Hacking ex-racers


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24 August 2010
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I'm going to start hacking my ex racer (in company to start with). I know every horse is different, but just wanted general consensus from people who own ex racerhorses with what they are like to hack, in traffic, open fields, in company, alone etc.


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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I've found everyone I've ridden, or had anything to do with 100% on the roads.

Be very careful in open fields.


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17 January 2008
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Depends on the yard they come from, most are bombproof in traffic. Mine has never seen any before I got him as the particular yard didn't go out on the road, not that he was in training very long as tweaked a ligament shortly after breaking. I've not had bother with open spaces but some can be tricky to hack alone to start with.

Always Henesy

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5 December 2011
East Sussex
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My ex racer is bomb proof in traffic. We hack down a main A road and he is as good as gold.

Take him off road and it's a whole different story. He likes one pace...and that's fast.
Trying to school him out of it has proved futile and he declares his indignation by standing up and waving......


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7 April 2009
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Hacking my ex racer is mostly a pleasure (now) Best advice I can give you is to a walk everywhere to begin with. That means even walking along lovely would be canter opportunities. Teach your horse that hacking is about relaxing, not training. Then when you feel it's right introduce some short trots. The key really is the same as with any horse, they can only increase the pace when you say so. I would deffo start out with company and then go it alone on familiar short routes to begin with.


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3 February 2011
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Mine is amazing with traffic, but I dont take him on roads at the minute as its what is at the side of the roads what is so scary!! Lol mine is really lazy out hacking, loves a nice slow stroll, but, if we have a trot or canter he will wake up and want to canter everywhere, although I can't do that as everything is going to eat him and he spins around a lot if we're not walking.
Only problem I have is mine doesn't forget anything, I know if you always canter in the same place they will remember, but I galloped mine across a stubble field once last year (about September time) and still to this day thinks we're going to gallop whenever we walk across it lol.
I personally think ex racers are the best to hack out - they are do much fun!!


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24 August 2010
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Haha yes mine like 'waving' too, but thankfully hasn't done it while I have been on board *touches wood!*

I have already ridden him around the outside of their fields alone and in company with no problems (friends in sight though), was just a bit nervous about taking him on a proper road for the first time. Hopefully he will be used to hacking to gallops as you have all mentioned.

We will definitely only be walking everywhere to start with!!


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10 May 2012
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Hacking my ex racer is mostly a pleasure (now) Best advice I can give you is to a walk everywhere to begin with. That means even walking along lovely would be canter opportunities. Teach your horse that hacking is about relaxing, not training. Then when you feel it's right introduce some short trots. The key really is the same as with any horse, they can only increase the pace when you say so. I would deffo start out with company and then go it alone on familiar short routes to begin with.

good suggestion as you told. just take it easy and relaxing.


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24 September 2008
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Agree with the horses coming from behind, it worries mine too.

BUT he is super in open spaces, I can canter him in the same spot for a week and then walk on a loose rein, he's super on grass especially on his own, if we're on our own I can ask he to come back to trot from voice commands. The only issue we have would be galloping if he steps up a gear in canter and I don't check him he'll go into a gallop and won't stop until we get to the end of the field (thankfully he doesn't jump), but that's more an issue with me not being bold enough to drop the contact, has only happened twice in 3 years.

He's pretty good with traffic and has been down the major A roads of Gloucestershire on more than one occasion!

The only major near miss we have ever had was during his teenage phase when a car passed us with those ruddy flags flying from the back windows he leapt off the verge with a buck behind the car scaring the bejesus out of everyone!

I also had to teach him how to do gates he had NO idea but now we can do the trickest gates at the yard! :D

I was pretty lucky in that when I first met my horse I used to use him as my lead horse when escorting hacks at a riding school so I knew he was a good hack and we did a lot together!

ETA:Short video of us cantering out here (watch to the end):
My ex-racer is pretty cool! :D


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8 May 2008
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Ours are fine!
Mine is good pretty much everywhere, great in traffic. He's good most of the time cantering in open spaces along fields. Yes sometimes he might get excited if he is fresh and have a little buck or a leap but it's not very often and he's not very strong. My mums old one was also like this.

