Frankie is being PTS tomorrow


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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So sorry :(.

Speak to miss_c if you are unsure about the new one, she'd bought genie yet to be collected then lost her current in an accident so am sure she will know what you are feeling on that and she could perhaps help.


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3 November 2008
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How awful for you, I'm so sorry and hope that today went as well as it could. From following your posts I think you are definitely doing the right thing. It will hurt like hell for a long, long time but do your best to give the new boy a chance. You never know, he might surprise you.


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13 May 2010
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I'm so sorry to hear, it's so hard I bought my girl just after losing my 8 year old so know how you feel, not long afterwards I lost my old mare and I feel like it took ages before I didn't hold it against the new one! Take your time, there is no rush to get over him

Leo Walker

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19 July 2013
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Hes gone. It was very, very quick. The injection went in and that was pretty much it, he was gone and down almost immediately. I had a lovely 10 mins with him beforehand hand feeding him treats. He literally couldnt believe his eyes as he was never ever allowed anything like that and they just kept coming, so it was nice to do that for him.

I had a few minutes after he had gone to get myself together then I had to get on and sort the new one out and all the people who said it would help were right. I havent had time to get too upset as I've been busy with stuff for him. Hes still the lovely pony I bought so I'll spend sometime with him and see if we can work something out together. I think we probably can, hes much needier than Frankie and really does need his hand holding a little bit, so even if I just take it from that point of view for now and then see how it all works out. I bought him some bits and pieces this afternoon, just silly things like brushes but they are his own things not hand me downs, but it felt important to do that.

I'm heartbroken about Frankie. I expected to know I'd done the right thing and to feel relief that he wasnt suffering anymore but actually I just feel guilt and sadness that I couldnt fix him. I'm hoping that will ease over time as its a really horrible way to feel and there really wasnt anything else I could have done other than put an end to it, but knowing something and feeling something arent always the same.


Well-Known Member
26 September 2012
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So sorry to read this FC. Nobody in a million years who has read your posts on here could ever accuse you of letting Frankie down.

Big hugs.


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8 February 2011
Nr. Boston, Lincs
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Please don't ever feel guilty...ever. You did amazing things for that horse. And you gave him the final kindness instead of letting him selfishly suffer. I know at the moment it must feel terrible but it will get easier, I'm sure it'll always hurt and be insanely saddening but it will get easier. Really looking forward to seeing your adventures with your new boy.xx

Peregrine Falcon

Looking forward to drier days
1 July 2008
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Reaching for the tissues too. Look after yourself and do give some time to grieve. Please do not feel guilty that you couldn't fix him, there are some things that can't be. You did everything you could, take comfort in that. X


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9 September 2010
The Wet West of Scotland
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Hes gone. It was very, very quick. The injection went in and that was pretty much it, he was gone and down almost immediately. I had a lovely 10 mins with him beforehand hand feeding him treats. He literally couldnt believe his eyes as he was never ever allowed anything like that and they just kept coming, so it was nice to do that for him.

I had a few minutes after he had gone to get myself together then I had to get on and sort the new one out and all the people who said it would help were right. I havent had time to get too upset as I've been busy with stuff for him. Hes still the lovely pony I bought so I'll spend sometime with him and see if we can work something out together. I think we probably can, hes much needier than Frankie and really does need his hand holding a little bit, so even if I just take it from that point of view for now and then see how it all works out. I bought him some bits and pieces this afternoon, just silly things like brushes but they are his own things not hand me downs, but it felt important to do that.

I'm heartbroken about Frankie. I expected to know I'd done the right thing and to feel relief that he wasnt suffering anymore but actually I just feel guilt and sadness that I couldnt fix him. I'm hoping that will ease over time as its a really horrible way to feel and there really wasnt anything else I could have done other than put an end to it, but knowing something and feeling something arent always the same.

