Emily King crowdfunding?


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
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Lévrier;13783251 said:
Ooooo what a little charmer he is....

I don't see the relevance of whatever her father did or did not do?

My belief is that people should be judged on their own actions not their ancestors'.


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27 August 2010
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Lévrier;13783250 said:
I’ve seen a quote that someone has made on Ek’s page which I found absolutely hilarious - apparently someone has said that she should re-name the horse “Dignity”..,..

I preferred the suggestion that someone else made: namely, instead of being registered as 'Langford Take The Biscuit' it should be 'Langford Taking the P*ss'.


9 July 2012
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I don't see the relevance of whatever her father did or did not do?

My belief is that people should be judged on their own actions not their ancestors'.

If you read through the context of the thread, which I realise you might already have done, this was simply a passing comment by DCL that I queried because I wasn’t aware of the situation? So DCL kindly supplied a link

I totally agree that EK has done quite enough in her relatively short life for people to be able to form an opinion of her based on her actions


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14 January 2012
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Don't compete so don't usually post here.

Can't say I was ever a fan of the Jonty one and this one has really annoyed me at least Jonty worked hard with his e.g. with the auction etc. Does she teach? She could offer to do some clinics and all sorts of things but seems to expect everything to fall into her lap.

The donating his winnings to charity is a nice idea but which charity? What if I had donated (definitely won't be doing so!) And didn't like the charity she picked?

What if the horse goes and gets injured tomorrow and can't ever compete or be ridden again?

Interesting comment re people emailing her their address if they donated how can she tell who has? Like the person earlier suggesting they email her without donating and see what happens! What will the pack contain? I'd be expecting a full breakdown of what's involved the rights and legalities etc. Like someone said is the data protected?

She has sold this as the horse will reach 4 star and beyond so may have people donating who think he will reach 4 star- what if he doesn't? Know horsey people know anything can happen but I read she is so desperate to have people buy him as he can reach these levels.

Will there be proof of his winnings going to charity? Will there be proof excess donations are being used for his running costs? What running costs are there to cover? There was a horse and hound article on her recently and I'm sure she has lots of sponsors who provide her with expensive kit (seem to recall stirrups that cost over £100) so what does she actually need to use them for?

Unfortunately this could create a precedent for using crowd funding like people say would be interesting to see someone like Mary's views on it as she had to work her way up. If I was to donate to anything it would be for a charity for something needy rather than a professional.

Also I don't think it helps horse and hound promoting it by publishing her story of doing this as she is then getting extra publicity that will enable her to continue to get more money. If it wasn't for the forum i wouldn't know about it unless I read the article.

Ooh edited to add I've just read one of the "adverts" re this on her Facebook page and she mentions she has a company interested in covering his running costs? I thought this is what she was using the excess donations for if the company is covering this will she still need it?
Last edited:


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20 August 2008
Wester Ross, the beautiful NW coast of Scotland
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Ooh edited to add I've just read one of the "adverts" re this on her Facebook page and she mentions she has a company interested in covering his running costs? I thought this is what she was using the excess donations for if the company is covering this will she still need it?

My thoughts exactly - we're now talking about thousands of pounds in reserve for upkeep/running costs.
But people continue to give. I'm just amazed that anyone is being taken in by this. And still no update on the main page so there's a good chance people are giving on the basis of buying a 'share' in this horse.


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22 October 2008
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I fear where this will lead for equestrian sport. Today H&H have reported on a successful Paralympian doing the same to fund a new horse. I would certainly sooner support her than EK and she has been more clear about syndicates etc, but it is a slippery slope.


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14 January 2008
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All the email addresses and contact details will be on JustGiving so you just download them - has she no idea?
Mary has posted a comment on her FB page spelling the horse's name incorrectly.
Donating winnings to charity - that makes it all alright then.
You can see why people start scams - it really is as easy as taking candy from a baby.


