Easter weekend plans


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27 July 2012
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Is he comfy in his tum? It's just an out of the box thought but if he is good in every other way is it possible that some minor tum discomfort could be discouraging him from reaching underneath himself properly?


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22 January 2014
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Is he comfy in his tum? It's just an out of the box thought but if he is good in every other way is it possible that some minor tum discomfort could be discouraging him from reaching underneath himself properly?

I think so? He’s the least ulcery type horse ever. Not remotely girthy, laid back, good weight, etc.

Accidental Eventer

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5 April 2017
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I hope everyones sick/injured horses get better soon!

We have another hot weekend forecast here, getting very over it now. It's supposed to be cooling down!

Went hacking this morning and lunged Henry. He wasn't quite right when I rode him during the week. He is sound on the lunge so I am hoping we over did it at our lesson and the saddle still isn't quite right, his back was reactive where he tore a muscle recently. Saddle fitter is coming tomorrow so hopefully that gets on top of everything otherwise we will be off to the vet. I have the physio booked for him to, so between everything something should help him out!

I have a lesson Monday morning, both horses need a bath and since it's hot we will be riding early and mostly in the bush. Nothing very exciting, would be feeling better if Henry felt better too!


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5 February 2008
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Fab lesson on Wednesday. Actually managed proper canter half pass. I barely know what I and doing and he is learning too but this felt proper! No outings this weekend as had flu vaccine and horsey MOT yesterday. We have entered Bath and West in May if it goes ahead and they want six monthly vacs so needed to get it done to get ahead of the game. Have fun all


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1 April 2018
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No not really. He just sort of rushes behind I can’t explain it! There isn’t enough of a split between the two hind legs

Hm. Weird. Horses that canter close together can have issues in the SI (but you investigated that) or hocks (young for that). PSD also a possibility but you scanned...hm.

Though if he was a bit haunches in stifles could be a suspect.

When my horse was 5 he had an odd time with one of his stifles, but he had more clear symptoms such as upward fixation of the patella. I was told to work on fitness and see how it goes. Multiple vets insisted it was due to growing...A few weeks later the issue was gone, and it was never an issue again.

I hope it's just a young horse wonky issue. I'm a bit curious now, though. I get invested in these mysteries on here ? best of luck sorting it out and I hope it's minor.


Well-Known Member
27 July 2012
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I think so? He’s the least ulcery type horse ever. Not remotely girthy, laid back, good weight, etc.

Sounds good :) Worth saying though just in case;) It may well just be a young horse kind of thing that needs a bit more than just ordinary bringing into work to resolve. We and they are all naturally somewhat on the wonk, sometimes youngsters can be difficult to persuade that it is ok to do the more tricky stuff 'properly'! Even simple but correct stretching exercises can help to persuade them that yes, they can do it. :)


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28 February 2013
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I am working so not much happening here. Going to be quite warm this weekend, L already looks like a yak so will be clipping her out next week. I rode B the baby three days this week solo and she was great! Just need to work on that forward now. I am going to see if I can kidnap someone to ride L with us, my plan is to ride out in the big paddock and B can follow L's forward trot which will motivate her hopefully. Super pleased with her progress though. She has also grown again, I think I have an elephant on my hands o_O


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25 February 2016
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Microcob's 'tummy reduction plan' has really started - her old owner shared a photo of her 2 years ago when she was just about to pop a baby out and I think her tummy isn't much smaller without a baby in it :oops:. With the soft palate issues I am finding she can do short bursts of trot or canter then needs time to recover. Canter in particular which is interesting because her pony trot is at high speed (my thighs are feeling it) but she can go for a lot longer in trot whereas canter she sets off like a thelwell style racehorse then wants to pull up pretty quickly.

Also trialling bitless because she is a lot, lot happier with her breathing without a bit in her mouth. I've borrowed a sidepull and the basics are there but I can't stop her motorbiking on the right rein in it, whereas I can straighten her pretty easily with the bit in. Despite her age (9) she's very green but is rock solid on the roads and incredibly sweet so I'm hopeful I'll find a level of work that she's happy with.

Sick note Appy cantered off in the field today on the right canter lead with her back legs doing what back legs should be doing in canter for the first time in ages. Had a new farrier last week which has got me wondering whether its coincidence or something about the trim he did has helped.


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22 August 2016
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Good luck anyone who is out competing this weekend! Hope all sick notes get better soon ??

met a friend for a hack today and realised I think I’ve been taking Henry for granted/underselling him a little bit. He’s not been in the trailer or hacked away from the yard since December, and he’s never been to this place before. But he was almost foot perfect, even when friends horse (who is a 24yo ex Novice level eventer, who should know better ?) was being silly. Loaded and travelled like a dream, hacked round quite happily in front or behind, wasn’t strong, only one or two tiny spooks, popped beautifully over a few logs and hunt rails...

Planning to take him to the beach tomorrow morning, last time we went he dumped me in the sea and legged it, so let’s hope the good behaviour continues...


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27 July 2012
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It's only Friday but have ridden both horses including a very short, sweet schooling session for Alw, re-viewed loading with her; she says it's a cinch, where is the carrot please?? and even bathed madam ready for our lesson tomorrow. Alw will be five at the end of this month and she still looks a bit bum high in this pic - on slightly sloping ground. She is just shy of 16hh now so I am sort of hoping she doesn't grow much more!! I am also hoping that she will get slimmer and more muscly...:) :) Optimized-IMG_20210402_155331_2-min-min.jpg


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1 March 2016
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Good luck to everyone competing and out and about!

Work has been manic for the last two weeks, so Blue has done very little. Got on him today (he is usually fine being left for a while) and he was, uh, fresh- definitely needs more work! I am also going to get his saddle looked at as he has changed shape and we had few bucks this evening (I think they were just excess energy, joys of spring, but I'd rather be safe than sorry!).