Please, please don't feel guilty, you did everything possible for Frankie and made the courageous decision to do the right thing for him at the end. He was lucky to have you, many other horses don't have such owners like you. Hopefully he'll be watching over you with your new boy and whispering in ear his ear telling him to look after you. No horse will replace Frankie but your capacity to care will be needed by your new boy and he will win a place in your heart. Take care, big hugs x


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11 October 2014
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I'm so relieved to here it was quick and peaceful for him. You are probably still in shock and I'm sure you will feel the relief soon that he is no longer in pain. You have nothing to feel guilty about. I hope your new lad brings you some comfort over the next while x


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18 April 2011
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.... I havent had time to get too upset as I've been busy with stuff for him. Hes still the lovely pony I bought so I'll spend sometime with him and see if we can work something out together. I think we probably can, hes much needier than Frankie and really does need his hand holding a little bit, so even if I just take it from that point of view for now and then see how it all works out. I bought him some bits and pieces this afternoon, just silly things like brushes but they are his own things not hand me downs, but it felt important to do that....

It sounds to me like Frankie sent you the new boy...

He knew you'd need each other xx


Well-Known Member
31 August 2010
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I am so very sorry, Frankiecob. Sometimes there is nothing else we can do. You will feel better knowing that you did everything you could, and made his last moments happy.

I honestly think the new horse came at the right time, he will keep you well and keep your routine normal. Thinking of you. xx


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6 July 2008
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The hardest and saddest thing for us to do, but the kindest for for our horses, Frankie will have left you with some lovely memories to cherish, at some point you will remember them and smile, it may well take a long time, it did for me when I lost my horse of a life time, but now, years later I grin when I think about her. Take your time and allow yourself to grieve, thinking about you x


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18 January 2012
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You have doen a very brave thing and it was the right thing for an owner who loves their boy so much, to do. Maybe in time you will start to believe this. Big hugs


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26 July 2009
North of the Wall
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So sorry FC - you couldn't have done anymore for Frankie, you went above and beyond to try to fix him, and it just wasn't to be. I hope your new boy does help - sounds like he needs you and whilst he won't replace Frankie, he sounds like a super prospect and will give you happiness in time. Take care x


Well-Known Member
29 September 2013
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Bless you. :( When my little mare was PTS it was a couple of days before her loss really hit me.

Having the other girls to do at least helped me stick to a routine and gave me a reason to keep going. Your new boy sounds very sweet and I'm sure he can help you through this.

Don't ever feel guilty for a minute. You could have kept him going for your sake but you didn't, you made the selfless decision to let him go. No-one could have done more for him. It'll take a while for you to believe that but it really is true.



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2 May 2011
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So sorry FC, I've only just caught this post. Please don't feel guilty as Frankie was a very much loved horse who had a good life with you. RIP Frankie, May you run forever pain free.


Well-Known Member
8 April 2007
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So sorry to hear about Frankie. Please don't feel guilty, you did the right thing for him. I went through this with my first horse and like you, took the decision to PTS. It was the right thing for her too. Laminitis is a dreadful thing. :(


Well-Known Member
10 May 2011
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Having a new horse in circumstances like this is hard - it happened to me last year when I bought a new one at a time when I thought existing horse needed a year off, however it transpired within about a week of having the two of them that the existing horse was never going to recover. They hated each other with a passion in the short time they were together and I felt terribly guilty that my horse was stressed by the new one in his last week. I still do, to be honest, but what's done is done and he went peacefully and quickly which is something at least. It's inevitable that you will compare the two for ages but you must try and see that you did what was right.


Fais pas chier!
6 July 2010
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Absolutely gutted for you. :( You did everything you possibly could for Frankie.

Very weird timing that Frankie started to relapse as soon as you got the new boy. He's going to be at a different yard, isn't he? I found being at the yard very difficult, but had another, so no choice. Take your time with the new boy, don't push yourself into the driving til you're ready.

Big hugs, this is very a very difficult thing to go through.