Following the 'fess up thread - scuzziest thing you've seen a horsey person do?


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1 April 2002
Lovely Northamptonshire again!
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It got me thinking while mucking out (always a dangerous time!) and while I admit that my yard's far tidier than my house, the latter doesn't quite require the attention of Kim & Aggie... but i've personally witnesses the following:
returned from xc somewhere, having unloaded horses, put them away, unloaded tack etc. went into house and my friend dumped the FILTHY xc boots on top of the pile of washing-up in the kitchen sink, to be done with the dishes and cutlery. i hope i'm not the only one who thought that was a bit too Ewwwwwww for words...?!
A very posh (or thought she was, anyway) horsey lady, after dinner, scraped all the leftover gravy out of the saucepan straight onto the dogs' bed for them to lick up. Not into bowls or even onto the tiled floor. Again, a bit ewwww, no?
In retrospect both are quite amusingly scuzzy as long as you don't ever eat in their houses!
nothing beats the story told by a friend of mine, who swears he was in someone's house and there was a pristine dog poo by the sink... put there deliberately to keep the flies off the soap and the food, apparently. i can see a slight flaw in that somewhere... ;) ;)


village idiot :D
3 March 2007
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Just this morning I got in the way of a horse with a snotty nose. Remember the old joke about the little boy with the green stripe in his hair where he'd been wiping his nose with the palm of his hand right up over his hair? That's what I did with the sticky slime on my forehead as it seemed the only thing I could do at the time.

Hairwashing will take place tonight, until then I have a snot stripe through my hair just like the little boy in the joke.

I have to confess that I am perfectly happy putting bits and stirrups in the dishwasher with the washing up. In fact I'm happier doing that than seeing people putting the dog's bowls in with the plates although I have to tell myself that the amount of bleach etc that goes through the diswasher will knock out anything nasty.

Mare Stare

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9 April 2011
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I keep all my horse stuff in a toilet!! Hubby transformed it into a mini tackroom for me by fixing saddle racks to the wall. :D It's great but if you need the loo in my house you're best off using the bathroom upstairs or you might knock yourself out walking into dangling stirrups. :D

Wormers are kept in the same cupboard as human medicine.

I've been known to wash rugs and numnahs in the bath.

I never take down cobwebs (except when the spiders have moved house) or kill spiders because they are my friends. :) This means the spiders have a free rein over my house. I also find that this deters the mother in law from visiting too often. :D

At my old yard wormer's were mixed up in the same cups that the staff and students used for drinks.
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Well-Known Member
12 April 2003
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Well I bought a bit and stirrup irons on ebay. They were used and not too dirty, but I did put them in the dishwasher along with the crockery. Came out lovely and shiny!

My friend washes her numnahs in the household washing machine and doesn't bother to clean out the horse hair before putting in a load of her families clothes! I think that's pretty gross.


Well-Known Member
25 November 2005
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Well, these stories have rocked me back a bit - and that is from someone whose Mother said that if I spent as much time sweeping the kitchen floor as I did the stable floor, the place would be much improved! The worst thing I do is put horse things in the washing machine, and I do that relectantly. Apart from that I am untidy, but hygenic.

I have heard stories - about the ancient farmhouse that was so nice downstairs - "but you should see the upstairs" people said darkly.

Another lady, who was rather posh, by crickey I would never accept anything to eat or drink, it looked as though the washing up was NEVER done, plus dogs and cats everywhere. I think she had grown up in a house with a cleaner and she married young, so never learned how to do housework. It is rather bourgois to be fussy about housework, surely that is what servants are for? (It is just a pity if you haven't got a servant).

That is often the problem for horse people. You either have enough money to pay for someone to tidy up the house for you, or the horse/stable gets all the attention. Found that time and time again when visiting horsey homes.


Well-Known Member
3 August 2009
Up North
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Bits in the dishwasher is a must!

Horse rugs in the washing machine annoys the hell out of my husband!

But the worst was people who were too lazy to use the toilet on the yard and used to go in the stable! Even worse, they would use other people's in preference to their own! Yuck!


