Well-Known Member
Hear hear
I would just like to add, for all those people currently struggling into tutus having torn up their BE membership renewal for 2012.
Between 67-95% of ballet dancers sustain potentially career ending injuries every year.
All activities carry risks Who knew?
The sentiments of the post in question is not the problem, being told to try ballet, was both rude, and unhelpful, and smacked of someone wanting a reaction.
That is all I wish to say on the comment
I must be a h&h nasty too as I do not find the op being told if they cannot afford or are not prepared to invest in a fitting saddle for
their daughters pony to find an
alternative cheaper hobby rude in the slightest!
Personally I cannot blame her for not wanting to fork out for a new saddle for a horse that is only on loan, yes I do think the saddle should be checked and the horse should be worked in other ways until the saddle is checked etc but I do not think it should be the loan owners responsibility to buy a new saddle when the actual owner has since said they knew the saddle is not a great fit yet sent the horse out on loan with it regardless!I am happy to buy new tack IF i know this is the problem - can'ta fford to spend money on a new saddle for him if he is still so difficult.
I am happy to buy new tack IF i know this is the problem.
I do not find the op being told if they cannot afford or are not prepared to invest in a fitting saddle for their daughters pony to find an alternative cheaper hobby rude in the slightest!
Why has the owner not loaned him with ihs tack?!
this - and the fact it isnt her horse, it is on loan so could be taken back at any time. If the problem is with the saddle then this horse, the lady and her daughter have been let down very badly by the owner - who honestly here would send their horse on loan with badly fitting therfore painful tack????
op - please dont leave this forum - some people in the real world and online seem to get a kick out of being rude and obnoxious, evil even - think "asbo trophies" and why asbos didnt work - thankfully such "people"are very much in the minority, both here and in the real world - though all leave a very bitter taste in your mouth.
Quite sad really -a bit like school bullies, you eventually realise they were ultimateley very sad people with terrible soul destroying lives and pitied them x
I have avoided this thread as I thought that I might have said enough. I am now being called "evil" "obnoxious" and "soul destroying lives". Now forgive me please, but where have I ever posted on this thread ANYTHING as NASTY AS THAT! Now please stop this as there really is no need to take your vitriole out on me for answering a post as I saw it.
I have avoided this thread as I thought that I might have said enough. I am now being called "evil" "obnoxious" and "soul destroying lives". Now forgive me please, but where have I ever posted on this thread ANYTHING as NASTY AS THAT! Now please stop this as there really is no need to take your vitriole out on me for answering a post as I saw it.
Merry Crisis,
Without being argumentative now, seriously, have a look down all of your previous posts in other threads etc - and see how many people have said they find you rude and offensive. Does that not tell you something? You may just be 'forthcoming' with your opinion but that does not excuse you being hurtful and sarcastic. Really not a nice trait in someone and not helpful.
I must have missed the other thread that Rhino mentions, says merry crisis outed as a previous banned poster..... someone please enloghten me
I must have missed the other thread that Rhino mentions, says merry crisis outed as a previous banned poster..... someone please enloghten me
I can't not from this thread any way .
She/ he does seem to be being victamised by bunny hugging bully's though!
I still cannot find the comment about the ballet shoes which was only suggestion if money for correctly fitting tack was not available rude in any way and I agree with it.
Could be pony not in work for awhile and put on weight? just a thought
I can't not from this thread any way .
She/ he does seem to be being victamised by bunny hugging bully's though!