people said i was an idiot, is hould go bak to basics i was trying to kill my horse and leave him to rot. And anyway i did get the vet out and he doesnt even know if it is lami. and i thought poeple would have responded positivley.
look. youve said what you needed to say and so have other people so now the argument has ran out. please just leave it now so we can all return to doing our own thing? thanks.
I accept that i may have over reacted a little to start with as i am only 15 years old and maybe i jumped into fast and thought the worst - he often lies down and doesnt want to get up as he is lazy but this time things did seem worse. As a 15 year old its heard to make descisions quickly and choose but gladly my parents also thought we should ring the vet when i discussed his symptoms.
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Don't use your age as an excuse. I'm 15 and have non horsey parents so I know how hard it is, but if your horse is in a serious condition (like you described last night) you call the vet and beg for the money later. You said in one of your posts that he could barely walk, now you are saying he was never in that much pain.
I still don't get if this is some sort of joke, but if my horse couldn't walk, I would be on the phone to the vet so so fast. No one was nasty to you last night, just telling you to call the vet which you obviously needed to do.
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I cannot beleive you are only 15? Off to the CR young lady (Only joking)
I accept that i may have over reacted a little to start with as i am only 15 years old and maybe i jumped into fast and thought the worst - he often lies down and doesnt want to get up as he is lazy but this time things did seem worse. As a 15 year old its heard to make descisions quickly and choose but gladly my parents also thought we should ring the vet when i discussed his symptoms.
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Don't use your age as an excuse. I'm 15 and have non horsey parents so I know how hard it is, but if your horse is in a serious condition (like you described last night) you call the vet and beg for the money later. You said in one of your posts that he could barely walk, now you are saying he was never in that much pain.
I still don't get if this is some sort of joke, but if my horse couldn't walk, I would be on the phone to the vet so so fast. No one was nasty to you last night, just telling you to call the vet which you obviously needed to do.
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I am 15 too, with non horsy parents, and even if i didn't know the symptoms (which i hope i would) and had to ask on a forum, i would take the serious advice i was given, regardless of whether it is what i wanted to hear or not. Hope your pony is OK
Okay i am not going to carry on going on about this and arguing in a forum because its making us all quite angry (me the most)
Cyril is a fine today, absoulutley normal. Swelling gone down trots in hand fine. Rang the vet he said it probably wasnt lami and just sore feet as throughbreds are prone to that. and he hasnt got the best feet in the world! SO he said tomorrow take him of the bute and see how he goes - if all is well then gradually let him out in the day. This whole thing is not a joke and i would have rang the vet regardless of what you said. i was just asking for some other pointers on lami. Hope this puts a stop to this pathetic ranting as its driving me insane.
Cyril is happy in a deep straw bed, eating fine and moving about normally. next time i think i will think twice about posting and not rushing into it and not getting my point across!!
hope this settles things down.
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Sorry for my above post in that case- i thought i sent it about 40 mins ago, then came back and sent it before i saw you were being peaceful
well done for acting maturely- even if it did take you a while!
<font color="blue">I am extremely gob smacked!! I posted about my horse being lame and uneasy on his legs. I asked for the symptoms of laminitis and NOT critizism about how I should look after my horse. I am sorry to the VERY few people who were calm and considerate but to those others I am very deeply hurt at the fact you could leave such comments. Before this post I discussed with my parents to call the vet out, but we were unsure how to get him up from the field as he is a 10 minute walk from the stables and didnt want to make it uncomfortable for him. I thought I would post a post on here to ask what other symptoms are there with laminitis so we could try and pinpoint the problem more and also because there have been many a time we have called the vet unnecessarily. A few hours before I gave him Bute X to relieve the pain. He seemed much more like himself and did walk and load on the trailer very well. It was very stressful as another horse was also lame with an abscess and doesnt like to load. Cyril was very stressed leaving his friends from the field. When the vet arrived (and he is NOT from a little animal vets practise he is from an Equine vets) he didnt say anything like its too late and he didnt seemed overly concerned when I described Cyrils condition to him and said we were doing the rights and actually said he would probably be ok till the next day. When he did arrive because we asked that day he asked me to trot and walk in tight circles. He did this very well (as the Bute-X herbal supplement had kicked in) the vet checked his pulses and legs and wasnt sure if it was laminitis. He said he had sore front feet and it could possibly be laminitis but thought it was weird as HE said it is unusual for a horse of his breeding, age, being in work and not at all overweight to get it. Who wasnt on that rich grass! I am just telling you what he said!!