Might get to the heady heights of organising a lesson, especially as the jump field at the yard is now open!


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15 April 2013
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More of the same for Rose but she's seeing the vet tomorrow AM and I'm hoping we can move on from the ridden walk and hopefully she can have turnout. Despite not having any hard feed, she's fat and lost a lot of muscle tone. I am also worrying she's becoming addicted to sedalin (not really!)but she's a bit of a handful without and I really like my sharer.
Good luck to everyone who is out competing
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for all of our horses that are out with illness or injury.


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11 September 2007
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First trip out of the year today. Millie was epic, I am so proud of her and how far she’s come. My useless body was the thing that let us down today, but bless her, she knew I was struggling and she helped me out. My lovely Dad (long suffering groom of 30 years!) came along too, so got a pic afterwards. Millie doesn’t pose (or even look at cameras..)


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10 September 2015
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It’s so lovely to hear of everyone’s trips out and about, it seems like life is almost returning back to normal ☺️

Had a fab lesson with super-instructor today, Bean offered her first ever change (and it was clean ??), working more on the connection which I’ve figured out is improved by the walk to canters. Did some lateral work and she bossed the canter leg yields, which are SO MUCH FUN to ride. Came home and checked on our results for our recent online elementary test to find we had scored 69.37% so I am thrilled and over the moon. Just need to translate this wonderfulness into a real life test now.

Following Onley cancelling the 9th April, they are tentatively keeping entries open for the 16th so I’ll enter a couple of novices then, keeping fingers crossed that it goes ahead. If not, I think I’ll do some arena hire or hire one of the local chasers courses for a bit of a blast with one of my friends. Hoping for continued decent weather ?? Best of luck to those out competing


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9 January 2011
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We had lovely day out hacking was gorgeous, lovely for him to have a few hours out when we got home and bring in late ??? think his little face shows how happy is to be out , round 2 tommorow for some jumping prep ??


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14 August 2011
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Seeing lots of happy folk out already, which is great. Enjoyed a lovely long hack in the sun at cholsey farm riding. They’ve just had the tv crew from country file this week so are expecting lots of enquiries once that has aired. It’s a lovely place and they are very friendly. Lorry went well, horses were great. Finnegan was keen and perky until we hit the first hill then he decided to conserve his energy! Weather was glorious and only got colder when we arrived back.



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5 February 2020
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Gorgeous jumping pics Roxylola! I'm glad you guys are all finally out and about again, its been such a long drag for you all. Very jealous of all the lovely green hacking.. so hot and brown and dry here.
Had a lesson on my connie yesterday, our 3rd. He is great in walk and trot, even starting to carry himself a little at times with me on, of course looks nothing like when his trainer rides him though, lol. Canter is.. not great. Lots of work to do, didn't really want to get into it, or stay, and pigrooted once when my heels inadvertently came up. He is great with trainer so its me. Need to buck up and do much more of it, have a new instructor who is great and she will hopefully bully me through it! Glad I decided to keep him though. Trialling dogs today we are all going to melt.. and working Easter Sunday.
This is his round from a couple of weeks ago, complete with new matchy!


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18 February 2015
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The wheels fell off a bit yesterday and YO had to come and help us in the school - she’s ridden M for me before and said M is one of the trickiest she‘s ever dealt with - I’ve been papering over the cracks in our foundations for a bit too long now so we’re going to go right back to basics. I’m also going to have to sort out all my position problems so basically need to learn to ride again ?.

On the plus side, the weather is lovely and we’re going for a gallop today instead :p.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Well you never know what will happen with a first timer at a fun ride. Aside from hunting, I think they are the most challenging thing you can expose them to. Horses everywhere, in front, behind, overtaking, jumping/refusing right next to you, and everyone from complete out of control novice riders, through loose horses, to seasoned hunters wanting to gallop everywhere.

The first challenge was would she load. She's only been on two journeys before and the second was about 6 months back. So I allowed 10 minutes, and she went straight on giving us win number 1, more time for coffee :)

She behaved really well tied to the van to tack up and off we went, with her gawping at everything but keeping it together. Until we got to a set of big tyres that she was petrified by for some reason, and I was more concerned about her not backing into a barbed wire fence close on the other side, she lost her footing in the mud in the gateway, panicked a bit, spun and I plopped nearly into the mud, keeping hold of the reins.

At that point I was glad I had forgotten my air jacket as it would have been £20 wasted for a gas cylinder!

Got back on using the smaller tyres of the two sets, shortened my stirrups, and from then on she was a little star walking and trotting around the course. We finished with a bit of canter close to the box, where I felt it would be safe to fall off again if anything happened, but she was sweet. Popped her back on the box and brought her home, thinking what a success that was. I could feel her growing up mentally the further we went.

I'm already looking forward to the next one in 2 weeks time.


Well-Known Member
15 March 2016
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Woohoo, these are fab weekend updates. We toyed with the fun ride, I'm not hugely fussed for them but my owner is keen to do some but we weren't organised for this one. We had a jump lesson today - possibly back to front really that we did kelsall first but we were making the most of the opportunity ?
Went pretty well, it was a local clinic and the instructor knows us from last year. He would like me to ride a bit stronger in general and I think I frustrate him a bit that I don't but we got big improvements today from Wednesday, 2 jump sessions and we aren't a million miles from where we were before Xmas again.
My owner was adjusting a spread out for us - she thought she'd done enough - apparently it made her feel sick just setting it up ? but the trainer asked her to open it more and from on board I wouldn't have bothered if it had been further - although I'm funny with spreads I don't mind a wide fence, or even a biggish skinny, I don't like big uprights though ?