Following the 'fess up thread - scuzziest thing you've seen a horsey person do?


Well-Known Member
9 July 2010
Dragonsleigh-bells- are you mental? I love when the OH comes into bed smelling all mechanicy and oily and, just, MANLY!

Obviously not ALL the time but now and again when he's been working late or racing and he gets into bed smelling of oil and rubber and leather from his gloves - it's fantastic. I snuggle extra close!


Well-Known Member
4 February 2011
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I have a shower on a Friday morning before work.... and again on a Monday morning before work, but not in between! Can't see the point if I'm going to spend the whole weekend riding / dog walking / yard jobs etc!

Obviously if the husband decides he's going to take me out or something (rarely happens!) then I may be persuaded to shower!

I hope other people will fess up to this too, and not just think I'm a total grot bag!

Defo fess up to this one, only shower if I need to


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19 February 2006
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I'm sorry I've got to ask. I can't do showers - the splashing water makes me very itchy and I come up in a rash - but I can and do bath. I bath every evening before bed, every morning I get up and have a wash at the basin. Teeth get cleaned at the same time. Do those people who shower on Friday morning and then not again until Monday morning actually not wash at all in that time? What about teeth cleaning?

I'm sitting here with my skin crawling at the thought of it!

I shower every three or so days, but get a good wash on a morning and brush my teeth at lest twice a day (I try for more, but when I'm working, it's hard!). I'd like to shower more, but my skin can't take it.

Nastiest thing I've seen was a lady I used to work for. She had cats, and used to leave the butter dish on the table. The cats would lick it, she'd come in and whip a bit off to use. It used to make me retch.


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2 February 2006
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Dragonsleigh-bells- are you mental? I love when the OH comes into bed smelling all mechanicy and oily and, just, MANLY!

Obviously not ALL the time but now and again when he's been working late or racing and he gets into bed smelling of oil and rubber and leather from his gloves - it's fantastic. I snuggle extra close!

Blurgh! Garage smells make me retch! :eek:


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12 May 2010
West Sussex
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Hahahaha some of these have given me a right laugh this evening!!!

As a student I used to live with a girl who washed her horse's numnahs in the washing machine - without even attempting to de hair them first - so her numnahs came out clean but still covered in hair, and next time I used the washing machine all my clothes were covered in horsehair :( I used to secretly put the washing machine on rinse after she had gone to bed!!!

Had not thought of bits in the dishwasher but sounds like a good idea!

Peeing in stables - hate doing it but if nature calls I'd rather do that than wet myself!! Have previously peed literally in the middle of nowhere in Iceland on a pony trek before now - wearing multiple layers and it being windy do not make it easy or pleasant!!!

Generally I am a bit of a clean freak - some of my friends at uni used to freak me out when they'd come in from mucking their horses out and climb straight into bed in jodphurs that smelled like horse piss :S blleeuuuurrrghhhh!!


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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As a student I used to live with a girl who washed her horse's numnahs in the washing machine - without even attempting to de hair them first - so her numnahs came out clean but still covered in hair, and next time I used the washing machine all my clothes were covered in horsehair :( I used to secretly put the washing machine on rinse after she had gone to bed!!!

I lived with two horrible girls, and two nice ones...nice ones went home for Xmas, horrors went home for a weekend... so I put horsies cotton sheet in for a long overdue wash and (*whispers) didn't clean out the machine/filter :D


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12 October 2011
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Ew-Ew-ewwww... I do try and keep things tidy and clean and some days I get to the end and the thought of waiting for my bath to run (takes ages, we have plumbing issues) just is too much so I might miss the odd day if I'm at home doing horses etc the next day. If I'm at uni or going out then a bath will be had.

I have pooped (had a bad tummy and had literally no choice) and wee'd in bushes. Not wee'd in my horses bed yet, but I have used buckets at shows or during long journeys.

Horse clothes get a bit minging and I will wear them, I like to save the environment and not use the washing machine too much, or so I tell people...

I think I'm pretty clean, but these stories have made my day and some nastys will be retold :)




Well-Known Member
6 January 2008
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Generally I am a bit of a clean freak - some of my friends at uni used to freak me out when they'd come in from mucking their horses out and climb straight into bed in jodphurs that smelled like horse piss :S blleeuuuurrrghhhh!!

Have you ever lived in accom that's so cold that the toilet freezes over? I have and there's no way I would have exposed an inch of flesh - it would have been frostbitten! So it was into bed in yard clothes, up in the morning and out in exactly the same thing. Makes me laugh now to think of what a flea-bitten old tramp I was but by god it was cold!


Well-Known Member
24 November 2007
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Have you ever lived in accom that's so cold that the toilet freezes over? I have and there's no way I would have exposed an inch of flesh - it would have been frostbitten! So it was into bed in yard clothes, up in the morning and out in exactly the same thing. Makes me laugh now to think of what a flea-bitten old tramp I was but by god it was cold!

Oh god yes, I had forgotten that little joy! I actually got frostbite in one toe and have never been so cold in my life.. undressing was not an option. It might actually have been too bad for anyone to realise how nasty we smelled.


