Well-Known Member
best googling it I think hahaha
Goodness, never heard of them or seen before, they don't look very comfortable. Spose come in handy as a funnel is desperate
I'm so niave and innocent
best googling it I think hahaha
I have dog hair along every skirting board/ carpet join in the in the house.
Teal keeps splitting is tail and my kitchen looks like a massacre on a regular basis (3 times)
None of the above is half as bad as what a neighbour of mine does........
Her OH once told me never to accept a dinner invitation from her. He went on to explain that her 'signature dish' was always pasta and she used to use the pasta spoon to pick the cat poo out of the litter tray, swill it round in the sink (the spoon, not the poo!) and then put it back in the utensil drawer to use later when dishing up the pasta.
the youngest one who dropped her cacks at the penguin enclosure at local zoo to do likewise! Husband held me 100% responsible!
The worst I do is go a week or two wearing the same horse clothes to the yard without washing them . I do keep them in a separate chest of drawers to my 'normal' clothes though!
I thought peeing in stables was normal as well . There isn't a loo on my yard, you'd have to knock on the YO's door which I think is a bit cheeky, and if you've got to go you've got to go . Often, when I'm putting the bed back down I'll pick out droppings that I've missed without bothering to put my rubber gloves on. I'm happy to drink from the yard hose pipe as well even though this is apparently disgusting (not quite sure why). I think my parents would draw the line at me putting bits and stirrups in the dish washer but I do dry them with the tea towel (shhhh ) and obviously numnahs/ girths/ light rugs all go in the washing machine. I also wear the same thick yard socks for several days in a row as it seems silly to change them too often and I can also go for quite a long time without washing my jods/ yard jumpers etc. In fact my cream jods are currently mud splattered and filthy, but as I walk to the farm through very muddy fields I think I'll leave them a while yet as they wouldn't stay clean if I washed them. I'm also another of those people who'll happily go all weekend without a shower, and when I'm home from uni over the summer I also don't bother having them too often if I'm not going out anywhere . My final admission is that I'm quite happy for my cats to sleep IN my bed, rather than just on it, which, according to Steven Fry, is really not good for you. That said, I'm hardly ever ill and I'm much tougher and stronger than I look, so I don't think it's doing me any harm.
And if you saw the state of my bedroom, I would definitely win the award...
I am a bit of a clean freak I am afraid, if my jeans get dirty then the next time I come indoors they get changed Everything worn (except jackets) gets bunged by the washing machine, and even jackets get washed every few days , and I HATE dirty gloves I have dozens of pairs of gloves and will easily go through 8 or 9 pairs a day if they get wet or dirty, I physically cringe at putting dirty ones on again.
Me too. I don't know why I worry about my house having read this thread
I always try to be relatively clean and tidy on the yard, and keep my boots clean I wouldn't want any client to arrive and find me scuzzy! Being clean on the yard was drummed into me by one of my first bosses - horses were immaculate and so were the staff
I also dress "correctly" when I teach (jodhpurs, boots, yard jacket) and I have to wear yard boots even when I'm in the classroom, so they are polished every day.
And while I accept that when I'm on the yard I may smell of poo/horse sweat/my sweat/haylage etc, I really look forward to coming in, having a shower, putting on clean "house" clothes and getting into a clean bed at the end of the day. I mean, really, how long does it take to have a shower??
And I keep my outside loo quite clean as well
I kept my horse's urine sample in the fridge overnight as it had to be kept cool until the vet came the next morning. It looked remarkably like cloudy apple juice. I hid it behind other stuff in case OH was tempted (obviously couldn't tell him it was in there).