Gutted - really disappointing first day with new pony


Well-Known Member
28 July 2010
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Surely bunny hugging and bullying contradict each other?!!! I personally have been on the recieving end of a bully, who ended up being sacked from her career as many people outed her in the end. I don't use the word lightly as I have had plenty of experience in dealing with bullies and also researching them. A bully quite often demeans, belittles and insults others due to their own insecurities in life. They lack tact, people skills and aren't able to communicate with other's without often causing offence. Nuff said.


Well-Known Member
28 July 2010
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being forthcoming is an excuse for being for being a rude obnoxious bully - asbo idiots and their mums use this excuse every dammed day. Sometimes to excuse physical violence and I for one am sick of it, see it daily - grow some decorum and learn some bloody manners!!!!!

Sorry darkhorse,

was this aimed at me? :confused:

Holly Hocks

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1 March 2010
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Although I don't think Merry Crisis's comments were particularly constructive, I think it may have been an attempt at a sense of humour....something which has been sadly lost by many on here. She says it as she sees it, that's all. She has been nothing but supportive to me and the problems I have had with my mare, and I didn't know her at all before joining the forum.

OP - I would get the owner of he pony to come and ride it to see if she gets the same reaction. If so, then at least you know it's not your daughter that has the problem. If the owner doesn't get the same reaction, then you need to consider whether this is the right pony for you, and if you decide to persevere, then invest in some lessons with a good instructor.


Well-Known Member
28 July 2010
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Although I don't think Merry Crisis's comments were particularly constructive, I think it may have been an attempt at a sense of humour....something which has been sadly lost by many on here. She says it as she sees it, that's all. She has been nothing but supportive to me and the problems I have had with my mare, and I didn't know her at all before joining the forum.

OP - I would get the owner of he pony to come and ride it to see if she gets the same reaction. If so, then at least you know it's not your daughter that has the problem. If the owner doesn't get the same reaction, then you need to consider whether this is the right pony for you, and if you decide to persevere, then invest in some lessons with a good instructor.

That's fine Holly Hocks, it may well be her sense of humour, but clearly she has a sense of humour that not many other people have or find acceptable! It's like telling a joke which some people find offensive and they tell you so - you don't keep repeating it in their presence. So in that case she should pipe down a bit if people are finding her offensive, and if she refuses to do so then the administrators should be having words.

Merry Crisis

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31 July 2011
North Cumbria
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That's fine Holly Hocks, it may well be her sense of humour, but clearly she has a sense of humour that not many other people have or find acceptable! It's like telling a joke which some people find offensive and they tell you so - you don't keep repeating it in their presence. So in that case she should pipe down a bit if people are finding her offensive, and if she refuses to do so then the administrators should be having words.

Just who, who do you think you are? Enough, you are just so enjoying this arnt you? Loving every post you type.


Well-Known Member
7 January 2009
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That's fine Holly Hocks, it may well be her sense of humour, but clearly she has a sense of humour that not many other people have or find acceptable! It's like telling a joke which some people find offensive and they tell you so - you don't keep repeating it in their presence. So in that case she should pipe down a bit if people are finding her offensive, and if she refuses to do so then the administrators should be having words.

What you are suggesting there is censorship and who gets to decide what is offensive and what isn't? You?


Well-Known Member
14 August 2011
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Merry Crisis,

Without being argumentative now, seriously, have a look down all of your previous posts in other threads etc - and see how many people have said they find you rude and offensive. Does that not tell you something? You may just be 'forthcoming' with your opinion but that does not excuse you being hurtful and sarcastic. Really not a nice trait in someone and not helpful.

will you just STOP your constant bitching PLEASE!! dragging your little petty squabble on and on forever is NOT helping the OP or this thread.
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Echo Bravo

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6 August 2009
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Darkhorse123 Leave Rosie well out of this, if she had something to say, she's have posted in her name, she's as honest as they come and has never hidden behind another name to put a point or fact over. Shame on you:mad::mad:


Well-Known Member
28 July 2009
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I think the OP left long ago.....!

Hope she gets things sorted.

Well it wouldnt serprise me if she has run for the hills screaming, would you take any advice from a bunch of squabling kids?
Now i like a good old argument as much as the next person, but.. come on you lot, tis getting childish!


