Gaps in the Equine product and service market


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22 October 2018
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Would like to have riding simulators more widely available - don't think there are any in Scotland ATM. They no doubt cost a lot of money but could come down if they were more mainstream?
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7 January 2019
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Hats in hi viz colours so I don't have to faff with a cover that blows off in the wind.

A proper agency for temporary grooms so that I can always get an insured and verified one when I want to go away from home.
Hats in hi viz colours so I don't have to faff with a cover that blows off in the wind.

A proper agency for temporary grooms so that I can always get an insured and verified one when I want to go away from home.
Hi Ycbm, Thank you for your reply. Do you mean a groom to look after your horses whilst you go away or to take with you when you go away competing? Thanks


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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When I leave home and they stay here. It's a big problem for most people who keep their horses at home and sporadically need them cared for when they aren't home, mentioned quite often as a downside to having your own place.

My current stand in groom, for example, might get pregnant or a permanent job at any time, and I'm stuck again trying to find someone else. An agency with several people on the books who've been shown my (very simple) ropes would be just brilliant.
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Active Member
7 January 2019
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When I leave home and they stay here. It's a big problem for most people who keep their horses at home and sporadically need them cared for when they aren't home, mentioned quite often as a downside to having your own place.

My current stand in groom, for example, might get pregnant or a permanent job are any time, and I'm stuck again trying to find someone else. An agency with several people on the books who've been shown my (very simple) ropes would be just brilliant.
Yes I agree, we have this problem to the point a family holiday is almost impossible! Great Suggestion! thanks
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23 February 2009
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A decent agency for groom work would be great, but i wonder what you'd have to charge to make such a business viable and what people would be prepared to pay. Fully insured, paying national insurance, holiday money etc, travel cost (and travelling time).


Active Member
7 January 2019
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A decent agency for groom work would be great, but i wonder what you'd have to charge to make such a business viable and what people would be prepared to pay. Fully insured, paying national insurance, holiday money etc, travel cost (and travelling time).
Yes i agree, an interesting concept to explore though, possibly a market for grooms to get odd day works as and when the principle groom is away/ sick etc


Well-Known Member
3 October 2012
Behind you
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I would like to see all these perceived 'gaps' in the market done away with so owners can get on with keeping and enjoying their horses rather than feeling pressured and bogged down with all the marketing, guilt tripping, over spending and must have fads we are bombarded with day in day out! You have to have this, you have to wear this, you must keep your horse like this, rugged in these, eating this supplement and that supplement, you should have every gadget under the sun to make you a better owner and rider otherwise your horse will be miserable and you will be picked on for not conforming like the masses! Just my thoughts obviously :)


Active Member
7 January 2019
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I would like to see all these perceived 'gaps' in the market done away with so owners can get on with keeping and enjoying their horses rather than feeling pressured and bogged down with all the marketing, guilt tripping, over spending and must have fads we are bombarded with day in day out! You have to have this, you have to wear this, you must keep your horse like this, rugged in these, eating this supplement and that supplement, you should have every gadget under the sun to make you a better owner and rider otherwise your horse will be miserable and you will be picked on for not conforming like the masses! Just my thoughts obviously :)
Thanks for your reply. I am mainly enquiring about products or services that horse owners feel would be useful in making their lives as a horse owner easier. Nothing to do with getting people to buy into fads etc. Inevitably there will be gaps in the market as not every possible product or service that may make a horse owners life easier has been thought of yet. I am simply researching how life could be made easier. :) Thanks


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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What kind of loon won't allow a hose in a stable yard?

*That's a hosepipe ban, then?

Correct. Common in the UK for water companies to ban hoses in contact with the ground due to contaminating of the water supply from siphoning back. Some allow them with non return valve taps, some don't.
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Tough but Fair
17 January 2009
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Correct. Common in the UK for water companies to ban hoses in contact with the ground die to contaminating of the water supply from siphoning back. Some allow them with non return valve taps, some don't.

Gosh; living in the UK is so complicated.......


Well-Known Member
23 August 2010
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agree about the stable design changes.

god my head bursts with ideas for things i need and could invent but do not have time to make or manufacture


13 May 2007
Northern Ireland
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A decent agency for groom work would be great, but i wonder what you'd have to charge to make such a business viable and what people would be prepared to pay. Fully insured, paying national insurance, holiday money etc, travel cost (and travelling time).

Already exists in the form of housesitting agencies. You merely request someone with the necessary skillset for whatever you want looking after. I've several very highly horsey qualified friends who work/have worked for them.

Another friend set up a really great muck heap removal business and turned the muck into high grade garden compost. Surprisingly quick to do, and with a bit of start up funding for sorting and bagging equipment, she was up and running in no time. I'm surprised more people don't do this as a business. Most people need reliable and regular muck heap removal.


Well-Known Member
21 April 2010
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Being able to get decent rider clothing above a size 14.

Not talking like 22+ or anything dramatic, but plenty of ladies have larger chests/hips/thighs which means they need to go up a size. Many of the major brands “designer” stop at a small made 14!

Whilst the “plus size/average size” clothing does exist, it’s currently not quite as appealing as smaller sized brands.

Boots to fit horses with bone who are not 17hh+ XL boots are sometimes wide enough, but often super long.