Eurgh some people - sorry rant!!


Well-Known Member
2 January 2005
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As some of you know we have been having a few problems with 2 of the liveries down our yard. They turned funny and we have no idea why.

Anyway i started having lessons off of this really good instructor, my friend was so impressed by her that she asked if her daughter could start having lessons with her too. I asked my instructor who was quite happy to take this child on too so whenever i wanted a lesson i would just ring her and book us both in.

My instructor had to cancel on her last lesson coz she got kicked. The lady then said could she have my instructors number so that she could take her child to her. I was a bit annoyed about this as i thought she would of had the decency to ask if i wanted to go as well (i always pay my way and my horse is a good traveler etc). I said to her that instructor was coming the following week anyway so the lady said she would wait until then but our sand school is like a river so i haven't been able to book her up.

Then on Saturday i came down to find this lady's pony loaded and they were just about to leave the yard. Turns out she had gone behind my back to get my instructors number from someone else and had arranged a lesson without even asking me if i wanted to go.

If it wasn't for me her daughter would still be struggling by without any lessons so i thought she would of been nice enough to say would i like to go to seen as our sans school is not suitable at the mo.

Instead she said 'i will let you know what her yard is like'. To which i said 'well it doesn't matter to me as i cant get there can i'. And all she said was 'well i spose not but i will still let you know if its all posh. So i told her not to bother.

My friend also asked if she could tag along to the vets with this womens pony so that her horse could get its jabs and in return she would fill this womens lorry up with diseal. Her horse wouldn't even need to be taken off the box and could be done whilst this lady's pony was having its scan. Lady said she wasn't taking the pony til next year now and my friend found out the other day that she has already taken him but didn't mention it so that my friend couldn't go.

Why are some people so weird??


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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Think your nose is a bit out of joint because you don't have your own transport to travel your horse - and whilst it would be nice if she had offered to take you I really don't think that she's been underhand or done anything wrong.

Maybe she just likes to be independent and not viewed as transport for the whole yard........


Well-Known Member
12 June 2005
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O purlease. This sort of thing really gets my goat. First off - the instructor isnt owned by you, if someone else gave her the number so what? Its not going behind your back for gods sake. Its got nothing to do with you. And secondly, why the hell should she give you a lift? I go without a lot of stuff to have my own transport, if I dont want to take other people then why the hell should I?


Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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Sorry, but if this lady's paying for the instructor then she has a right to have her phone number. The instructor isnt yours exclusively.

Perhaps she doesnt want to travel two ponies?? It's her trailer and her licence and insurance.

You need to step back and take a look at this, or you'll just end up winding yourself up over nothing and making enemies.


Well-Known Member
16 June 2006
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I agree, I don't really think you can complain that she doesn't want to take you even if you pay your way. It would mean they then have to hang around while you have your lesson.
Just because you recommended the instructor doesn't quite equate to "If it wasn't for me her daughter would still be struggling by without any lessons"! Also getting the number from someone else is hardly going behind your back, you don't own the instructor, she is not solely employed by you - or is she?
I understand it is frustrating to be without transport but it's not her fault


Well-Known Member
2 January 2005
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I see where you are coming from and i know my instructor isn't owned by me (why the hell would i?).

I just thought that she would of been nice enough to offer me a lift too knowing that i would of given her diseal and that our paddock is flooded but i appreciate the fact she may not want to wait around for me to have a lesson too even if it would of been cheaper for her. And why didn't she just ask me for the number?? No-one else we know would have it coz i got the number from someone off of here so she would of had to do a lot of detective work to get it. Its just really weird.

Its not just that though, its loads of other things she has done as well that i have posted about before and i just cant understand why she has turned so funny lately. Not just to me to everyone (hence the last bit of my post)


Well-Known Member
12 September 2006
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Sounds like the lady wants to go it alone, which is fair enough. She has child and pony that need sorting, at least she is doing that.

As for lifts etc, I'd forget her, she obviously doesnt want to. I dont think she's done anything very wrong, but she should have been a little more straight and perhaps felt embarrased and so did it this way.

Of course you are all there, and she's got difficult pony and child and will be needing you, before you need her, so really its your call, next time round.


Well-Known Member
11 October 2006
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I wont travel anyone elses horse/pony on our lorry unless it is a medical emergency. Just not worth the hassle if anything goes wrong. I know a lot of people feel the same way.


Well-Known Member
2 January 2005
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Yeah i see what your saying but she has been fine in the past and travels loads of other peoples horses to shows etc that aren't even on our yard (she did it at the weekend).

She has just been really funny lately and i cant undertsand why.

Before she would of just asked me for the number and i would of given it to her


Well-Known Member
19 April 2004
Brussels sprout country
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There is an assumption among people who do not drive that those of us that do, and have a car, are somehow duty bound to give them a lift. Whilst most of the time we do, there are times when it is not convenient, or we just don't want to. I imagine it is much the same with this woman, although I have to say when we were trailer-less we were dependent on, and very grateful for, lifts to shows etc from other people. Now we have a trailer we do try and help out, knowing what it is like to be without transport. I think the woman could have been a little more helpful, as you introduced her to the instructor (although I also think you are a bit possessive over the instructor - what is the problem with the woman having her number?), and if she was going there anyway it wouldn't have hurt to give you a lift. Maybe she is just not a very friendly or helpful person.


Well-Known Member
12 June 2005
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Dyou realise that if she had taken you and you had "paid your way" her insurance would be void? She owes you nothing so stop behaving like a spoilt child.
In your original post you said she had asked for the number once - perhaps the fact that you were "a bit annoyed" and clearly didnt give her the number then she felt it would be more appropriate to find the number herself.
Frankly, if you come over in RL the way you have done in this post I'm not suprised shes being "funny" with you.


