Following the 'fess up thread - scuzziest thing you've seen a horsey person do?


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19 April 2009
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I once worked as relief on a small stud that bred dogs as well. Went in for lunch to see the mother overseeing spaniels locked in mating on the kitchen table, whilst trilling at me that they wouldn't be long and we'd eat when they were finished ......... :eek:

I said I wasn't hungry, made a cup of tea and went back to work!


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1 April 2002
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diggerbez, i got the dog poo story 2nd hand, but it's SO bizarre and utterly illogical that i don't think it'd be possible to make it up! (it was an "i can top that" story after i told him about a friend's house i visited when i was very little, when i was told by my friend that i was honoured in being allowed to use loo paper, as i was a guest, as they all had to use their bathtowels. yes, really. *boggles*)
Loving the toothbrush and mooncup stories.
Also loving the JRT story, mine are little gits and would do that in a heartbeat if they could... one did nip up onto someone's lap at the end of a dinner party, spied something tasty on someone else's plate across the table, and sprinted across the table between all the wine glasses etc to it, i was SO embarrassed. i am obv totally bourgeois because i won't touch food once a dog (or fly, or anything else!) has.
re: weeing in stables - i will if i'm desperate and about to muck out anyway, but you can imagine my utter fury when, at a former house, next-door had a big wedding and, in spite of me shutting the American barn doors for the night to exclude all their drunken, smoking revellers (or so i thought), the next morning there were multiple little wet holes in the bedding, all the way round the banks, in EVERY stable. dirty ******s. i went rather ballistic about that one.


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31 July 2009
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I've just thought of something else. In the summer I wear shorts and short sleeved shirt for work (postie) so legs and pits are kept neat and tidy. Once the long trousers come out thats it til next spring. I wear skinny's under work shirts so sometimes the pits get a bit 'Julia Roberts' :D We went to my step-sons medal ceremony a few weeks ago (afghanistan, came home safe thank god) and as OH's ex was there I really made an effort, Knee high boots, fitted skirt, just above the knee - classy not slutty, control pants 2 sizes to small to hold everything in but could hardly sit down all day. I shaved my legs from just below the top of the boots to just above the skirt hem line. :D I now have ankles that you would think belonged to a man if you saw them only.


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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I thought stable peeing was normal :confused: Frank certainly thinks it is :eek: ;). Getting to the loo = going through the kitchen and the hallway = removing boots and chaps and wayward hay/straw general crap..bugger that!


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11 December 2004
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I have been in houses where quite frankly I would rather drink out of a horse's water bucket than a coffee cup :(

I am a bit of a clean freak I am afraid, if my jeans get dirty then the next time I come indoors they get changed :( Everything worn (except jackets) gets bunged by the washing machine, and even jackets get washed every few days , and I HATE dirty gloves :eek: I have dozens of pairs of gloves and will easily go through 8 or 9 pairs a day if they get wet or dirty, I physically cringe at putting dirty ones on again.

Scuzziest thing, new word of the day for me :eek: I think I have ever seen, and this wasn't a horsey family, was dinner served on unwashed plates, from crusty pans and off a cooker that defies description.

A bit of dirt and dust never hurt anyone, my house frequently looks as if the prverbial bomb has hit it, but my kitchen and bathrooms are always clean.


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21 November 2008
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I too wee in stables, wear my 'horse clothes' for several days (and then some!) in a row and will happily eat a buttie after handling all sorts of germ laden things around the yard :)

None of the above is half as bad as what a neighbour of mine does........

Her OH once told me never to accept a dinner invitation from her. He went on to explain that her 'signature dish' was always pasta and she used to use the pasta spoon to pick the cat poo out of the litter tray, swill it round in the sink (the spoon, not the poo!) and then put it back in the utensil drawer to use later when dishing up the pasta.


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19 May 2006
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I peed behind a bush in my field once :eek:

I was there 'doing my stuff' and all the horses came round the bush and lined up watching me, I had to carry on despite my audience, I mean, what can you do :D
. My gelding practically had his ears up my jacksy, oh the shame :eek:


Well-Known Member
15 March 2009
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None of the above is half as bad as what a neighbour of mine does........

Her OH once told me never to accept a dinner invitation from her. He went on to explain that her 'signature dish' was always pasta and she used to use the pasta spoon to pick the cat poo out of the litter tray, swill it round in the sink (the spoon, not the poo!) and then put it back in the utensil drawer to use later when dishing up the pasta.


*vomits again* :D


Well-Known Member
24 April 2009
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Oh wow. loving this thread.

I 'used' to be a clean and tidy person, then I got horses
Peeing in the stable, of course, my horse pee's in it, peeing in the bushes, yup. infact I rather pee in bushes than a public loo.
Do I wash my hands after poopicking,riding ect, erm no.
rugs and whatever I can stuff in my machne and also the launderette.
Sleeping in dirty jods if I have an early start at the stables, infact my bed usually has a few woodshavings and plenty of hay in it. :)

Scummiest thing I saw a horse person do was took a teddy that belonged to the dog{rescue dog they just got and came with a few teddys} washed it and gave it as gift to a toddler for his christening!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
23 December 2009
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LOL oh my god some of these house stories are horrendous! I want to know the logic of these people - I do not understand.