I think it was wrong and rude for some of you to make comments when you havent even seen my horses symptoms and to voice your opinion in such a way! I am not mistreating my horse mistreating it would be not even checking on him daily to see if something is wrong. He wasnt in severe pain as when I gave him the Bute- X he was able to move happily and so those of you who think herbal remedies dont work then think again it worked within an hour.
I am reluctant to use this forum again as I think so many of you have nothing better to do with your time then make hurtful comments. I thought I could ask this forum and get positive answers back but obviously you cant even do that! Sorry to those who were fair. The vet didnt diagnose the problem he wasnt sure he just said he has sore feet so I will treat him for laminitis as thats what it could be, but he is not ruling out other things. He didnt say it was serious or I should have called earlier he said box rest will do the trick. So I would appreciate it if you could be more considerate of peoples circumstances and not jump in feet first and say stuff thats completely unnecessary!! I am lost for words that some people thought I was mistreating my horse. There are plenty of horse riders that mistreat horses in a way that they think is right like smacking, hitting them if they have refuse a jump or beating a horse into loading etc.. - Some off your comments were a lot nastier than others this doesnt apply to all of you but the vast majority.
We have had horses for over 10 years I do NOT need to go and learn the basics. I have had horses that leave to a ripe old ages and are fit and healthy. Currently I have a 26 year old that still jumps and gets ridden. I look after my horses very well, keep them clean, poo pick every day (unlike some) Clean stables well (never deep litter) Pick out feet daily, groom. I do know how to look after horses but thanks for you concern!!!!!
You did not need to gang up me! I had already made the decision to call the vet soon after my post. The reason I didnt respond is because we were on the phone to the vet and I was sorting Cyril out.
I hope you understand and next time be a lot more considerate you dont know what peoples circumstances are so dont judge a book by its cover. I have really been put off this forum and am reluctant to use it now as all there is negative feeling and comments. Some things I have been called have heart deep down and instead of worrying about other peoples problems so severely you need to watch what you type because words can hurt.
Those who understand, thank you. </font>
Do excuse me for being cynical, but your spelling, punctuation and grammar have improved dramatically - thankfully as dramatically as your horse seems to have...
To the OP- I think people started getting heated because it appeared that you were not overly concerned about getting the vet, assuming your herbal treatment was sufficient. I am sure you have now learnt the seriousness of a horse that is reluctant to move and stand and that it needs vet attention promptly. Please dont be afraid to ask for advice on here. Sometimes people are very blunt, even rude. Often this is because they have experience you dont and feel frustrated on behalf of the horses welfare. Many times people are also rude because they are being bitchy and are tactless. You just have to learn which is which and not take it to heart. You will get to know the names of helpful posters and those who enjoy being nasty. Dont let this experience put you off, you can learn so much from this forum that will benefit your horses.
To everyone else -to be fair, the OP is fifteen years old. I am a pony club examiner and there are an awful lot of fifteen year olds (and older) that dont know the symptoms of laminitis, even at B test level (BHS stage 2 equivalent). Yes, she should have called the vet earlier but at her age she cannot be expected to have the horse management skills of an adult and the associated sense of responsibility. There were many helpful replies but in many, more tact would probably have helped the OP more. I know her age wasnt apparent initially but thats not the point, a few were too quick to get nasty IMO. Maybe this was because of the initial lack of response from the OP, it annoyed people?
Even if your horse hasn't got laminitis, it is important to be well informed about the disease, because ANY horse can get it, even if they don't fall into the high risk categories. Please read all the links I have posted, as they will give you a more thorough understanding of this horrible ailment.
If you really not one and have been a member of h@H for more than a month then I servely doubt you do not know what a troll is, however I am prepared to give you the benefit of the doubt so here you go.
to be honest if the horse was non weight bearing or there was the slightest hint of laminitis it would be out with an experienced equine vet that night, as an emergancy.
dosing on painkillers and getting a vet out the next day just when they will have kicked it seems like a waste of money-how can they assess how lame the horse is when it has been given painkillers?!
laminitis can affect any horse no matter if they are old young,fat,thin, native, all or one foot to varying degrees.
my TBx mare got laminitis 2 years ago and she was condition score 3/5 and her feet are in great shape and well maintained.
having read the post i think people were just concerned the horse was described as unable to bear weight was given a herbal product to treat it rather than a vet?!
i am glad the vet has now seen him and hope he gets better soon.....