Well-Known Member
2 January 2005
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It is fair enough that she wants to go it alone but i think its the fact she has been quite sneaky about it. Ok she doesn't have to tell me what she is doing etc i dont tell her everything i just thought she would of been more upfront and i think that fact that she wasn't is what is bothering me the most.

If she had just said that she needed the number coz she was gonna start taking her child to our instructor as the sand school is flooded etc i dont think i would of been that bothered. Ok i would of been a bit upset that she hadn't asked me but i would of got over that. Its just the way she has gone about it.


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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She has just been really funny lately and i cant undertsand why.

Before she would of just asked me for the number and i would of given it to her

[/ QUOTE ]
But she did ask you for her number - and you appeared not to have given it to her (???)

The lady then said could she have my instructors number so that she could take her child to her

[/ QUOTE ]


Well-Known Member
12 June 2005
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According to your first post she did exactly that, and I quote

"The lady then said could she have my instructors number so that she could take her child to her. I was a bit annoyed about this as i thought she would of had the decency to ask if i wanted to go as well (i always pay my way and my horse is a good traveler etc). I said to her that instructor was coming the following week anyway so the lady said she would wait until then but our sand school is like a river so i haven't been able to book her up"


Well-Known Member
2 January 2005
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I am not a spoilt brat FFS!!!!! And anyone who knows me in real life will tell you that. Maybe i have come across badly on here as you lot dont know all the in's and out's and its easy to forget that when you are posting.

She aked my for the number and i said ok but she was coming down next week anyway so the lady said 'oh ok i will wait til then and see if she cancels again. So i said ok and we left it at that. If she had said well can i have ity anyway then i would of given it to her.

I wasn't funny towards her to make her feel that she couldn't ask me for it.

Yeah i thought she would of been a little more thoughtful and asked if i wanted to tag along but she didn't and as i said i would of got over it. Its just the whole way she has gone about it that has me confused.

There are so many things she has done lately (like say to us the YO doesn't want our horses out the front before we ride anymore and then turn her horses out there for a whole week when YO clearly hadn't said anything she just wanted to use the paddock herself when she could of just told us that, chucking our rugs on the floor so that she can hang hers up even though ours are wet, taking her jumps out of the paddock and only putting them back down there when her child is down there, chained her wheelbarrow up then continued to use ours). I could go on and on!! This was just the latest weird thing she has done so i thought i would post it for those who have been following my posts.

I still get on with her, have always spoken to her with respect, we have never fallen out so i just cant understand why she is being like this with everyone.


Well-Known Member
2 January 2005
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Maybe i am and maybe i am not and maybe i just assume that because i would bend over backwards to help someone that they would do the same for me. Obvioulsy not!!!


Well-Known Member
16 June 2006
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The lady then said could she have my instructors number so that she could take her child to her. I was a bit annoyed about this

[/ QUOTE ]

But you said she did ask you for the number and you were annoyed. Obviously yo did not give it to her or she wouldn't have had to ask someone else????


Well-Known Member
26 July 2006
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O.K. chaining wheelbarrow and then using someone elses is a bit odd. However I can understand her keeping her jumps for herself - If they get broken/damaged would person using at the time own up and replace??? Why should she give you a lift? I have my own transport and generally don't offer anyone lifts anymore as have had people tell me their horse is good to travel, just for it to slam itself repeatedly againt the side of the lorry, everytime we were stationary!!!! It also invalidates your insurance if you take any form of payment.


Well-Known Member
2 January 2005
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Read my above post it says:

She aked my for the number and i said ok but she was coming down next week anyway so the lady said 'oh ok i will wait til then and see if she cancels again. So i said ok and we left it at that. If she had said well can i have ity anyway then i would of given it to her.

I wasn't funny towards her to make her feel that she couldn't ask me for it.

I didn't go into full detail of the whole conversation coz the post would of been too long, i wasn't funny to her, i didn't deny giving her the number (she has a right to have it to). She asked for the number coz she was saying the instructor was unrealiable and thats why i said she was coming down the follwing week and she she would leave it then and was happy with that.


Well-Known Member
7 August 2005
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Come on people, give the girl a break. Yes ok, may seem slightly drama queenish, but please don't rip her to peaces regarding it! It's obviously something that has upset her, rightly or wrongly! I feel that she is probably just frustrated as this ladies treatment has changed towards her suddenly.

If you don't like what is posted, don't reply.

Edited to say this is QR, so not aimed at one person in particular.


Well-Known Member
26 April 2005
Sorry - I can see why you are a bit miffed, but it is such a pain getting involved in travelling other peoples horses. Obviously in an emergency then you do what needs to be done, but otherwise I have to say I would have done the same as this lady. I am definitely not saying that she is right in everything else she may or may not do, but I am with her as far as travelling is concerned.


Well-Known Member
30 September 2005
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Without trying to take sides in this debate, perhaps the lady in question didn't have the time to hang around for two lessons back to back and so just booked up on her own

I can see why you might *think* there should be some loyalty to you Kelly, but in reality, people aren't always nice, or perhaps don't always see things the same way that you do

The sooner you get your own transport sorted the better hey


Well-Known Member
7 August 2005
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I'm not sensoring anyone,. I just don't see the need to rip people apart. I have no problem with expressing any opinion whatsoever, but making personal attacks is just unnecessary IMHO. You can disagree without being personal and insulting.