Well-Known Member
Very pleased for you.
He’s coming home at lunchtime . He’s improved quite a bit overnight - still uncoordinated but vet thinks he’ll recover more quickly at home.
Yay. You and your chap have not been far from my thoughts.
Have they confirmed its SRMA?
We survived our first night with him back home he’s been quite sleepy which isn’t surprising. He’s still quite wobbly but very determinedly bumbling along after the other dogs - when he sits down for a bit his head moves from side to side so he looks a bit like one of those nodding dogs in the back of cars. We’ve had a few wee accidents because of the steroids - he also doesn’t seem to be getting the normal ‘I need to do a wee’ signals to his brain fast enough because he’ll suddenly start doing a wee then stop, move away from it and look at the puddle in surprise. Apparently his growth is almost certainly going to be stunted so he’s going to be a very small Toller - but better a small Toller then a dead one!
Aw, poor wee chap! Glad to hear he is cheery if a bit discombobulated atm. Hopefully he will continue to recover well. I wonder why his growth will be stunted; is that related to the treatment? Definitely better to be a small Toller than a dead one though.
Thanks - it’s because he’s having such high doses of steroids before he’s finished growing
Fingers crossed. It’s bound to take time.He’s ok, still sitting and walking in an odd, hunched up way and he tried to cross the stream the way he normally would by running across a log and he wobbled off it so balance is still not great. He’s sleeping a lot which isn’t surprising after what he’s been through. The steroids are making him very thirsty and as a result producing copious wees - he’s been trying to get outside but sometimes starts weeing as he’s running to the door. Next check up with the neurologist on Monday
We got the results - it’s definitely autoimmune so we’ve stopped giving him the antibiotics. It’s possible he will get immuno-suppressant drugs so we can lower the steroid dose but waiting to see how he goes over the next couple of weeks. He’s getting slightly better every day - considering how seriously unwell he was this time last week it’s a pretty miraculous recovery! The neurologist also said he can’t be vaccinated until he’s been clear of steroids for at least two years. She said he should be protected by herd immunity but we should still avoid unvaccinated dogs - does anyone have experience of having a dog which can’t be vaccinated?