Full/part livery people :)


Well-Known Member
16 February 2009
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I think you need to specify if you want full liveries to tidy up any mess they make. I used to work for a pro SJ rider who had two full liveries and the only thing that they did was get their horse out of the stable, groom, tack up and ride. We did all jobs, exercising when they weren't there, doing the horses off etc. They both knew that a key yard rule was to pick out feet before taking the horse out of the stable and they both usually remembered to do this. What they never seemed to work out was that they needed to do it immediately before taking the horse out, rather than before they removed rugs, groomed, tacked up etc, or the horse would still tread loads of bedding (we were on shavings) out of the stable. The amount of mess they used to make just from this was unbelievable!! But I could never think of a polite way of telling them, so me and the other groom just had to smile and sweep up all the mess. They never used to pick up poo on the yard either. BUT I think part of the problem was there was no rule saying they had to, do they didn't. But I don't think it would be unreasonable to have these rules.