My mums new one is OK in traffic, he can be nervy if something comes too close. However he is good in open fields and he is so brave he will literally walk past ANYTHING without batting an eye.

My late mare ex-racer was brilliant, absolutly brilliant at cantering and galloping on hacks in company/alone infron/behind, she just never pulled and was so easy! She could be nervy in traffic if it came too close as well, I had to be careful about riding her down narrow lanes on my own as she could get upset. She was also brave and not spooky. She was fab at sponsored rides and hunting. She could get joggy and fizzy in walk but never did anything, often she was better cantering than she was walking!


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7 September 2008
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My ex-racer is great with all traffic....an old lady walking towards him with a dog though is a completely different story ;) :rolleyes: :p


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6 September 2010
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Nothing fazes my boy at all bless him! Took a while for him to hack out alone but with lots of patience and no rushing, he'll quite happily go now.

As someone else said, he can be a bit fresh at times in an open field, but has never bombed off with me.

Sure you will be fine :)


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15 November 2009
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mine is ok in *normal traffic* but no good with tractors,combines,cattle lorries etc, but i bought him knowing that.

He is a total arse as soon as his feet touch grass and spends most of the time rearing and plunging.He has NO sense, will fall down ditches or leap put in front of cars so have given up hacking, he will canter round his own field at home ok, but going off site is just a no no.

his main job is dressage though and he loves that so no skin off my nose if he doesnt hack, ive no desire to end up with a smashed pelvis trying to prove a point!!!!


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18 December 2010
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On the roads Fig is a little nervy with fast and close passing traffic. Just bounces along in a really lateral walk, doesn't actually 'do' anything :p He will go past anything, doesn't mind if in company/alone or in front/behind.

On the fields he jogs and piaffes a lot, but again, doesn't actually 'do' anything or make any attempt to 'go'.

Just be careful and patient.


Go away, I'm reading
18 December 2010
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Ditto walking in feilds, ours took a while to settle in feilds even with the bomb proof i was on next to him and make sure you half halt round the corners of the feild onto a long stretch.... It took a few months for him to figure out corners leading to long stretches of feild does not mean CHARGE!!!! :D

Have fun and good luck.



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13 September 2004
Milton Keynes
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Mine was bombproof alone and in company. Perfect on the roads and perfect in open spaces, even when only aged 4 and at that point 4 months off the track. Very polite - never went faster than you wanted and slowed down when asked. If I asked him to gallop, there was always a little pause while he seemed to check whether I really meant it. I'd assure him yes it's OK you can go, and then we'd be off.

Had problems subsequently when a bird scarer went off when we were about 1.5m away from it (I didn't see it as it was in hedge). He became nervy after that and spooky. Still enjoyable to hack though :)


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5 February 2008
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First long hack I took mine on with one other....we caught up some other horses, went over a bridge with swans taking off from the river, met several quad bikes, cyclists, local football match, and a few other things. His little heart was going 19 to the dozen but he stayed in walk and took it all in. Don't think he has hacked out much as had gallops at the yard where he was in training but he has raced a lot so must have seen quite a lot though possibly not swans.

marley and danni

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7 September 2011
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mines brilliant alone and in company on road nothing scares him realy his bum will go inder him occasionally when a massive loud truck comes past but hes ussually ok :)

open feilds hes amazing doesnt take off alonne or in company hes a little more on his toes when on his own but most of the time hes ok just a little faster in each pace :)

never spooks at anything

only thing he does take oiff with me is if wew just walking and all of a sudden and idiot on another horse canter from behind with out warning he then just canters untill hes infront so i try and avoid this... hes fine when were cantering and horse come past in a canter or are already in front he good :)

Ginger Bear

Well-Known Member
14 November 2010
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Super duper traffic wise, with all types of vehicles too..not bad with open fields.. In fact great fun but do like to go for it!