N/M TB I had I loved by wintec isabell on, yet when I got J (M, WBx) the saddle was awful and I ended up with an albion. R (TBx) didn't suit the albion at all and I ended up with an Ideal Suzannah for him but that was an expensive mistake as he hated it. R ended up very happy in quite a flat minimalistic Passier.

The Passier doesn't fit new horse so the Suzannah is back out and has been widened and thankfully not such an expensive mistake after all!

I tried the Bates Innova on R and hated it, you couldn't have paid me to ride in it! So it is all very much personal choice.

Passier needs to go to saddlers to be sold so you are welcome to have a sit in that. At camp you are also welcome to have a lesson using my Suzannah too if you like. They are both completely different to each other!


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26 July 2010
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I love my anky, it's fitted with a thoroughbred pannel as my ish is more thoroughbred shape, it's a closer contact saddle and it has moveable knee blocks, one for short legs, one for average/ taller riders.


Well-Known Member
2 October 2008
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I think the prestiges are very good, and as the same factory makes the Kentaur saddles, and I have a Kentaur which is excellent, I would recommend them. My friend just ordered and received a new kentaur, and as the saddler was the other side of spain, we did all the measurements, as usual the horse was just between standard sizes, and they adjusted the saddle at no extra cost at all. Their dressage girths are also gorgeous.


Well-Known Member
15 September 2010
down south
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I've come to the conclusion dressage saddles are completely individual and a matter of personal taste. What works for one person and one horse will not work for another.

If your local saddler has a decent selection, I'd go along and have a sit in as many saddles as possible. They'll be totally different on the horse, but at least it'll give you an idea of what sort of saddles you like and find comfortable.

I'm small, and fairly lightweight these days, after a successful slimming campaign! :) When I was looking it seemed to me that most dressage saddles were made for tall people with long legs!! If they had blocks, they were always in the wrong place for me - designed for someone with legs rather than 'stumps' as Geoff Billington would say! The Albion SLK Ultima definitely fell into that category. As a shortie, I found the saddle very uncomfortable!

I've ended up with the Ideal Roella. It's designed for the smaller rider, and I really like it. The horse is okay with it too - he has an Ideal GP, too, so the tree clearly works for him. It doesn't suit all horses.


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2 February 2009
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Had an old albion legend on my previous horse - has now gone to a friend who has had a saddle fitting nightmare but it fits her horse. Current horse has an SLK wide fit 17.5 inch. Actually wish the seat was deeper but its pretty comfortable. Tried a few things with him - including a passier I hated. Not a fan of prestiges - we had one on my sister's horse mostly because saddler said it was the only thing that fitted even though we said it was very hard. Eventually it stopped fitting and she has a spalding she is much happier with - wish I had said to the saddler we would just go elsewhere and try someone with a different range of saddles - the prestige was really hard and hideously uncomfortable. If anyone wants it (med fit 17.5) and doesnt hate them let me know as sis trying to sell it. Friend of mine likes the amerigos but I don't love them myself - theyre okay but not a big fan.


Well-Known Member
20 October 2006
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Thanks all!
Def need to try a few by the sounds of it - will probably wait til
end of eventing season and then get my saddler to bring a selection for both, as they are very different moving horses and see what we can fit to either.
Thanks IHW, might at least take you up on the offer of having a sit in your saddle at camp! Maybe I need to try as many as I can whilst we are there! I am torn over which horse to prioritise as although J working at a higher level, I don't think he will be for all that long the way roo is going, and being much bigger moving than J it might be more beneficial to get a dr saddle on him in many ways - a jump saddle certainly wouldn't be a bad idea, just can't quite afford ATM!


Well-Known Member
27 March 2006
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I have a prestige optimax, its the new style and I love it. It was very expensive though at £2,750 but its really lovely to ride him and puts you in a fab position.


Well-Known Member
7 June 2007
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I've an ideal tonisha (I always call it a toshiba) which I love, have ridden in a wintect isabelle, but didnt fit horse very well and most saddlers wont sell second hand synthetics, so I stick to leather :)


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13 September 2004
Milton Keynes
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I'm a newbie to having specialist saddles of my own - and have just bought a Barnsby N-Gage dressage saddle as it's the only one that fitted my pony (expensive tastes, grrrr). I didn't try loads out but some of the knee blocks I didn't get on with, I did like the Albion (but then I always do) but this Barnsby was definitely the best of the lot. The knee blocks are big but my knee is behind them sufficiently that they don't impede my position (unless I have my stirrups too short) or make me feel like I'm being wedged back. The only downside is that the pommel is quite high and rising trot can get a bit uncomfortable - I've had to adapt my rise slightly to be a bit more up-down than backwards-forwards. Sadly I didn't notice this when I tried it so my word of warning is...consider every aspect very carefully and if a negative thought passes through your head, don't assume that you'll get used to it.


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4 January 2010
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I have a jaguar XKC which fits my 17hh trakehner perfectly however I hate it I feel very restricted in it. But to be honest I don't do blocks- its not that the saddle doesn't fit me either I just dont get on with it maybe its just because it looks funny? I think I'm just awkward ha! I love love love love love my old albion legend has very minimal knee blocks and sooooo comfy but doesn't suit my boy. So stuck with the jaguar :(