First colt, please help!!


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4 January 2021
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I'm really sorry if this isn't the correct place to post this, but I suppose it is a first? — we are getting our first colt this coming Sunday and I would like some advice as it has been a bit of a nightmare rush. for context he is a 7 month old cob x appaloosa; no sign of his testicles yet but we have a vet lined up to geld as soon as they appear. he has come off a moor in Cornwall and has since lived in a herd of older mares + now with a much bigger + older gelding. we have bought him because my 2 year old Dartmoor mare cannot be left alone or she will cause serious injury to herself / escape + her long time friend has been rehomed with no notice.

I would like to know:

. is he at risk of impregnating my mare before his testicles drop?
. can I keep them in the same paddock until then?
. is there any general advice or non obvious need to knows when it comes to rearing a colt?

cheers in advance!

The Fuzzy Furry

Living in 🦄 🦄 land
24 November 2010
Ambling amiably around........
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Yes, possibly
No, I wouldn't

It's not ideal, but I'd keep them apart till he is gelded to be safe. Your 2 yr old filly could be at risk of being covered (definitely wouldn't be the 1st from a rising yearling, whether he has dropped or not).
Can you find an older companion to borrow short term? And delay the colt arriving?


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14 October 2009
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He will be fertile now and until 6 weeks after he has been gelded. He needs to be kept separate from the mare until then and be warned that he may show quite come determination to reach her, especially when she starts to show in season in the Spring.
First thing I would do when you get him home is to have your vet out to have a proper look for testicles


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23 November 2019
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A 7 month colt is a bag of energy and im not sure of its ability to de-stress a young 2yr’ll certainly distract her!

i wouldnt have chosen a colt personally, and got in an older companion as suggested, just to not have 2 youngsters to deal with!
Is it too late to cancel The colt?


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3 July 2013
Highlands from Essex
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In all honesty if you need to ask the above questions I really don't think a colt is a good idea but I guess the moment for changing that has past.
So no you cannot keep a 7 month of colt with a 2 Yr old filly without the risk of a foal being on the cards. You will need very good high strong fencing. The colt is likely to be VERY stressed on arrival, has he already been weaned? An older companion for each of them would be one approach. Are there other horses where you keep yours? If not you will likely end up in a position you cannot do anything with either youngster without issues/causing a lot of stress. They are also quite likely to pair bond very strongly creating ongoing issues for you.
Your other option would be to put them both on youngstock livery and leave them a year, then take the filly to a yard with others and do some work with her leaving the colt at livery and bringing him back a year or so later and then starting with him.
Good luck though, it is likely to be hard work for you.