Well-Known Member
9 July 2010
Puppy, I have seen nights where I've begged him not to go for a shower 'just yet' so I can have a mechanic cuddle. He smells lovely and clean after and it's also amazing, but I seriously wish I could bottle his car smell <3

Shame he doesn't feel the same about mine and his sisters 'horsey smell' - the poor petal is allergic and even if I've washed my clothes he still sneezes hehe


Well-Known Member
27 March 2010
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Have you ever lived in accom that's so cold that the toilet freezes over? I have and there's no way I would have exposed an inch of flesh - it would have been frostbitten! So it was into bed in yard clothes, up in the morning and out in exactly the same thing. Makes me laugh now to think of what a flea-bitten old tramp I was but by god it was cold!

This brings back memories!!!!!! Drink your cuppa tea quickly else it would freeze!!!
Use to share cottage with crazy welsh guy and the only heating was the tiny log burner so we would sleep on the sofas, but i would have shower get dressed for next day then go to bed so I went to bed clean. Does that count as scuzzy?? I would brush teeth before i went to work!


Well-Known Member
26 June 2008
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These have made me laugh! Apart from one, which made me a bit ill :/

The scuzziest place i have ever been was a friend of a friend. there were 3/4 bedrooms (one was a converted living room) each with a person and their OH's living in them. There was 1 'living room' left, 3 walls of which consisted entirely of hamster cages as one of them bred hamsters. The back garden was full of junk and possibly rabbit hutches. about 10 cats could come and go as they pleased through an open window above the kitchen worktop. There were also 2 large dogs in a small cage under the kitchen counter. The whole place stunk, was filthy, and covered in cat hairs. I had to sleep on the disgusting sofa in the hamster room for 2 nights. HORRIBLE!

The worst things i do is sit on the sofa in my johds, but only if they're not muddy or hairy. I'm doing it now. Even though i hate myself for it.

And i eat with horsey hands. But strangeley at home i am a hand washing freak.

I wee in the stable sometimes if there's no loo. I think that's about it.

I knew someone who did a number 2 on the muck heap. That was minging.
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Well-Known Member
26 October 2010
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Well, I'm not too bad, I think! I wear the same yard clothes for a good 'few' days, until they are really bad; I do wash numnahs, girths etc in the machine, after de-hairing (how do you fit a rug in there?!) and I would have put things in the dishwasher if I had thought of it (everything is sterilised anyway)!! I think the worst thing I do is not wash my hair for some days if I'm riding a lot - I get so hot and sweaty in my hat, I figure there's no point in having lovely clean hair just to get it horrid again!
10 March 2009
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OK this is not really horsey, but the miscreants mother was a horse person !
Her son apparently went to the loo, and on finding there was no loo paper used a flannel to wipe his bum - wait for it, - and then put it back on the handbasin, whereupon later that day his father (whose flannel it was ) used it to wash his face.

Totally disgusting but hilarious!

Tinsel Trouble

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16 October 2009
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I Rarely wash my hands and probably have had many horse faesces spores in my mouth on several occasions- am I poorly?... Rarely, are we happy?.... Absolutely!!! I couldn't care less! Life is for living not worrying about a few hairs and poo particles :-D

I do this... but I won't eat the mints from restaurants! That's just unhygenic.....


Well-Known Member
6 January 2008
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This brings back memories!!!!!! Drink your cuppa tea quickly else it would freeze!!!
Use to share cottage with crazy welsh guy and the only heating was the tiny log burner so we would sleep on the sofas, but i would have shower get dressed for next day then go to bed so I went to bed clean. Does that count as scuzzy?? I would brush teeth before i went to work!

Ha, yes, this was a share too. Farm cottage. I did Hampshire hunt horses and shared with whatever farm hand they were employing at the time (dodgy, much!). There was a log burner but we were always too cold to move and so never bothered with it. 1 scuzzy person + another scuzzy person = cancelled out smell! What a miserable existence!


Well-Known Member
9 August 2011
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I've worked with horses and with dogs. I love mucking out stables and I'm quite happy with horse poo on my clothes, even on my hands. Not ideal of course, but it doesn't worry me. I even like the smell! :D

However, dogs are another matter. Mucking out kennels is vile. If I got a bit on my clothes I'd have to go and change and the thought of it on my hands.... Yeuk!!! As for the smell... :eek:

I guess it's because dogs are meat eaters?


Well-Known Member
17 June 2011
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HAHAHAHAA!! Some of these are hilarious! :D :D :D

Made my day!

I'm definitely showing this thread to my mum who thinks I'm a scruff for not showering the moment I come into the house :D


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20 September 2009
East Midlands
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These thing's really need putting into some sort of book!

"Confession's of a horsey kind"

There you go H&H i'm even coming up with editorial ideas for you now ;)
Some of these are utterly hilarious to read!


Wasting my time successfully....
23 July 2011
Somewhere south of the middle
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My friend washes her numnahs in the household washing machine and doesn't bother to clean out the horse hair before putting in a load of her families clothes! I think that's pretty gross.

