Fools Motto
Well-Known Member
These are classic signs of DSLD Degeneration of Suspensory Ligament Desmitis. I can't believe your vet doesn't know about that. Unfortunately it is not curable and you can only keep them comfortable. Research in the USA found the degeneration is in all connective tissue all over the body but is more visible in the fetocks due to some of them dropping, so it is now called ESPA, Equine Systemic Protoglycan Accumulation.
Info here
More warmth will help to old boy. He does look a sweetie.
Does the owner see him every day or at all? Perhaps if he is faced with the sight of him, he may take more interest. I hope the meds work for him. Well done you for caring for him,
{{{{{hugs}}}} for you and him {{{{hugs}}}}
Thankyou. I never knew any of that.