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16 February 2009
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I thought peeing in stables was normal as well :p. There isn't a loo on my yard, you'd have to knock on the YO's door which I think is a bit cheeky, and if you've got to go you've got to go :D. Often, when I'm putting the bed back down I'll pick out droppings that I've missed without bothering to put my rubber gloves on. I'm happy to drink from the yard hose pipe as well even though this is apparently disgusting (not quite sure why). I think my parents would draw the line at me putting bits and stirrups in the dish washer but I do dry them with the tea towel (shhhh :p) and obviously numnahs/ girths/ light rugs all go in the washing machine. I also wear the same thick yard socks for several days in a row as it seems silly to change them too often and I can also go for quite a long time without washing my jods/ yard jumpers etc. In fact my cream jods are currently mud splattered and filthy, but as I walk to the farm through very muddy fields I think I'll leave them a while yet as they wouldn't stay clean if I washed them. I'm also another of those people who'll happily go all weekend without a shower, and when I'm home from uni over the summer I also don't bother having them too often if I'm not going out anywhere :p. My final admission is that I'm quite happy for my cats to sleep IN my bed, rather than just on it, which, according to Steven Fry, is really not good for you. That said, I'm hardly ever ill and I'm much tougher and stronger than I look, so I don't think it's doing me any harm.


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1 April 2002
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MrsElle, that story about your neighbour almost defies belief. It nearly made me heave. One of my uncles is uber-fussy about eating out anywhere (won't go to restaurants, won't eat in other people's houses usually), maybe now i can see why!

I am quite fussy about washing my hands all the time (after being on yard, after touching dogs etc) and I wash my jodhs every day or two, straight away if they get muddy or sweaty. I wash jackets fairly regularly and now try to have a totally clean jacket to wear to supermarket etc, otherwise i feel like Pigpen from the Peanuts cartoon, with the invisible cloud of stink above him...


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25 June 2007
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Well I've been caught short taking my little ones out on the lead rein & had.a quick wee much to ponies surprise & disgust. Weeing in hedges fairly I can't be ar**d to take wellies off & go in the house. I blame child birth! Trouble is I think its rubbed off on the youngest one who dropped her cacks at the penguin enclosure at local zoo to do likewise! Husband held me 100% responsible! Also sometimes pick up the odd dry bit of Poo without gloves & often am quite happily eating something when I get a nasty whiff!


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9 August 2011
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the youngest one who dropped her cacks at the penguin enclosure at local zoo to do likewise! Husband held me 100% responsible!

Someone I knew went with his wife and small daughter to a posh bathroom exhibition. They turned round and small daughter had vanished.

There followed a mad panic while they ran round frantically searching and calling... and then she reappeared. She happily said she'd "been for a poo". Confused, they asked where had she been for a poo?:confused:

She showed them one of the exhibition toilets, obviously not plumbed in. My friend gingerly peered inside to see what he described as a "huge steamer..."

They left very quickly.


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31 July 2009
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Re not washing hands, I'm sure he'd worn gloves (or I'd of hoped he had) I was sitting in the tattooist a few years ago and a woman came waddling out just having her clit pierced - no embarrassment on her behalf as she announced it effing hurt and her OH who was waiting for her was told in no uncertain terms that he wasn't effing going near her for the next effing month. What alarmed me was the piercing man came out eating a pasty. Put me off piercings and pasties.


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20 August 2007
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I thought peeing in stables was normal as well :p. There isn't a loo on my yard, you'd have to knock on the YO's door which I think is a bit cheeky, and if you've got to go you've got to go :D. Often, when I'm putting the bed back down I'll pick out droppings that I've missed without bothering to put my rubber gloves on. I'm happy to drink from the yard hose pipe as well even though this is apparently disgusting (not quite sure why). I think my parents would draw the line at me putting bits and stirrups in the dish washer but I do dry them with the tea towel (shhhh :p) and obviously numnahs/ girths/ light rugs all go in the washing machine. I also wear the same thick yard socks for several days in a row as it seems silly to change them too often and I can also go for quite a long time without washing my jods/ yard jumpers etc. In fact my cream jods are currently mud splattered and filthy, but as I walk to the farm through very muddy fields I think I'll leave them a while yet as they wouldn't stay clean if I washed them. I'm also another of those people who'll happily go all weekend without a shower, and when I'm home from uni over the summer I also don't bother having them too often if I'm not going out anywhere :p. My final admission is that I'm quite happy for my cats to sleep IN my bed, rather than just on it, which, according to Steven Fry, is really not good for you. That said, I'm hardly ever ill and I'm much tougher and stronger than I look, so I don't think it's doing me any harm.