Er, I do that! Mind you I do brush them off first, but I don't do anything to the washing machine afterwards, before I put the family laundry in :cool:


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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many many years ago I was in a very horsey house where I watched with interest and mounting horror as the Mum stirred the boiling dog meat ,Linseed and soup all simmering away happily on the Aga with the same wooden spoon I was eightish and knew even then that was not the best thing to do

Kellys Heroes

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13 May 2010
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Oh, some of these make my skin crawl and I thought I was bad!!!! I don't tend to shower and wash my hair over weekend if I'm not going anywhere - but I DO have a daily wash and clean my face!!
I have been known to pee in my horse's stable (I try not to though) - the only problem being Kelly likes to know what I'm doing and has pushed me over one time - disaster!! :eek::D
I'll share food/drink bottles with Kelly, no prob, doesn't bother me.
I won't bother going out of my way to wash my hands if I eat at the yard, but HAVE to wash my hands at home before I eat :confused:
I'll drink from the yard hosepipe if I'm desperately thirsty - won't touch the pipe with my mouth though.
I'll pick up bits of poo I've missed with bare hands.
Horse clothes tend to be worn several days or more in a row - I think they're already dirty, so what the hell! :D If I wash numnahs/rugs/girths they're all washed in an old pillow case though - my mum and I have allergies to horses so I think keeping the hair in the washing machine to a minimum is a must! ;)
The only thing I do clean religiously daily are my boots and I've just got new Ariats for Christmas so I think thats understandable! ;)
K x

ETA just remembered if I need to pop into the shops or for petrol etc on the way home I'll spritz some mane and tail spray on - the requisite one from robbies smells gorgeous!!! :)
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Well-Known Member
16 February 2009
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Dragonsleigh-bells- are you mental? I love when the OH comes into bed smelling all mechanicy and oily and, just, MANLY!

Obviously not ALL the time but now and again when he's been working late or racing and he gets into bed smelling of oil and rubber and leather from his gloves - it's fantastic. I snuggle extra close!
You're making me want to date a mechanic or someone who works with cars :p

But surely that 'need' is a daily occurrence?? :eek:
I can't believe so many people bother to have a shower every day actually! I wash my face and brush my teeth twice a day (morning and evening) and I'll splash a bit of water under my arms, but I couldn't be faffed having a full shower every day! One of my flat mates at uni thinks nothing of having two showers a day and I know for a fact she'll have a shower before going to the gym, which I think is just weird. What a waste of water! I've never been told that I smell, and no-one's ever kicked me out of bed just cos I've not had a shower before getting in ;)


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8 April 2007
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Just remembered another yeuchy one - at a yard I used to be at. The YO came home one day pleased as punch. She had been over at her pals where the vet had been gelding some colts and she had brought back the B*llocks in a bucket for her german shepherds. I know a lot of folk won't mind this at all but it made me a bit sickly.


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4 September 2010
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I don't like - people giving dogs/cats food on human plates (even if they're going to b washed afterwards;
People allowing cats to get on the aga/worktop etc. to eat left out food eg Christmas turkey;
Anyone making food for me without washing their hands first;
And on a very scuzzy but not horse related note
I once had a boyfriend who was a bit of an a**e and used to go out drinking without me, I had a couple of cats at the time who used to eat this sort of sausage type stuff - he came home one night and made himself a pate sandwich!!! I never told him!!


Well-Known Member
26 November 2007
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I haver had to go for a wee on a hack whilst holding my horse hiding in some woods

Ditto, and in the stable if I absolutely have to - always into a skip with a bit of dirty bedding in it though, not actually into their bed.

Have you ever lived in accom that's so cold that the toilet freezes over? I have and there's no way I would have exposed an inch of flesh - it would have been frostbitten! So it was into bed in yard clothes, up in the morning and out in exactly the same thing. Makes me laugh now to think of what a flea-bitten old tramp I was but by god it was cold!

Been there done this. Urgh, it was horrible having all horsey bedclothes though, just horrible, would only do it if it was that or freeze!

I can't believe so many people bother to have a shower every day actually! I wash my face and brush my teeth twice a day (morning and evening) and I'll splash a bit of water under my arms, but I couldn't be faffed having a full shower every day!

Ditto, especially if the only person who is going to see you has 4 legs! Different matter if you've got filthy or sweaty, obviously.

The scuzziest thing I have ever seen is one of my horsey friend's house. The yard was bad enough, I lent them some driving equipment and eventually went to pick it up, and it had been left dangling in a puddle of horse piss, and I still can't get the smell out :mad: Cat & dog poo everywhere, dead rodents, no sign of a broom having been used for quite some time, and that was nothing compared with the house :( The kitchen was piled up with used and mouldy pans and plates, rubbish just left on the worksurfaces instead of making it to the bin, and it was like that every time I visited :( The worst bit was going into their dining room, and there were little wet patches and puddle stains all over the (had once been gorgeous) wooden floor boards... then I watched in horror as they stood and watched their puppy squat and wee on the floor, and they just laughed and said it'll dry! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Funnily enough I never accepted a cup of tea at their house :rolleyes: