This tragic accident reminded me of something i hope readers will note.
when i was younger my mum found a german shepherd wandering about on the road and brought it home and though we never had a problem, it was totally vicious with anyone else. Because it was about the time the danderous dogs thing started being news worthy we got the police dog handlers from Brixton and Keston to retrain it (just about successful). the thing is, they said that the trouble with small children and certain dogs is that they see them at eye level, ie no threat as no bigger, and sometimes just get aggravated or even more likely woken up by small child and just bite instinctively. Everyone has heard the expression let sleeping dogs lie, that is one of the reasons for it. This is particularly true of breeds that, whatever their origins, have ben bred to be vicious e.g. pitt bulls, dobermans and all the others on the dangerous dogs list.
There are many dogs of these types that are calm and kind but you cannot entirely remove generations of selective breeding entirely. Think about it this way, most horse people would not buy a TB of any sort as a childs first ride because though many are several generations removed from the track, i think it is fair to say they are generally all sensitive and easily spoilt. Why is it that dog people dont think about dogs the same way? I am so sorry for the little girl and her family, i just hope other people will learn from reading about it.
Saw that on the news yesterday, so tragic. My thoughts are with her family and grandmother at this horrible time.
What I don't understand is why this potentially dangerous dog was allowed to be alone with a 5 yo, especially as the owner had been warned about it's behaviour?
I can't stand it the way people now think of these dogs as killer maniacs. I have met so many who, thanks to a responsible dog owner who knows what they are taking on, have turned out to be absolute gems. As someone said when they wrote into sky news yesterday, it isn't the breed of dog, it's the owner who brings them up. just like parents bringing up children - if you let them get away with being absolute brats, then they will turn out like one when they are adults.
How terrible! People seem to forget that just because a dog isnt bigger than us it can still be dangerous, especially the breeds with a temperament bred for hunting/ratting/ guarding.
Our old dog was as sweet as they came, but she didnt always realise when to stop if she was play fighting or licking ur finger, but she never drew blood, never growled, never ever actually went for or displayed agressive tendancies, even when 2 strange dogs once walked into the house.
So sad. There had been fireworks going off around about and chances are they upset it - my cousin's Staffie is lovely but hates fireworks and thunder and it turns him into a completely different dog. Obviously we don't know the background and it could just be that the dog was dangerous but on the other hand it could just have been a horrible accident
Apparently the Dangerous Dogs act does not apply indoors. However, it never ceases to amaze me how blase people are about dogs and small children. I think the post from Lucretia hit the nail on the head.
It just seems to be one incident after another regarding dogs attacking children, you would think the recent stories on the news would make people more wary about leaving their children alone with dogs.
I think bull terriers are the most reliable dogs, far more so than many breeds which are considered safe family pets. If Princess Anne's dogs had attacked a child it would have been injured - as I recall there was no injury. My interpretation of that incident was that the dog was a wheel chaser and went after the wheels on the bike, unfortunately the childs leg was in the way. I have a wheel chaser, she's a real pain and we have to watch cyclists with her, as well as things like the vacuum cleaner
The other incident involved one of Anne's dogs killing one of her mums corgis, which is a seperate issue. Bull terriers are often a risk to other dogs.
There are masses of staffie cross breds being raised in completely unsuitable environments, as there are rotties, mastiffs and other 'cool' breeds.
English Bull Terriers though are absolutely not unpredictable as a breed and are in reality very safe around children.
As are rotties, staffies etc if they are properly brought up! I have a rottie who is absolutely trustworthy and ever so gentle around children, however he is big (about 8 stone) and like any big animal, or any animal in fact, I wouldn't leave him alone with children, mainly because he might tread on one!
But most people wouldn't leave a child alone in an enclosed space with a horse, so why do they with dogs?
Having said that, it sounds like this dog in partcular, and the rotties earlier in the year, came from the sort of background where they have been actively encouraged to be aggressive...they are only doing what their owners have expected of them in the past. It is the owners who need destroying! (well, perhaps that is a little harsh, but you know what I mean!)
It just makes me really angry, as my gentle giant of a dog who is the soppiest creature ever gets a bad reputation because of thoughtless owners who buy dogs like this as a fashion statement and then either neglect them or train them to be viscious!
Sorry, rant over.
Terrible tragedy whatever the cause and RIP to the poor little girl who was an innocent victim.
a dangerous dog according to the dangerous dogs act, is so if you percieve it as being a threat, it does not need to bite, but if you feel threatened by it, then its a dangerous dog.
It is very sad and tragic, and while my thoughts are with the family i feel i should stand up for the bull terrier breed!
I own 4 staffies (or pit bulls as various people have called them) and they are fantastic dogs, the breed is recommenede by the KC for being good to be with children.
Mine are fantastic with everyone and other animals! A lot of it goes on how they are brought up! Thanks to the once again bad press i will now have to extra vigilant with my dogs. And have problems rehoming any of my future litters!
This breed are not nasty or dangerous, just the people that are supposed to care for them!
Just watched a news thign on it - dog was confirmed as a type of pit bull AND had attacked on 2previous occasions - this attack sounds absolutely horrific. The grandmother underwent surgery on her injuries earlier today.
I think staffies have the rep they do because you generally see young men/teenage boys with them, studded harness, lad usually wearing no top, walking like he is the hardest man around! Gives the dog a bad image and rep!
also how some of them treat the poor things its no wonder some of them end up snarling at the end of their leads, but then I suppose that is what these lads want.
I know staffies owned by families who are lovely, friendly and soft as,
I think staffies have the rep they do because you generally see young men/teenage boys with them, studded harness, lad usually wearing no top, walking like he is the hardest man around! Gives the dog a bad image and rep!
also how some of them treat the poor things its no wonder some of them end up snarling at the end of their leads, but then I suppose that is what these lads want.
I know staffies owned by families who are lovely, friendly and soft as,
[/ QUOTE ]
I am sure thats why a lot get there bad rep but i am 25 yr old 5 ft nothing female!
And yes my male staff has a studded collar but that doesn't make him nasty!
This is my male staff, the second pic is playing with his pups!!
First of all, my thoughts are with the little girls family at this tragic time.
However, it never ceases to amaze me how blase people are about dogs and small children.
[/ QUOTE ]
Me too!
We had a GSD that had been so medded up before we got him that he wasnt 100% so I wasnt allowed to be alone with him untill I was a teenager,no exceptions.
He was never agressive towards us but it the only responsable thing to do.
My friend had a wolf Hybrid, soppyist thing you could ever meet but it was NEVER left alone with his children dispite NEVER showing any signs af agression.
Although I do feel for the family I cant help but wonder WHY the dog was left with the 5 year old girl in the first place.Any dog has the potential to be dangerous.I dont belive "bad dogs" exist, I do belive backyard breeders have produced animals with less then desireable temprements that are in the hands of inexperianced handlers- thats just trouble waiting to happen.