For those of you that own more than one horse.


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2 March 2011
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We have three between us now, own field, free hay from OH's Dad and OH who's work hours are 'friendly' allow us to manage (OH doing majority of the work).

Equilibrium Ireland

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12 July 2010
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I have 5. A retiree, my broodmare who I have not bred in 2 years, 2 of her daughters, and a yearling. The 5yo is a SJ mare who is just getting geared up again. The 7 YO is my all around bit of craic horse. I work part time and my husband works full time. So I am lucky although I will be moving to full time and won't be home til 8pm. The horses are my responsibility. I rent a place which includes the horse facilities which is cheaper than livery. I really can't part with any of them. At the moment it works but at some stage it may not. Of course things are tight but it's ok. I also have a livery too. Well one livery.



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9 May 2007
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I have 2 cobs - had 1 for 5 years that I have always said would be my "forever horse" (and she will be) Ive had my other one for 3 years and he was initially a project to be sold on but 3 years later he's still here and going nowhere! :)

Initially they were on grass livery at a livery yard which was easier in the long run, however circumstances changed and they have been out all day and in at night (at a couple of yards) for the last couple of years.

Working full time and having 2 horses is hard work but its work im prepared to put in - finances can also be a struggle but again I work at it and all needs are met :)

My horses are now on full livery mon-fri and DIY at weekends, all i have to do in the week is ride them :)

My gelding now has a lovely sharer that rides him 3 days a week (1 day at weekends) and pays 50% of his "costs" which suits us all

I just tell myself I chose to have 2, therefore I have to "deal with it" LOL

Equilibrium Ireland

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12 July 2010
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Rockchick, I'm like you. It was my choice to have 5. I'm pretty picky about how I keep them and so I just have to do what I have to do. No one held a gun to my head and said, you must keep 5!

My life would be way easier with 1 or 2 but they are all keepers. And I do sell. Have no problems selling anything from the broodie but I just needed a break from babies and wanted to get her 5 YO out competing.

You do what you have to do.



Well-Known Member
28 May 2011
isle of skye, scottish highlands
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i have three:

one is very old and retired, one is only a yearling out of the other- who is my riding horse.

we originaly just had my horse whisper, then got tego for my sister. tego has recently retired and is just living out her days in the field. ;) then put whisper in foal to produce my riding horse for the future. she was bred to keep.

i work full time... three jobs in the summer...! we rent land, and they are low maintainance. ;)


Well-Known Member
24 May 2011
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I have four and I'd never want to do it again! I have my old boy (30), retired and at a centre on retirement livery. My life partner mare (12), unexpectedly retired through injury, also at the retirement centre. Then I have the mare I started sharing (now on loan), while LPM was out of work and the youngster I bought when I came within 2 hours of having LPM put down.

I ended up with 4 because it looked very likely that both the pipe-n-slippers chap was going to have to be pts, so I could justify taking the loan mare on. Then the little devil rallied around and decided that nope, he's fine thanks and looking forward to an idle future. I also very very nearly lost LPM through injury (if I hadn't woken up at 3am and gone to the yard on a hunch she'd have been pts at 5am), so bought the baby, only to have LPM pull around at the last minute too.

The only way I can afford them is that my father offered to pay for the two retirees, because I've managed to get funding grants for my MA and PhD and thus haven't had to borrow the money he'd set aside to help me do those. Also because he has a soft spot for the OAP(ony)! My part-time teaching pays for rent and covers the baby and the loan mare, so technically I only pay for two. It's still hideous cost-wise and I have to repair a lot of things, double up on kit, stay at a yard I'm less than fond of because it's affordable. BUT the retirees have homes for life & the loan mare keeps me sane. If I was desperate, I might sell the baby, but it's not quite that bad yet and she's a real comedy act, so she's probably keeping me sane right now too!


Well-Known Member
22 October 2008
Near Bristol
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I have 2 - Welsh D 7 year old and Cob X 2 year old.

Only one in work, and I get up at the crack of dawn in winter to muck out etc. Genie's been ill and has been in at night since July, and Titchy will be in at night from December - Mid March.

