Er... weekend plans...?


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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Anyone got any? no, me neither. :rolleyes:

actually I am trying to see if I can do an arena hire, venue has said they are doing private bookings. No more contact with anyone than riding at home and I want to try and start thinking about an inter1 freestyle for when the apocalypse is over so it seems like a good time while we are still allowed out with the horses.
Am putting Darcy on ice for now, just not enough hours in the day as work is going bananas so it's easier to just forget about trying to do anything really.


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22 November 2013
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God knows! I hurt my back on Tuesday (putting on my trousers... seriously!) and haven't ridden since Monday because of it. Work is a bit busier as well so I've been doing longer hours, its all just so uncertain and changing by the hour.



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31 August 2011
Northern Ireland
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I was waiting for this thread... sort of... then remembered we probably don't have much to say lol!

I've a lesson tomorrow afternoon, forecast is really good which will be nice. I got up extra early this morning to ride before work, since I am now WFH my non-existent colleagues don't mind that I stink of horses.

No other plans for the weekend, OH is working so I might hack on Saturday, that's more or less it!!


Well-Known Member
11 February 2017
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probably hacking! Luckily the ground has dried up a fair bit so we can go a bit further. Next Friday I have xc hire, it's the first one open this year and i'd really like to go still! It's all booked online and you text when you get there so they have a number. Otherwise no contact with anyone - my friend is meeting me there so we won't even be sharing a box.


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15 March 2016
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Lesson on Saturday if we don't get locked down - it's only flatwork and local so I'll go if they are running. Other than that catch up round the house, walk the dogs, as normal a weekend as I can really. Still working at the office so who knows what next week may bring


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4 November 2010
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I was out the other day, just arena hire...



At least Carrot is staying cheery in this madness:

Tempted to go out again next week. Probably shouldn't as currently no income at all due to the chaos out there, but I've never been a big fan of fiscal common sense (and it's very cheap arena hire!).

Otherwise I'll be sculpting my muck heap into grotesque political caricatures and staying home learning to code so I can demonstrate field management techniques graphically and make statistical comparisons about grass and movement stats within them :p


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
Outstanding in my field!
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Had a dressage lesson at one arena last night, and have a pole work/jump lesson tomorrow (if it still goes ahead) at a different one.

Other than that I will be hacking.

I work in a school and it has been business as usual all week so far. 350 (approx) kids all round, so going to a pole work clinic with 3 of us doesn't sound too risky compared to that. Last night we even left the door open so I didn't touch anything at all except for my own horse and horse box!

The school will be closing on Friday, but staying partially open for key workers' kids. So, I still will be working probably.


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11 August 2005
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I might have a sj lesson but am wondering if I should. I mean, I did actually come off last time due to his bronking and it's made me think that if I came off because I wanted to jump and was actually hurt this time and needed an ambulance and/or hospital it would be irresponsible, so am not sure now.
Will hack instead though.


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23 September 2009
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My OH is high risk of potential serious illness / death from covid 19 and asked me not to go out and about (except for emergency shopping etc) for now. Fair enough :)

I am going to jump at home this evening, will hack locally tomorrow and one other day over the weekend and intersperse that with some flatwork at the weekend - I really want to nail the simple changes and get m to stay super calm so we can think about the proper changes

Also working on canter half passes to get a bit more sideways without him pissing off lol


Well-Known Member
22 November 2013
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Update: I've just clicked my neck (I turned it!) and its released something in my back and I can walk properly now.... this will mean hacking for me and J over the weekend now, hurrah!

I'm guessing I'm a fully qualified chiro now because of the above (disclaimer: I don't really think this, and even if I did I don't like touching people.... ha!)


Well-Known Member
9 May 2007
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Erm - nothing. Sprog broke her neck 3 weeks ago (yes a horse was involved) and is stuck at her house so am trying to survive with two horses at home, 60 hours a week minimum work - the C word is definitely a swear word here. Luckily a lovely friend is helping with the yard 3 x a week and non horsey OH has made a miraculous transformation to very horsey OH!

