Well-Known Member
Keeping everything crossed here.
Thank you - he is such a happy little soul he really doesn’t deserve this
Unfortunately he’s still very wobbly and disorientated so he’s going to stay in hospital for at least another 24 hours. Neurologist says it’s 80% chance it’s auto immune in which case the prognosis is good but 20% chance it’s viral/bacterial which apparently makes treatment more complicated
He can’t have immune suppressant drugs until the DNA sequencing comes back from the lab and that takes 2 weeks. They’ve started him on steroids and antibiotics and a shed load of painkillers so he’s more comfortable but the neurological symptoms haven’t improved yet. Apparently it’s not a clear cut case of SRMA (although that’s still the most likely cause) due to the severity and really sudden onset of the inflammation and the because it’s spread to his brain. I’m so worried.
Thank you - he is already being seen by a specialist neurologist. I’m just keeping everything very tightly crossed.<<<<<<<vibes>>>>>>>>>.
It must be so worrying for you, at least he will be more comfortable with the treatment the vets are giving him. Can you push for a specialist to be involved?
Just spoken to one of the nurses who’s looking after him - he’s not got any worse and is very cheerful, charming all the staff but he’s still very uncoordinated and has developed a head tremor vets still hoping to give the medication more time
He’s coming home at lunchtime . He’s improved quite a bit overnight - still uncoordinated but vet thinks he’ll recover more quickly at home.