Winter routine is a case of get up at 5.30am, at the yard (they're on DIY livery) by 6am, turn both out, and do everything ready for the night. On the night I get to the yard between 8.15 and 8.45 depending on work hours, and just bring in and put to bed. The welsh one gets exercised 5 days a week in winter (due to my work hours I only do the stupidly early starts three days a week so exercise her before work once a week and she gets the other days off). I haven't thought as far as the youngster being in work yet!

Financially I work my butt off and save where I can. I live at home (even if I didn't have the horses I couldn't afford to move out, so may as well have them and enjoy them!) so that keeps living costs lower.


Well-Known Member
22 July 2010
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I have 3. A pony of 21 who I will retire as soon as she starts to creak too much though I will still take her out for walks in hand as a way of keeping our strong bond going. I have two 3 year olds both of whom take up a lot of time each day. I work full time to pay for it all myself. I am up at 5 and get home at 9.30 but definitely worth it!


Well-Known Member
7 October 2011
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Hi all

I have 2 at the moment but seriously considering a third.

I used to keep them at my mums yard, (she has 2 horses and my sister has another one) but I moved out and further away from home (only 14 long miles!) and had the opportunity to move mine (15.1hh Sec D Gelding) to the fields at my new house. As I was doing that I needed to get a companion for him so ended up with a minature Shetland who is no end of trouble.

They are both hardy and live out all year, my main costs are farrier, vet and hay which makes it quite economical. I bought my horse as a 5 year old over 12 years ago and haven't done much with him in recent years although looking to start again next year. I don't think it is reasonable to ask him to do as much as I want to do so I am seriously considering getting another one (late next year). This one would be kept on part livery to make use of the facilities on offer.

The house I moved into needs a lot of work but there is no rent or mortgage to pay which is nice, financially things are tight but getting better should be in a sounder postition next year (although there is always the potential for the preverbial spanner!)



Well-Known Member
12 March 2010
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I have three.

First the why.....started with my little exmoor mare. Then,few years later, went to a sale and brought and ex polo pony home. Polo pony is now 30 and retired. Little mare went out on loan, and I got a welsh to ride. POny came back.

Why three - becuase I keep them forever! Welsh is 10 so should hopefully be with me for a long time yet.

Next the how!

Last year moved house, belatedly buying our first house (later than I woudl have hoped for and purely down to paying out for horses!) Becuase I would have a mortgage to pay, I also moved the horses and changed the way of managing. This enabled me to have the pony back and keep the three of them very cheaply.

Timewise, the old boy goes for a walk out every now and then, and comes in for the occasional groom (he's not keen!) Pony is 24 so doesn;t do much either, and I'm too big to ride her. She does drive though.

So I only really have one to ride. God knows how people keep more than one or two in work if they have no horse related full time jobs!


Well-Known Member
11 December 2004
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So how do you manage ? I don't work, really. I have a dozen or so horses boarding here as well

Costs, A fair old bit, but the Boarding horses more than cover my costs

Time I have all day, although sometimes there are not enough hours, but as I am the Boss I do things as and when I like.

and why the need for so many ? Because I can :eek: I just keep collecting them :(

Are all the horses that you have in work ? Only 3 of the 12 are ridden, all but the babies are broken to saddle or harness. The others are the stallion, broodies and youngstock

Those with loads are they kept on your own place ? Oh yes. If I had to board horses I wouldn't have any at all, anyway, it would cost me a fortune and I doubt I could find a barn that would cater for what I have at the moment.

Just really interested to know.
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Well-Known Member
27 May 2007
West Midlands
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we have 5 soon to be 4 as loan horse is being returned at the end of the month after nearly a year of getting no where with her. My youngest daughter has a cob to ride for now, until my baby grows up. Our horses all live out 24/7 and we rent a field for just ours. We have our now retied 28yr old, my 3yr old welsh cob, a 12yr old shire x dutch and a 5yr old id x tb. At the moment none are shod, but that might change as the id x does more. Vet, hay and rent are the main costs but our mortgage is very low, thats the only way we can afford it. We also have three ponies out on loan.


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10 April 2003
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I first started this thread just for curiosity sake but after reading your reply's the sacrifies you all make in time and money for our equine friends is fantastic.

