Facebook "experts"


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2 January 2008
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I need some venting ground and thought this might be a good addition to the Cheeky Posts on FB thread. What's the most ridiculous advice or claim you've seen from FB experts lately??

Recently a trimmer in a laminitis group claimed to be able to just see that a pony had no pedal bone rotation - from one random-angled picture of the whole pony, whilst shod, without even a clear view of its feet. Some people seemed to think said trimmer GENUINELY had magical vision.

I see a lot of horrors on laminitis ones - e.g. stick every case of laminitis out to move (sure works for lots of people but you can't possibly advise something so potentially dangerous without knowing the full history... and no horse owner should be "advising" stuff like that anyway?!?!) - and an owner of a fat shetland was advised by an "expert" to turn it out only on grass that was at least a foot high.

I recently come across a page labelled xxxxxxxx with Dr xxxxx (first XXX is to do with horse management, second is person's name) - the person doesn't appear to have any doctorate experience in the field - or any actual formal experience at all - and got very shirty when asked about it. Their page does actually have interesting info and discussions - so why give yourself a title that makes everyone think you're an actual expert when you're not?!?! ARGHHHH

OK thanks! Got that out. Any good ones out there?!??! (or am i being unreasonable?)

It's the novice owners I feel sorry for....


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4 June 2008
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I recently saw a video of a horse really, REALLY bucking trying to get its owner off in a sand school - and she had put it to the powers of facebook to tell her why he was doing it / suggest someone to come and help. She had already said that he hadn't seen a vet yet / no MOT so to speak, and the volume of people recommending 'MY MATE WHO WILL STAY ON IT,' was just staggering...
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2 January 2008
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I recently saw a video of a horse really, REALLY bucking trying to get its owner off in a sand school - and she had put it to the powers of facebook to tell her why he was doing it / suggest someone to come and help. She had already said that he hadn't seen a vet yet / no MOT so to speak, and the volume of people recommending 'MY MATE WILL WHO WILL STAY ON IT,' was just staggering...

urgh so depressing in this day and age :-(


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16 September 2012
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I find the barefoot groups on FB in general horrendous and try to avoid them all now. No specific examples but so many people on there seem to think they're experts and state their opinions as though they were fact.

Agreed. I am a member of a couple and some of the opinions on feed are just so extreme. One said that alfalfa will draw up contaminated metals and petrol (!) so she would not feed it.


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28 June 2012
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Any posts to do with what to feed my horse, there is always someone who has to say one brand of feed which is generally hideously expensive and only available by post, and puts down any other feed that is mentioned, along with the term floor sweepings... Having had a tour of a feed factory I can safely say they don't use floor sweepings.


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9 November 2018
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I'm on the ulcer group, which has few vaguely sensible members! So many people recommend totally random supplements and ingredients to feed, which have zero evidence to suggest they do anything to help ulcers.

Someone will ask about a specific feed, and people will comment things like 'horrible stuff', 'wouldn't touch it' etc with no explanation at all as to why or how it effects ulcers!

I could go on... ?


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25 June 2001
Shropshire/Worcs. borders
I'm on the ulcer group, which has few vaguely sensible members! So many people recommend totally random supplements and ingredients to feed, which have zero evidence to suggest they do anything to help ulcers.
lol, I took back a home-bred mare from a buyer after TWO YEARS! She had hind gut ulcers. Got her fixed quite quickly and found her a new home - and that stupid woman coniders herself an egg-spurt on ulcers. I try to restrain myself when I see her posts!


Well-Known Member
3 October 2018
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I need some venting ground and thought this might be a good addition to the Cheeky Posts on FB thread. What's the most ridiculous advice or claim you've seen from FB experts lately??

Recently a trimmer in a laminitis group claimed to be able to just see that a pony had no pedal bone rotation - from one random-angled picture of the whole pony, whilst shod, without even a clear view of its feet. Some people seemed to think said trimmer GENUINELY had magical vision.

I see a lot of horrors on laminitis ones - e.g. stick every case of laminitis out to move (sure works for lots of people but you can't possibly advise something so potentially dangerous without knowing the full history... and no horse owner should be "advising" stuff like that anyway?!?!) - and an owner of a fat shetland was advised by an "expert" to turn it out only on grass that was at least a foot high.