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14 January 2008
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EK clearly needs some admin support - watch this space for the Crowdfunding for my salary :cool:
#hellochampagnelifestyle #goodbyeshoppingatAldi


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20 August 2008
Wester Ross, the beautiful NW coast of Scotland
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EK clearly needs some admin support - watch this space for the Crowdfunding for my salary :cool:
#hellochampagnelifestyle #goodbyeshoppingatAldi

Go for it - there's a fair bit of admin to be done and it's clearly going to be a long term job given that this horse will be going from Novice to the Olympics! I'm sure the people who are still donating today will be only too happy to discover that they're not actually buying the horse but paying the admin's wages!

I thoroughly approve of you enjoying champagne in the wagon and you never know, she might pass her sponsored second-hand silver jewellery on to you...


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14 January 2008
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Go for it - there's a fair bit of admin to be done

It's looking after all the 'owners' I'm worried about.
It could be like a scene from Notting Hill - you open the door one morning and there are 1,000 people out there all chanting "Hobby, Hobby"


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20 August 2008
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It's looking after all the 'owners' I'm worried about.
It could be like a scene from Notting Hill - you open the door one morning and there are 1,000 people out there all chanting "Hobby, Hobby"

Oh my, can you imagine?
Amongst the general chaos of the shouts "What do we want? To pat our horse. When do we want it? NOW!", there will be people demanding a course walk there and then, saying things like 'I am the rightful owner of the top millimetres on the tip of his left ear!"

Another one of your jobs would be to compose and distribute the standard refusal email to people who have asked to come to his stables...


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13 June 2012
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Slight diversion, but this reminds me of a request made by an acquaintance. She was marrying a farmer who lived on a large inherited farm and a beautiful 17c farmhouse. On their wedding invitations they said the normal bla about your attendance being gift enough but then added a PS that if anyone really insisted on buying them a gift, they'd appreciate money to do up their house. Getting by on little more than minimum wage, I skipped the cash gift and the wedding.


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22 May 2016
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Ha ha ha, had one of those, fab property, albeit in need of modernisation, 1000 plus acres, some jolly decent horses, lorry worth almost as much as my house.... I did attend though but gave a gift of a rose bush!!


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18 January 2012
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EK still has no update on the JG site to say she already has the money.( I know she can't close the site for 30 days but she can update it) However, I am loving the rude comments people have put on her page! Quite right too.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Slight diversion, but this reminds me of a request made by an acquaintance. She was marrying a farmer who lived on a large inherited farm and a beautiful 17c farmhouse. On their wedding invitations they said the normal bla about your attendance being gift enough but then added a PS that if anyone really insisted on buying them a gift, they'd appreciate money to do up their house. Getting by on little more than minimum wage, I skipped the cash gift and the wedding.

I don't see the problem? They said no gifts. They inherited a farm which may not have been profitable enough to maintain the house properly, and I can tell you from experience that 1700s (my stables) and 1800s (my house) properties are very expensive to maintain if you aren't married to a man like mine and need more decorating than I can do up a step ladder.

I can't see why you didn't go for a great day out, in a borrowed outfit if necessary.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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EK still has no update on the JG site to say she already has the money.( I know she can't close the site for 30 days but she can update it) However, I am loving the rude comments people have put on her page! Quite right too.

I have asked BE to act and reported her on the Fraud website.

If anyone else wants to write to him, Chief Executive of BE's email is



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20 February 2007
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I don't see the problem? They said no gifts. They inherited a farm which may not have been profitable enough to maintain the house properly, and I can tell you from experience that 1700s (my stables) and 1800s (my house) properties are very expensive to maintain if you aren't married to a man like mine and need more decorating than I can do up a step ladder.

I can't see why you didn't go for a great day out, in a borrowed outfit if necessary.

I agree with you YCBM.

We didn’t have a wedding list as we already had a house and stuff, but we asked for something towards our honeymoon if people wanted to give us anything, which they were not obliged to do. I think it’s quite normal now for people to ask for money towards something for their wedding as most people live together before getting married. It’s a bit different from just asking for money for no particular reason


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26 August 2013
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I actually can't wrap my head around the fact it worked. I feel bad for the people who have been conned out of their money under false pretences.