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11 March 2011
Other side of the Moon
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Being invited for 'drinks and nibbles' by the local landed gentry. Amongst the first to arrive, admired the long table groaning with goodies and looked forward to tucking in. Until I noticed the JRT on the table, casually wandering in and out of the laden plates grazing contently. Pointed this out to my hostess, she smiled in a rather unconcerned and absentminded manner and said 'Oh yes, she is such a little sweety, she always does that when we have nibbles laid out!'

The dog repeated its trip to the table several times that evening - needless to say myself and OH did NOT eat until we got home! But interestingly, the higher up the social ladder the guests were, the happier they appeared to be to ignore the sharing the food with the terrier, and happily tucked in!:eek:

Must be a moral there surely but not sure what?:confused::D


Well-Known Member
3 September 2009
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Bits in the dishwasher is pretty normal I'd say.

I've also peed in Sennie's stable when he was at my previous yard with no loo, just before mucking out.

The best I thought was once when the water was frozen, using water from Sen's "night before" bucket to make coffee with.

Honestly I've always thought I was pretty clean. Clearly not... :)


Well-Known Member
20 June 2009
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Errrm... I wash numnahs in the washing machine after they have had a thorough go over with the hoover.
Lightweight cotton sheet also goes in washing machine after several good rinses out in the bath first (bath gets a good clean after)
Don't own a dishwasher so can't put stirrups & bits in it.


Well-Known Member
26 February 2009
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I wait until my mum's out and use the washing machine for rugs, saddle cloths etc. I admit to having a wee in Ethels stable, but only when I'm really desperate and I'm the one who'll be mucking out, I can't bare the toilet in our yard :eek:


Well-Known Member
31 July 2009
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Handy hint re Dog hairs. I open the front door and the back door and it creates a wind tunnel that blows all the dog hair to the back door :D.

Not horsey but Hubby annoys the hell out of my by not rinsing his gobbed out toothpaste out the sink properly so I use his toothbrush to clean round the plug hole, taps and overflow hole :eek:


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8 May 2008
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The worst I do is go a week or two wearing the same horse clothes to the yard without washing them :eek:. I do keep them in a separate chest of drawers to my 'normal' clothes though!

I also sometimes sit on the sofa in my house still wearing my dirty horse clothes but OH hates that as I get hay everywhere so I usually change as soon as I get in.

My car is pretty scuzzy. It's tidy, no papers or rubbish inside at all but it is FILTHY! The floor is covered in mud, hay and leaves and you cant even tell what colour it is from the outside! There's some old dried up tomato ketchup on the steering wheel and a few stains on the seat where I spilt a drink. Poor car!! I do give it a through clean every 2/3 months but as I live basically in the woods it's filthy again by the next day so it all seems rather pointless!


Well-Known Member
16 November 2007
South Yorkshire
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I have been known to pee in stables, if there is no toilet on the yard (or, in one case, where the stable is safer and far more hygenic than the yard toilet!!) and have used a mane and tail comb to make my own hair look a bit more presentable when needing to go for petrol on the way home or similar.

By far the scuzziest thing I have ever see someone do is a yard worker (renowned for being unhygenic at the best of times) heated up her lunch, left it on the side whilst she went to the loo, came back and waved the swarm of flies off it and tucked in :sick:


Well-Known Member
24 June 2009
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I wash everything that'll fit in my machine from poo covers fillet strings to sweaty saddle pads. I pee in my horses stable when I need to! I Rarely wash my hands and probably have had many horse faesces spores in my mouth on several occasions- am I poorly?... Rarely, are we happy?.... Absolutely!!! I couldn't care less! Life is for living not worrying about a few hairs and poo particles :-D

Princess P

Well-Known Member
3 September 2010
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I have a shower on a Friday morning before work.... and again on a Monday morning before work, but not in between! Can't see the point if I'm going to spend the whole weekend riding / dog walking / yard jobs etc!

Obviously if the husband decides he's going to take me out or something (rarely happens!) then I may be persuaded to shower!

I hope other people will fess up to this too, and not just think I'm a total grot bag!


Well-Known Member
25 January 2011
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Not horsey but Hubby annoys the hell out of my by not rinsing his gobbed out toothpaste out the sink properly so I use his toothbrush to clean round the plug hole, taps and overflow hole :eek:

ooo good tip dare I :rolleyes:

I have been known to pee in stables, if there is no toilet on the yard (or, in one case, where the stable is safer and far more hygenic than the yard toilet!!)

