Hiya..we have a 16 year old Connemara x tb who is fit and healthy but is lacking a bit of energy when schooling. Can anyone recommend any supplements or feed to try him on to give him. Thanks ?
I have found the Saracen Enduro mix has really helped native and native x types with giving more energy. No doubt you'll get a goodly number of different things recommended, and a good number will work. Hope you find something to suit x
oats for mine, it means i can add them as and when and she stays on a base diet of balancer and grass chaff on days when I don't need more pizzazz. I use topspec turbo as straight oats go straight through her but normal rolled oats worked well for a previous horse, economical too.
I needed extra energy but not weight gain for my new forest pony. I spoke to one of the team from Saracen and put her on a low level of competition fit mix and have really noticed the difference energy wise but no extra weight gain.
What is his current diet?
My starting point is always a balancer to make sure they’re not lacking anything.
Then if still necessary for a bit of sensible sparkle, the saracens enduro perform has been brilliant for me too.