HR... I think we must be related... you sound just like me :D My cat sleeps on my pillow and my whippet under the covers :D:D

Oh, and on the toothbrush theme, my ex was a bit of a cheater, the first 2 times when I found out, I cleaned the rim of his skuzzy toilet with his tooth brush, rinsed to get rid of the 'yellow stain' and replaced by the sink and left him. :D:D We got back together after a while both times, but I am much wiser now and he is very much my ex
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Well-Known Member
19 May 2009
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I basically never wash my hands......*blushes* don't see the point really, I chew my nails at the yard as it is so it must be fairly regular that I get horse poo particles in my mouth. Lol. (Disclaimer: I do wash before cooking/serving food though...!)

I also wee in the horses stable - only ever straight before mucking out though. Have a friend who wees in feed buckets - doesn't wash them out - poor horses!!!!!

And if you saw the state of my bedroom, I would definitely win the award...


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26 June 2008
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.. WOW ! You are a dirty bunch :D

The WORST crime for me is the dirty joddies, will wear them several times before washing them. I always change when I have been with the horse though.

Clean horse boots in the sink but disinfect every thing after and would never wash anything with the crockery.

For those that don't shower all weekend - You and your sheets must smell lovely :D


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25 November 2005
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Having a good laugh - liked the JRT that jumped across the table. My OH hates going anywhere with dogs and cats in the kitchen - maybe he will relax a bit now we have a dog, a JRT.

I take a bucket of shavings in the trailer so I can pee into that if staying overnight inthe trailer - better than trecking over a dark field to the loo block.


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9 August 2011
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Many years ago I worked for a woman who kept horses and bred pedigree dogs. If one of her dogs pooed in the house, she's scoop it up with a little shovel and drop it unwrapped straight into the kitchen bin. The bin then wouldn't get emptied for days. :eek:


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2 July 2008
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Yes, to using the washing machine, I'll give it a quick rinse out after if needed, but hairy things are de-haired as best I can before it's used, and if I used the dishwasher (never thought about that!) I would have to have it empty of pots.

My bedding gets changed weekly and I bath or shower EVERY night, couldn't bear not to....! No wonder we have a water shortage! :D

OH does me head in coz he works on cars and I won't let him near the bed if slightly smells of oil....yuck yuck yuck....

...but yes, I'll pee in a stable, and the trailer at shows if needs must and theres a mile-long queue for the one and only rickety temp. toilet...

Wash hands? Yes.....always after doing mucky jobs!

The dog isn't allowed on the couches or sofas, certainly not the bed. I wash her food and water bowls separately from the crockery...

The family car is spotless inside, I TRY to hoover it out regularly, easier in summer. The truck, could be better but sparkling compared to some I've seen!
I don't pass judgement on others though, each to their own.... :D


Adjusting my sails
13 May 2007
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I am a bit of a clean freak I am afraid, if my jeans get dirty then the next time I come indoors they get changed :( Everything worn (except jackets) gets bunged by the washing machine, and even jackets get washed every few days , and I HATE dirty gloves :eek: I have dozens of pairs of gloves and will easily go through 8 or 9 pairs a day if they get wet or dirty, I physically cringe at putting dirty ones on again.

Me too. I don't know why I worry about my house having read this thread :eek:

I always try to be relatively clean and tidy on the yard, and keep my boots clean :eek: I wouldn't want any client to arrive and find me scuzzy!:D Being clean on the yard was drummed into me by one of my first bosses - horses were immaculate and so were the staff :)

I also dress "correctly" when I teach (jodhpurs, boots, yard jacket) :eek: and I have to wear yard boots even when I'm in the classroom, so they are polished every day.

And while I accept that when I'm on the yard I may smell of poo/horse sweat/my sweat/haylage etc, I really look forward to coming in, having a shower, putting on clean "house" clothes and getting into a clean bed at the end of the day. I mean, really, how long does it take to have a shower??:confused:

And I keep my outside loo quite clean as well :p


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31 March 2011
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I once watched someone physically lick tomato sauce off of their horses shoulder when eating a burger at a show.

I also don't regularly change my jodhs, and horsey weekend showers.. don't happen ;) I just shower friday night, plait my hair up so it doesn't get knotted, then don't shower again 'till monday morning :D

In the mornings when Jack has stayed in, I just get right out of bed, pull on jodhs over pjs and walk out of the door without even going near a bathroom.. not even to pee :eek:

I see loads of people secretly trying a bit of their horses feed/supplement, and I do it too! not really disgusting, but when you see someone bite off a chunk of already used likit...


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8 April 2007
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I kept my horse's urine sample in the fridge overnight as it had to be kept cool until the vet came the next morning. It looked remarkably like cloudy apple juice. I hid it behind other stuff in case OH was tempted (obviously couldn't tell him it was in there).