Ditto and the horsebox if I can't be bothered to walk and it has bedding in it if its good enough for the horse and its more pleasant than behind a bush:p

I pee in my horses stable when I need to! I Rarely wash my hands and probably have had many horse faesces spores in my mouth on several occasions- am I poorly?... Rarely, are we happy?.... Absolutely!!! I couldn't care less! Life is for living not worrying about a few hairs and poo particles :-D

Good sentiment we are probably healthier to with much better immunity people are far to clean these days I blame dettol :p

I have a shower on a Friday morning before work.... and again on a Monday morning before work, but not in between! Can't see the point if I'm going to spend the whole weekend riding / dog walking / yard jobs etc!

Obviously if the husband decides he's going to take me out or something (rarely happens!) then I may be persuaded to shower!

I hope other people will fess up to this too, and not just think I'm a total grot bag!

Occasionally :rolleyes: I don't see the point either.

I ahve been to some pretty scuzzy horsey peoples houses with crap piled everywhere under inches of dust and some immaculate ones and vice versa I am sure my future house will be somewhere in between it all depends on my OH i think he is the tidy one ;)
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Well-Known Member
4 March 2010
Den Haag, Netherlands
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I have a shower on a Friday morning before work.... and again on a Monday morning before work, but not in between! Can't see the point if I'm going to spend the whole weekend riding / dog walking / yard jobs etc!

Obviously if the husband decides he's going to take me out or something (rarely happens!) then I may be persuaded to shower!

I hope other people will fess up to this too, and not just think I'm a total grot bag!

Totally the same when I have a horse!! Cannot see the point in showering when I'm going to stink when I get home anyway. I did admit this to some girls at work the other week and they looked at me in absolute horror! (I quickly added that I of course showered to go to work!)

We put everything that will fit in the washing machine and I can remember on numerous occassions eating a bacon butty from the butty van with no napkin round it and hands coated in dirt, grease and poo! Funny thing, me and my 3 sisters are some of the healthiest people I know :D


Well-Known Member
15 March 2009
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not horsey but the excellent toothbrush post reminded me! Apologies in advance if TMI... I keep a special red toothbrush in my bathroom cabinet for scrubbing out my mooncup. Obv this is its only function.... until the day when my period-phobic OH (now ex, unrelated reasons) came round and decided he wanted to clean his teeth. I'd left it on the edge of the basin. Wondered why it was damp and minty later that day. Then laughed and laughed until I was sick. I never told him - wish I had now :p

Princess P

Well-Known Member
3 September 2010
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not horsey but the excellent toothbrush post reminded me! Apologies in advance if TMI... I keep a special red toothbrush in my bathroom cabinet for scrubbing out my mooncup. Obv this is its only function.... until the day when my period-phobic OH (now ex, unrelated reasons) came round and decided he wanted to clean his teeth. I'd left it on the edge of the basin. Wondered why it was damp and minty later that day. Then laughed and laughed until I was sick. I never told him - wish I had now



Well-Known Member
31 August 2011
Northern Ireland
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I have a shower on a Friday morning before work.... and again on a Monday morning before work, but not in between! Can't see the point if I'm going to spend the whole weekend riding / dog walking / yard jobs etc!

Obviously if the husband decides he's going to take me out or something (rarely happens!) then I may be persuaded to shower!

I hope other people will fess up to this too, and not just think I'm a total grot bag!

I'm the same, totally minging, but if I have nothing better to do in between, I will be horsy for a couple of days in a row.. ahem..

And I will wear jods / jeans until the filth levels are off putting.. could be a week or so.. :eek::eek::eek: more the 'or so..' side of things to be perfectly honest.

Always forget to wash my hands when I get back, meh, whatever, nobody else will be eating what I'm cooking.

not horsey but the excellent toothbrush post reminded me! Apologies in advance if TMI... I keep a special red toothbrush in my bathroom cabinet for scrubbing out my mooncup. Obv this is its only function.... until the day when my period-phobic OH (now ex, unrelated reasons) came round and decided he wanted to clean his teeth. I'd left it on the edge of the basin. Wondered why it was damp and minty later that day. Then laughed and laughed until I was sick. I never told him - wish I had now :p


'Laughed and laughed until I was sick' sealed it for me!!!