I can’t read threads like this with out getting that hollow empty feeling .
He was a lovely looking horse and you did right by him .
Be kind to yourself
Deleted as just saw PTS post, so sorry it's come to that but at least you know you have tried everything and are making the best decision for him. Hugs xx
I knew how much you loved Jacob already, but you proved it with this very hard decision to take him away from pain forever. I hope it hurts a bit less with each tomorrow.
ASBMO I'm sorry to drag this thread up again, but I saw you posted on a local FB group about losing Jacob and as I've been off HHO for a while I had to come back to find what had happened. I'm so sorry for your loss, I know how much you loved him and you must be heartbroken. Bilateral lameness us so hard to spot, and as you said, only when it's diagnosed do you start joining the dots up.
Big hugs to you, you must miss him dreadfully.