Finally found a horse!


Well-Known Member
3 July 2012
North West
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Hello all!

Some of you were kind enough to sympathise with me a little while ago when I was searching for a horse and having trouble. I am happy to say that after 4 months and 5 vettings I took delivery of a lovely (sound!) mare last night. I'm slightly in shock as after all this time it has suddenly happened very quickly, I have had to borrow a stable rug and I am in desperate need of a saddle but I'm thrilled to have her.

I kindly allowed her to step on my foot earlier today so I've a lovely bruise coming as a memento of our first 24 hours together...

Now I know I'm not allowed to post this without a photo, so please see below which was taken last week when I tried her. I haven't taken any photos of her since she arrived at the yard as I have been too busy looking at her but suffice to say it doesn't do her justice and please don't look at me on her!



Well-Known Member
9 May 2007
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Aw - she looks a sweetie (and you will make many friends on here due to orange matchymatchy saddlepad) ;)

Hope you have loads of fun with her


Well-Known Member
3 July 2012
North West
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Oh dear it's all moving too fast for me, my head still isn't on straight. The orange saddle pad is not mine, but don't fear I have 3(!) purple ones...

Thank you for your replies it means a lot as I don't really have any horsey friends so while people are lovely and happy for me they don't understand how excited I am!


Well-Known Member
3 July 2012
North West
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She is 16.1 and 8 years old, we're going to a little bit of everything I hope but I'm not a competitive rider at all, so just for my own enjoyment.

My instructor met her today and is very pleased with her so that was a relief! I'm just trying to find my feet at the livery yard as I'm not sure how everything is done yet, but the other liveries have been really kind and helpful, especially a lovely lady and her daughter who have only recently come to the yard.

It's been a pretty exhausting process so I'm ecstatic that it has worked out. Still can't quite believe she's mine!

EDITED to say that I am going to bed now as I barely slept last night due to excitement and worry, but I will check back in the morning. Thanks again for all the lovely comments
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