I used to have two, Megs who I bred, and Stan who was got because Megs got ill and after a long battle was pts 2 years ago. I miss her a lot but love Stanners to bits but it was not until I lost Megs I realised just how much time and energy I spent. I dare not think how much I spent and as Stan was bigger I had two of everthing. I have made a point of selling as much of Megs stuff as I can so I could not be tempted again.

So thanks again for your great replies.

Tonty Tont

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16 August 2010
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I help out a woman who used to have 14, but she only has 5 now :)

She knew a dealer who abused his horses, so she rescued most of them from him :(

Nearly all of the horses were either broken to ride or drive - and anyone who is big in the british spotted pony society will probably know Sue Watkins and Henry Spots. He was supreme champion gelding for many years :D


Well-Known Member
21 November 2005
North East
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We have three - sister's two ponies and my TB. Will probably be buying another next year as well. We keep them at home which makes things much easier - and much cheaper. They live out all year round and we grow our own hay, so no costs there. They get plenty of good forage so only need minimal hard feed - probably £50 per month max over winter for all three (including supplements) and £20 per month through spring/summer. Then there's just farrier (all unshod), dentist, vaccinations, etc. Insurance is a fair amount but we're slowly saving up a 'pot' so we can do without eventually. They don't actually take up that much time either. I usually spend 20 mins in the morning with them - checking them over, changing rugs if needed and poo-picking. Then in the evening probably 40 mins (although I often dawdle and take much longer!) - feeding, grooming and more poo-picking. Obviously riding adds a lot more time but they keep themselves ticking over as they're out all the time so if we have a busy couple of days it's not a problem. They usually pretty much have the winter off but we're hoping to get an arena in soon which will mean we get more riding in. :)


Well-Known Member
28 October 2008
some place nice
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We have 12, the children each have a pony, OH has two colts my mum and dad have 2 which we look after, I have my haffy,also my 2 friesians then there are the rescues, we both
work. What else would I be doing sat watching corrie or making cards, the kids live for them, why have so many, because I can. I also have 6 dogs and 4 cats. We run a tight ship, everyone is cared for from the kids to horses, homework is done, as is learning dressage test. They are on a livery yard.

Hells Bells

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18 September 2011
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So how do you manage ?
Costs, Time and why the need for so many ?
Are all the horses that you have in work ?
Those with loads are they kept on your own place ?

I have 3. Cost wise, we're very lucky because we have enough land and stables at home, so we have some liveries too, which then goes towards vets bills and food etc.

My old Rocket isnt in work, he's just got a home for life. My mare is ridden and we do a fair amount of shows. And my youngest is still a bit green, so its the plan that over the next couple of years, my mare will slow down and Jack will take over.

As for time, well, i gave up work to have kids a few years back, and havent ever gotten back into full time office work, now i just do mornings at a local business and the rest of the day is mine to play with the geegees. Im very lucky.

Echo Bravo

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6 August 2009
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I've 5, 2 non ridden 2 that are and a young foal, own land and stables and usually make own hay until this year where grass never came up, so buying Horsehage (money put aside), couldn't live without them as they are one of the reasons to get out of bed in the morning, no matter how painfull my joints are.:):):):)


Well-Known Member
10 May 2007
Before we had our own land I had one horse, who I kept on DIY livery. Now we have three horses (have had four), they all live out. The 19 year old (my original horse) is my riding horse, we have a homebred filly who we backed and rode on this spring, I'm looking for a long term loan home for her through no fault of her own, and I also have a two year old gelding who I'm hoping will make my next horse of a lifetime.

We keep them as simply as possible, which helps not only financially but also with time. They live out, and are fed big bale haylage from a round feeder. None are shod - the two that are ridden wear Old Mac boots. They are all good doers, the youngsters aren't rugged and the old boy is minimally clipped, if at all, and wears a light weight rug.


Well-Known Member
23 October 2009
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I have two, a 20 year old and 18 year old. I'm retired now so I have all day :) housework can wait :D I ride them both at least 4 times a week .

They live out so no mucking out, I have 6 acres so lots of land and barely use hay ( infact my neighbour cuts my field for hay for her own four horses and I just have some when I need it ) I bag of FF lasts me three months. Only one shod.

And touch wood, not had the vet out for 10 years!

Most of the costs are worming and dentist work!