I recently come across a page labelled xxxxxxxx with Dr xxxxx (first XXX is to do with horse management, second is person's name) - the person doesn't appear to have any doctorate experience in the field - or any actual formal experience at all - and got very shirty when asked about it. Their page does actually have interesting info and discussions - so why give yourself a title that makes everyone think you're an actual expert when you're not?!?! ARGHHHH

OK thanks! Got that out. Any good ones out there?!??! (or am i being unreasonable?)

It's the novice owners I feel sorry for....

is the xxx page you reference to do with field management? If it’s the one I’m thinking of I love that page, so interesting and learnt so much but I was a bit confused when the Dr bit suddenly got added.


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2 July 2009
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I'm also in a laminitis group and have noticed it's common to advise people to get their laminitics moving. I thought that movement risked the liminie tearing. I wouldn't want to do that without vet advice first


Coming over here & taking your jobs since 1900
18 September 2008
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Some of the exracehorse ones are entertaining and some are just cringe worthy!

At least one has put a ban on discussing veterinary matters completely. Not advice related but the posts that make me laugh are the "my horse has Northern Dancer in his pedigree. Any relatives?".

Agree about some of the idiocy on the barefoot groups, saw a discussion about Acorns supporting self selection i.e. if you're horse wants to eat it, it must need it.
The turmeric group - apparently nothing it won't cure.
Feed companies that put about false accusations about their competitors, there are 2 smaller companies who are serial offenders.


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13 March 2020
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I'm also in a laminitis group and have noticed it's common to advise people to get their laminitics moving. I thought that movement risked the liminie tearing. I wouldn't want to do that without vet advice first

I was approached by someone when my mare came down with laminitis who stated she needed to be “off box rest, walking around freely and socialising. She’s not getting better because she’s sad”

really did not help my situation, they wanted me to travel a pony to a track livery, with 16 degree rotation so she could walk around when she could barely move to her water bucket....but I was cruel for keeping her on box rest!
28 February 2011
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At least one has put a ban on discussing veterinary matters completely. Not advice related but the posts that make me laugh are the "my horse has Northern Dancer in his pedigree. Any relatives?".

Yes Racehorses, Where Are They Now? Has a complete ban on asking for vet advice.

If they aren't looking for relatives of Northern Dancer they are looking for Saddlers Wells ... I have given up correcting the spelling of that one as I would be there 24/7!


Well-Known Member
19 January 2012
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I'm so glad I don't have the time to be on horsey Facebook groups. (this isn't because I have A Life, it's just because my time is already filled with judgey mums' Facebook groups ?)

I suspect judgey mums are much worse than judgey caravanners but, as a group, they can also be a nightmare.

Facebook should come with a ‘reality’ health warning. “Please be advised, 80% of the stuff you read on here will be total drivel or absolute lies”.

I found HHO Facebook page a horrid place to be. Very nasty. The nicest by far is As Seen Through Horses Ears and that’s because the admins won’t tolerate ANY nonsense from anyone. If any derogatory remarks are made, you’re immediately binned off. Fabulous idea. Free speech is not an excuse for bad manners and bullying.


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29 July 2020
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I saw a post for a camera holder that tracks your movements they were showing how you can use when you are riding and there was a girl in the comments that how bad the girl at riding was.

I also saw a doggy dealer Facebook group were doggy dealers attacked anyone who made a bad compliment .


Well-Known Member
27 July 2017
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is the xxx page you reference to do with field management? If it’s the one I’m thinking of I love that page, so interesting and learnt so much but I was a bit confused when the Dr bit suddenly got added.

I think I'm on that too - it's interesting, but I wish the sometimes sweeping statements were backed up with links to evidence.


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27 July 2017
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I had to leave a couple of nice wildlife / birdwatching FB groups because every time cats were mentioned people went off the deep end saying all cats should be kept inside because they are bird murderers.
And I don’t even have a cat.

The allotment ones get all tense and fighty when it comes to cats. They can also take 'advice' on how to get rid of weeds to a whole new level of idiocy*.

*I am currently basking in a warm glow of judginess


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7 May 2011
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The ‘best’ advice I’ve ever seen, and this person was not joking, was to stand a horse with what sounded like horrendous colic with its bum facing up a hill....to cure the colic...

I think that one has its roots in a very, very old treatment for colic, way before modern medicine. The idea being you might be able to dislodge an obstruction. Obviously you wouldn't do in preference to ringing vet these days