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20 August 2008
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I have asked BE to act and reported her on the Fraud website.

If anyone else wants to write to him, Chief Executive of BE's email is


One of the lines in my email was:
'This is a foolish and ill-thought out campaign with potential legal issues in the future - especially if any of the ‘owners’ take exception to the fact that they cannot have unlimited access to this horse at competitions.'

Looking at FB it seems that there are people who honestly believe that they will be able to walk all the courses with EK, go to the horse's stable at competitions, etc etc. What's going to happen when they get turned away? At least a couple are going to kick off, that's for sure.

The only way she could have delivered on these things would have been to promise an entry into a draw with the 'winners' getting a course walk, visit to the lorry or whatever. But if she'd have put that she wouldn't have attracted as much cash. It's really disgraceful.

Someone on FB made a good point - if all the winnings are going to charity, what's in it for the two private investors?

I don't normally get in a tizz about these things but I fear that this may be the start of a bandwagon, ie, if you can't afford it, ask the public - even if you have to throw in a bit of dishonesty to make it work.

What on earth does it mean to be an 'official part of Team King' anyway?
After this, I've got no interest in being part of their outfit and have lost all respect I had for these people.

Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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For me the fraudulent bit is that people might feel moved to help her keep her 'Horse of Lifetime' but would not dream of helping with 'running costs' of a horse she already owns. Her begging page makes them think they are contributing to the former even though private investment secured the horse days ago.


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20 August 2008
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For me the fraudulent bit is that people might feel moved to help her keep her 'Horse of Lifetime' but would not dream of helping with 'running costs' of a horse she already owns. Her begging page makes them think they are contributing to the former even though private investment secured the horse days ago.

Agree totally. There is absolutely no excuse whatsoever for not updating that JG page.
'Running costs' would be at a minimum considering that feed, tack etc is already secured through sponsorship.

Still, I suppose it means that if she spends someone else's hard-earned cash on the horse it frees up her own cash for more luxury holidays - and, of course, keeping the wagon champagne supply at optimum level...


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7 September 2004
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Agree totally. There is absolutely no excuse whatsoever for not updating that JG page.
'Running costs' would be at a minimum considering that feed, tack etc is already secured through sponsorship.

Still, I suppose it means that if she spends someone else's hard-earned cash on the horse it frees up her own cash for more luxury holidays - and, of course, keeping the wagon champagne supply at optimum level...

Well I suppose ‘running costs’ will depend on whether she is paying herself to ride the horse :D

Running costs for an owner with a horse ridden by a pro are huge. 12-15k a year for a Novice horse, all in.

And well, she does have her skiing habit to fund!

Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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Reading the comments on the begging page there are clearly people who still think she needs donations to buy the horse -which is what the page STILL says - and are giving her money on that basis. I didn't like this from the beginning but this is now utterly unacceptable. Wonder what Action on Fraud would make of it!


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Although I've been very upfront in my views on this, part of me is saying just sit back and wait for the whole thing to go horribly wrong.
The horse is apparently going to have a little rest for a while so no-one will be going to see it at events for some time yet.
Perhaps, in the meantime, some will forget why they parted with their cash.
But others will be watching and waiting for the time that they can go on their first course walk! Not to mention the stable and lorry visits.
I think that there's a fair chance we'll see the backlash then...


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11 February 2010
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I'm quite late to this conversation but if I were this young lady's mother I'd die of shame, begging from strangers on the internet for money to buy/run/whatever a horse like she's 12 years old at a riding school and its summer term.

There are many talented young riders out there who haven't had the advantages she surely must have, they're looking for that diamond in the rough and generally working their butts off in the hope of finding/producing that horse with the potential and the soundness to take them up the levels. If she's not attracting an adequate level of sponsorship in the way of riders in that sport then maybe she needs to look again at some aspect of her business model.

be positive

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9 July 2011
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Why on earth is an eventer having a rest at this point in the year the season has barely started :p

That does seem very odd especially after all the rain making the ground better, he is very low mileage, just 2 runs in May, so should hardly need a break.