Well-Known Member
19 July 2009
Border Reiver
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Moomin, you have now made 21 posts (out of a total of 29 in a year and a half) on this thread, mostly saying the same thing... You really are not helping your cause! ;)

From your infrequent posts I am not sure how well you know this forum; the people you are so set against do in fact make a very valuable contribution. You have stated you don't like the initial posts made, as did I. Repeating yourself ad nauseum is not helping.
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Well-Known Member
28 July 2010
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What you are suggesting there is censorship and who gets to decide what is offensive and what isn't? You?

Not at all - I hardly ever come on here so I couldn't give a damn ordinarily!! As I said, the administrators should (and by the looks of it have in the past) be keeping a close eye on people who persistently come across as rude and offensive!!! Merry Crisis, yes I've enjoyed every minute of it!! You probably have too - up until now!! ;)

I'm getting bored myself now anyway, over and out from me!! :D

Merry Crisis

Well-Known Member
31 July 2011
North Cumbria
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May I just say that the nasty PM I have recieved from someone called Evelyn from NZ, was unnecessary and undeserved. I have never had hate mail before and I dont need to get it again. If you had something so unpleasant to say, why didnt you say it on the forum, you my dear are a coward, something I could never be accused of. I have posted your PM to another forum member by the way.


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2 July 2008
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May I just say that the nasty PM I have recieved from someone called Evelyn from NZ, was unnecessary and undeserved. I have never had hate mail before and I dont need to get it again. If you had something so unpleasant to say, why didnt you say it on the forum, you my dear are a coward, something I could never be accused of. I have posted your PM to another forum member by the way.

Now THAT is not on. I still think your comment about the ballet shoes a little insensitive, but I told you that, and haven't been harping on about it, just let it slide as I've put my point across.

As you said, why couldn't they post it here, for all to see....?


13 August 2006
Well north of Watford
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I loaned our fairly sharp, definitely 'second' pony out to a total (admitted) novice. It has worked perfectly because they came to visit her for weeks and learnt about her, rode her and handled her and left, eventually to a situation and home I knew the pony would be happy in. The instructions and tips I sent with her have been completely stuck to and the equipment was all hers and fit for purpose. I am on hand to help if needs be and what looked to be a bad idea has been almost three wonderful years for my pony and her new mum.

What I want to know is why it's not the owner being called on to help, why the pony had an apparently unsuitable saddle and has the pony gone to a home where it has settled and become accustomed to the routine?

Poor pony I reckon. Is nobody listening to it?


Well-Known Member
10 January 2006
Near Leeds
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Is there any good advice on this. If so its buried in cr*p that the OP would struggle to find it.

You can tell its winter and us horsey lot of nothing better to do.

And as an official bunny hugger (I have been accused of it twice on this forum) we dont bully. So please dont insult us by adding some people on this thread into our cult.


Well-Known Member
7 November 2008
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Can we all stop the effing bullying?! Christ sake i am working on a teenage social networking site at the moment and we dont get anything like this on here.....

Not everyone is going to get on all the time but FFS just drop it already. So big whoop your ego was hurt, get a grip and get over it....

ETA: this is the reason why HHO is so cr@p nowadays...... i hardly ever come on here anymore.....

its seriously pathetic with all the cliques etc. In the words of a good friend, either put up or shut up. If you ask for advice you are not always going to hear what you wish for. God knows i have experienced this myself. But if you put yourself out there to be judged, then dont freak when you are judged.


Well-Known Member
28 July 2009
Wet and windy NW
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That's fine Holly Hocks, it may well be her sense of humour, but clearly she has a sense of humour that not many other people have or find acceptable! It's like telling a joke which some people find offensive and they tell you so - you don't keep repeating it in their presence. So in that case she should pipe down a bit if people are finding her offensive, and if she refuses to do so then the administrators should be having words.

I find her sense of humour, backed by her knowledge and experience, invaluable to the forum! She should not pipe down at all, maybe this is not the right forum for you if you are not after a frank and free exchange of ideas and opinions or if people only have to agree with you!

As to OP's issues, well, if as you say you have owned horses from 3 years old, basically you should know to check saddles regularly, that 6 yo ponies are not a good idea for nervous novices and that horses and ponies take a while to settle into new homes. You have rushed this pony and now there are issues.

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