As both been off work for 3 weeks as I'm in survival mode, may get on one this weekend and lunge t'other.... Wish me luck!


Well-Known Member
9 April 2019
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Well at the moment I am hoping to hack on Saturday, then the yard riding club is running a 'Handy Horse/TREC' style competition on Sunday. No idea if it will still be going ahead at the moment, but it would be something to make me smile, much needed after a very difficult day so far at work - I work in a secondary school with a sixth form and students are devastated. Not to mention the ones for whom school is a lifeline. I've had to take a moment away at my desk for a quick cry.
Stay safe everyone whatever you are doing.


Well-Known Member
10 February 2017
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Hoping to go hacking this weekend with my husband now his horse is up and running and we are child free. So long as nothing changes and we end up on lockdown.

Stay safe everyone.


Well-Known Member
27 January 2009
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No idea! We were due to go up to my OH's parents for the weekend but obviously that's off. Probably a school and a hack. Excitingly, we got planning permission through today for an extension on my house which we're doing ourselves*, so that will keep us busy as long as builder's merchants don't go into lockdown...

*which actually means OH is doing it, and I'm paying ;)

Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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Stay safe everyone!

Worried we might be going into stricter lock down but hoping to get to ride this weekend.

I would not worry about that at the moment. The Govt has been clear that social distancing does not mean staying inside. They want people out and about getting fresh air and exercise eg in parks, walking, playing tennis, golf...... And Horse riding!(I added that but it's true).


Well-Known Member
15 March 2016
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Oh Nicnac, that sounds rough. Take care of yourself.

I think the riding issue is one of risking injury AE, it's not the social distancing so much; I've seen in Spain that nobody is allowed to ride even on their own property because of the strain the health service is under already.

It all seems quite surreal at the moment, I don't know anyone directly affected, the published numbers are low (because we aren't testing) and yet the whole world is vastly changed. It's all very odd


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15 September 2018
Dartmoor, Devon
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I collected my new loan pony yesterday (a Highland) so may get on her. She currently is eyes on stalks as if she’s never seen a chicken or goose before (she has!) so I want her to chill a bit first, also I only rode three times last year due to Tinners chronic issues so am very very rusty and will only be getting on if OH can walk with me.

it’s only three weeks since he was pts so this little mare has come maybe too quick, but she may help me a lot...


Well-Known Member
15 April 2013
South Worcestershire
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Nicnac, sorry to hear about your "sprog" hears to a speedy and complete recovery.
Good to see people are still able to get out to ride even if the comps are all off. I've felt a bit stressed this week as one of my daughters was out in Sri Lanka, not due to come home until next weekend with Sri Lanka closing it's airport etc but thankfully she got on a flight this morning and is due to land around 19.00. As a trainee anaesthetist, she'll be working in intensive care with CV patients and we are self isolating so I won't be able to see her but at least she'll be home. I've put brave pants on and been riding Rose here at home and she's been fine, no naughty napping. Local trainer came over and schooled her for me on Wednesday and I hacked out today, which was great for us both, I think. Hopefully I'm having a lesson on Saturday. Although self isolating I've got bio security measures in place so hopefully we'll be OK. I couldn't bare not to ride.
Keep safe everyone.


Ah mud, splendid
6 May 2013
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Hacking the two horses and might start playing with the idea of getting on pebbles again after a winter off :D.

I have a day off work tomorrow (save for dashing in for an hour in the morning), and it is all a bit weird because I'm not sure if I'll be told not to go in on Monday as they've shut the factory down, or told I'm working on the shop floor to cover.

Since everything is a bit surreal atm I think some living in the moment horsey time is just the ticket. Oh and mending fences of course - we're always mending bloody fences

Chin up everyone. Hope things settle down for you nicnac - you sound like you're doing amazingly given the circumstances