Well-Known Member
4 October 2011
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We have one at the minute,but are looking for another.We rent a private yard a minutes walk from the house,from a friend,who does us a very good deal.I don't buy new clothes,drive an old car,all our horsey stuff is second hand and I work part time,so have time for the girls to ride every day after school.If things ever get tough,I'd move them down the road to my dad's farm.He wouldn't want to see his grandaughters having to lose their ponies,I'm sure.I can see a time when all my wages go on ponies,buying a trailer and something to tow it with though.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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I have four and I'd never want to do it again! I have my old boy (30), retired and at a centre on retirement livery. My life partner mare (12), unexpectedly retired through injury, also at the retirement centre. Then I have the mare I started sharing (now on loan), while LPM was out of work and the youngster I bought when I came within 2 hours of having LPM put down.

I ended up with 4 because it looked very likely that both the pipe-n-slippers chap was going to have to be pts, so I could justify taking the loan mare on. Then the little devil rallied around and decided that nope, he's fine thanks and looking forward to an idle future. I also very very nearly lost LPM through injury (if I hadn't woken up at 3am and gone to the yard on a hunch she'd have been pts at 5am), so bought the baby, only to have LPM pull around at the last minute too.

The only way I can afford them is that my father offered to pay for the two retirees, because I've managed to get funding grants for my MA and PhD and thus haven't had to borrow the money he'd set aside to help me do those. Also because he has a soft spot for the OAP(ony)! My part-time teaching pays for rent and covers the baby and the loan mare, so technically I only pay for two. It's still hideous cost-wise and I have to repair a lot of things, double up on kit, stay at a yard I'm less than fond of because it's affordable. BUT the retirees have homes for life & the loan mare keeps me sane. If I was desperate, I might sell the baby, but it's not quite that bad yet and she's a real comedy act, so she's probably keeping me sane right now too!

Snap, I also managed to get funding for the PhD but the cost of this is that I teach in the week too I have an older horse who I have had for 14 years so is going nowhere and also have a 2 year old I'm lucky that my boyfriend helps me(who also works full time) and we have a good bring in/turn out service if needed I got the youngster although maybe not the best time because I knew when I loose my older one, I wouldn't go and buy another. It helps that they are both well behaved and I'm on a cheap yard- costs about £300 a month for both including shoes, feed etc and wormers and jabs I just pay for when needed. I live in a horrible area and don't go out buy clothes etc


Well-Known Member
20 November 2009
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I have three but only bought 2 - but we had a suprise foal now 18 months.

Only wanted one but know it isn't fair to keep a herd animal on it's own so got her a companion pony.

Now know I need to sell one but finding it impossible to decide as they are such a happy settled herd. :(

Money is tight but we rent a paddock from the church, a neighbour lets me graze his paddock for free and my Dad bought 2 acres next to our house. We have a crusty old field shelter and a corral so they do slum it a bit but they are always mucked out and poo picked twice a day, fed lots of good quality hay and have farrier / teeth/ jabs / backs all up to date.

So while I can survive I will but may advertise for a sharer for NF pony once he's properly riding away of someone gentle for my mare to help cover costs.

I also feel guilty they don't get loads of grooming and fuss but I always give them a quick scratch or face rub when I check them over and clear field etc so they know they are loved.


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2 February 2007
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I have 2. A 18yr old TB who is semi retired now after a serious injury last year, who just hacks now, and my pony who I do some competing with. I have a lovely sharer for my horse who I'd be lost without who helps both with the cost and time of looking after them.

They are on DIY at a private house - still out 24/7 at the mo (going to do 2 more weeks before they come in at nights) and thankfully the lady who owns the house has said she will turn them out in the morning for me once they come in. Otherwise it would have been an hour round trip at 6am in the morning to look forward to before work.

My long term aim is to have some land and just keep my horses as naturally as possible in the future - living out.


Well-Known Member
14 August 2005
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So how do you manage ?
Costs, Time and why the need for so many ?
Are all the horses that you have in work ?

I only have two so not loads.

Firstly, they're both Natives = hardy, live out and live on almost fresh air.
Costs = minimal = £276 per month
and these include: livery, dental care, feet (one pony gets trimmed and one has full set), Annual Booster, Winter Hay, Worm Counts and Insurance.

