Found stray dog... We might be having him!


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15 October 2015
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On Sunday, we were driving along on the way to a family meal (running late, as always) when a little terrier ran out in the road in front of us. He nearly got hit by two cars coming in the opposite direction, I scream at OH to stop the car and frantically looked for anything to catch him with. As we were in OH's car, it wasn't littered with lead ropes and horse paraphernalia, so the only thing i could find was an iPhone charger, ha.
Went and caught the little guy, an elderly and rather overweight chap, who was very friendly, and knocked on loads of houses doors but nobody knew him. Asked dog walkers in the local park, nobody knew him still.
There is a Blue Cross rehoming centre nearby to where we were headed for lunch and they were open on Sundays, so we took him there for scanning - no microchip apparently. I left him with them, for them to call the dog warden. It broke my heart, he was so stressed out and I couldn't stop thinking about his poor owner.

I got OH to make and print some posters with his photo, saying to call the Blue Cross... I went round postering on Tuesday night, I spent ages and asked every dog walker/person I saw if they knew him. Nobody recognised him and I was beginning to lose hope when the very last couple I saw before I got back in the car said they knew him! His owners lived just a few doors up from where I had knocked doors up to.

I went and knocked the door and showed them the poster, and the man said yes, he knows the dog.
- So, is it yours? I asked him.
-Well yes but.... The thing is you see.... I've lost my driving licence on medical grounds, and my wife has broken both her feet...
I offered to give them a lift to fetch him.
And then out came the truth:
- We don't really want him any more.

My heart broke for this poor little dog, they'd had him 9 years and he is 11 years old. I said I would see if I could offer him a home.

Then trndled back home to break the news to OH, who was less than receptive to the idea of another dog. We haven't the space (we have, and we're moving house anyway to a bigger house). We haven't the space in the cars (we'd make the space, of course).

So, the compromise is: We all go to see him, and our current dog meets him. IF they get on ok, and he seems ok with little one (house he came from had a baby too) then we go for it. If not, I will never mention it again! Seem fair to you, o wise members of HHO?

Rescue centre he's at have said several times he's got little chance of being chosen for a new home at his age, people want younger dogs they'll "get more out of". So sad for the poor little mite!


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3 October 2018
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❤️ lucky little chap finding such a lovely person. I really hope it all works out for you all. Your compromise is overly fair! Please post photos of the new member of the family when he's settled in. I'm not going to waste my words on the last home. I've managed a (well-known) rescue centre, you see the best and worst of people. I try to remember the best.

Stiff Knees

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1 May 2019
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It has to be fate that you were passing at that exact moment, meant to be. Good luck with him, who doesn't love a middle aged terrier??😍
I have a friend who pulled into a layby to take a phone call only to witness someone dumping a lurcher and then driving off, my friend got out if the car, whistled at the dog and he ran to her, jumped in the car and was with her for 7 years until he passed last year, he'd been used for dog fighting or baiting she thinks as he was badly scarred and had teeth missing. He got his happy ending though...❤️🐾


Well-Known Member
15 October 2015
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Oh I do so hope he and my current dog get on. Mine, being (mostly) black and having a naturally high tail carriage, can appear threatening to others. Likewise, he then mirrors their body language and gets his hackles up. Also does NOT like his personal space being interfered with (fair enough!). Having said that, he has lived with two other dogs (Maltese dog and bitch) very happily and the Maltese dog was most definitely the boss of him..!
George (that's his name) seemed like he could be a bit fear reactive, when I had him on the iphone charger some other big dogs came bounding over and he was barky, but not snappy. Then again, he was in an already stressful situation, with a complete stranger. So we'll have to see. Previous owners told me he has been attacked several times and "ripped open" !!!!!!! so wouldn't be surprised. I've dealt with fear reactive before though, will just take some management.
Yes, 11 is middle aged really for a terrier, not elderly. Shh, don't tell OH, I think he's counting on George not lasting much longer..!
Pics of course, if it works out. Our appointment at the Dogs Home is 4.15 tomorrow, please send us all the positive doggy vibes!


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
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Ha, this is how we got Hector! He was skinny though.

I did't think our dog would get on with him, but it was all OK. I have to say that we love Hector like we have ever loved another dog before. Vet thought he was 7, and we have had him 4 1/2 years now, but he seems to have got younger and younger, and we now think he was younger than 7, but who cares, Hector is Hector and rules our world.

I do think rescue dogs know that you have saved them and are double happy for it. Hector was near death when we found him.

Can't believe the owner just disregarding their dog after all that time, especially. I agree with Clodagh! I think the indroduction of dogs would be better at home :p


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11 November 2008
Down the road,up the hill,second gate on the left
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Fingers crossed for you. Poor dog being turfed out like that.
There was a sad story on a local rescue page about a dog that was returned for a stupid reason. People are such arseholes at times. <iframe src="
I hope this link works, if not try their page and go down to 26th May, dog called Chance. I must admit I did choke up reading about him being brought back to kennels.
Lev if you're reading this they have a lovely lurcher in called Frank;), just putting it out there!:p


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14 September 2001
Hants, England
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How can people be so cruel? But thank goodness for lovely people like you :)

My parents adopted an older terrier, overlooked for homing because he was 10. He’s the loveliest dog and he and my dad spend many happy hours strolling round the village talking to people. Even if he doesn’t last too long, the joy he’s given has been equal to that of any younger dog.

I hope this story has a happy ending x


Well-Known Member
9 February 2009
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Aw well done ponyparty
I'd be surprised if your OH thinks for a second hes coming home without another family member.
Poor George, it is devastating for him to lose his family after such a long time
Fingers crossed all goes well x


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17 April 2008
N. Bucks
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Wishing you all the luck in the world for the meeting. You obviously know what youre doing so IMO the Blue Cross would be daft to turn you down as his new owners, you and they both know it will take time for your dogs to settle down together, first impressions arent always the best guide. Hopefully there will be no shenanigans and he can come home with you x


9 July 2012
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Fingers crossed for you. Poor dog being turfed out like that.
There was a sad story on a local rescue page about a dog that was returned for a stupid reason. People are such arseholes at times. <iframe src="
I hope this link works, if not try their page and go down to 26th May, dog called Chance. I must admit I did choke up reading about him being brought back to kennels.
Lev if you're reading this they have a lovely lurcher in called Frank;), just putting it out there!:p

Oh Blanche! Frank is gorgeous, I shouldn’t have looked 😄 and old enough to be sensible too 😊😊😊


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16 February 2009
Slopping along on a loose rein somewhere in Devon
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So in other words, the previous "owners" I would strongly suspect kicked the poor little guy out coz he wasn't wanted any more - and he being eleven years old and needing somewhere warm and cosy where he could spend the rest of his days. Poor little chap; how the heck people can be so heartless beats me :(

Hoping all will work well for you: he obviously "found" you!! Clever little man!!

Fingers X'd for you. This little one sounds like he's got your name & address written on his collar and just hoping that everything works out.

May we have a photo in due course???