Time is difficult and so I am currently giving oldie more time off and working youngster so next year I can ride and lead to get them both fit. They both live out so if I'm short on time I simply go and poo-pick = 15 minutes. Groom and ride oldie can be 30 mins - 4 hours and youngster can be up to an hour depending on what I do with her.

Why have Both? Because the youngster was bought as a companion with the thinking that if she could be ridden then great, if not well, she's still doing the job she was bought for.

Once they are both in full work I will see how they go and ride/lead together and school a couple of times a week.

They are on DIY grass livery and 15 minutes away (on way to work).
I also work shifts so I have either 5 days off or 7 days off at a time. I work 4 nights on or 2 days and then 3 nights so fab for the ponies :D


Well-Known Member
24 November 2008
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I have two. I have always had one, my tb ex racer, my horse of a lifetime. He was diagnosed with KS, bone spavins and navicular last summer. He is only just come back into walk work two weeks ago. While he was out of action i bought a project mare, who is still here! I kept her as we were unsure that my tb would come sound. I love my dressage and showing and my tb wont do this competativly anymore. The mare has turned out to be something nice. She will stay for the time being but i may sell her once she has some miles on the clock depending on the situation with my tb. I am also a full time uni student and full time employed. I do the whole yard (8 horses) twice a week to get cheaper rent. i do stuggle but im happy with the arangments at the moment.


Well-Known Member
19 June 2010
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I have 3 - my old DWB who is living out his retirement eating me out of house and home... My sec a that is almost free to keep - a trim every 6 weeks and a bit of wormer -- that's it except for shavings in the depth of winter .,, and my cob who i ride and lives on fresh air... But uses a lot of bedding. All kept at mums so rent is cheap .. And we grow our own haylege


Well-Known Member
1 August 2002
Beds/South Cambs
Two horses and two ponies, kept on own land. They are turned out 24/7 all year (unless ill) which pretty much eliminates the cost of any bedding - they have stables open to them as field shelters but they don't use them much so we just replace the bedding on the odd occasion. Stables were built by my stepdad, who didn't know anything about horses, but he did an excellent job and saved money by building the doors from scratch and that sort of thing.

Don't spend loads of money on expensive feeds or many supplements, though they do get what they need, and all have the same foods but in different amounts and/or ratios. Have one mineral lick in the field which has lasted for absolutely ages.

I trawl around for rugs and only buy decent quality ones (weatherbeeta, axiom) which are a reasonable price on ebay or in a sale. Now I have a small collection which will last for years (hopefully!) - each of the two horses has a l/w, m/w, h/w and a fleece. The shettie obviously has nothing and the other pony, who is knocking on, has two turnouts. I don't have the rugs washed or reproofed, we just brush off the mud and fix any tears if there are any.

Don't spend lots on equipment (only Belle is in work and that's just light occasional hacking) - tack is good quality but 2nd hand. Got some high-vis bits from aldi! Numnah is a 2nd Nuumed which was about £3 on ebay. :) Most of grooming kit is made up of bits we've had for donkey's years with just a few additions.

Farrier comes every 7 weeks and ponies are only trimmed if required and don't always need it. Belle is cold shod and we have the same shoes put back on when possible.

That's about all I can think of for the time being! :)

Roasted Chestnuts

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7 July 2008
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I have two :)

20yr old Welsh D x (Kia) who is in flatwork only work as he has arthritis, still 100% sound and iwant to keep him that way :D

12/13yr old TBxWB Eowyn who is my main horse now but keep injuring herself :)rolleyes:) who i use for most activities and was hoping to BE next year (little chance of that now with a bad SDFT injury)

They are both on DIY in a field with some stables,no leccy or lights unles headtorch and no school. I keep them both fit and active my riding/lunging one everyday (when they are both in sound anyroads) depending on what shift I am on if I have enough time i ride them both or take them both out a hack riding Kia and leading Eowyn.

Money wise they have basic needs met, feed, bedding, hay, rugs everything they need to be happy. They dont get anything I deem unnecessary like random chiro or massage visits unless sanctoned by a vet. They are shod as well costing me 90 quid very 8 weeks, and alot of their rugs and tack (except saddles and show bridles) are ebay buys not all new :)

Times wise I work part time (not through choice) and am either early shift or late shift rotated weekly so either finish at 1.30 or start at 1.30 depending on week.