Has anyone ever made your life hell on a livery yard?


Well-Known Member
11 April 2014
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OP i can appreciate your fear of where to keep your horse it is very frightening so,you have to start looking and speak to the YO now not tomorrow, can you call him on the phone this evening sometimes easier to,chat on the phone when everyone is mutual than at the yard where it is his place and there is tension.

Go knocking on livery yards doors, even if you say it will only be whilst you look for somewhere else, knock on farmers doors for a field, you dont drive so get picking up the phone and pray, he does come to your aid when you become humble and ask for help. If all else fails and you get kicked off, or your horse tied to the gate can you call a charity and offer to pay livery whilst you find somewhere, i will pray for you tonight, think positive xx


8 May 2014
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Dont think he'll tie her to a gate,everyone has said he has a duty of care over my horse,i have been asking around,all horsey friends,riding school at the top of the lane is too much,i cant afford,some other places are full an have no room,the one i looked at tonight isnt where i thought it was an a bit more further out,i think its coming to the end for me,dont know what to do


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5 January 2008
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So if i cant find anywhere to move,although i have been looking,dont drive etc,what will he do if i dont find anything before deadline?

If I were you I would be calling the YO and speaking to them tonight. At least that way you'll know where you stand. Then I'd be putting Facebook to good use and posting on any local horsey Facebook pages to see if anyone can help you even if it's just short term. I'd perhaps avoid mentioning the reason you're desperately seeking livery, just say due to unforeseen circumstances. Good luck with everything.


Well-Known Member
1 August 2013
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Dont think he'll tie her to a gate,everyone has said he has a duty of care over my horse,i have been asking around,all horsey friends,riding school at the top of the lane is too much,i cant afford,some other places are full an have no room,the one i looked at tonight isnt where i thought it was an a bit more further out,i think its coming to the end for me,dont know what to do

He only has a duty of care while you are a livery, not after your notice has expired. Be careful as if you don't leave he could issue you with an abandonment notice and seize the horse - extreme but possible.

Please learn from this - telling your YO that someone is harrassing you by standing outside the barn seems a little OTT and makes me think that YO has a point. Wherever you find keep your head down for a bit as mud sticks and your reputation will probably follow you.

Also get phoning around quickly as if there are a few of you moving you could find yourself struggling to find somewhere.

Edit - that probably sounds more harsh than I meant it to be but please take this seriously. You may need to suck it up and grovel a bit even though you feel you're not in the wrong


8 May 2014
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Will go speak to him again tomorrow,i think you'd have to see it with your eyes what i mean,they crowd together,ive told him twice about it,even when having lessons on a sat in the school,they loiter around,its not nice etc,soon as you have a fall,they're laughing at you,is hard to explain over text,im too soft and dont stick up for self,thats my problem


Well-Known Member
1 August 2013
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Will go speak to him again tomorrow,i think you'd have to see it with your eyes what i mean,they crowd together,ive told him twice about it,even when having lessons on a sat in the school,they loiter around,its not nice etc,soon as you have a fall,they're laughing at you,is hard to explain over text,im too soft and dont stick up for self,thats my problem

People do this though - it's part and parcel of livery life. You don't need to stick up for yourself you just need to ignore it and carry on. If you respond you will be seen as a trouble maker and as you have found, in some cases asked to leave.

If you get in this situation again just have a quiet word with one of them explaining that they are making you feel uncomfortable - far more likely to have the desired response than telling tales.


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29 October 2010
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because they have nothing better to do

im so done with livery yards my horse is going on loan - i just cannot deal with the hastle any more

[plus the loan home can offer my mare more time than i ever can in my day] - -

last yard i left i had to pay to put my own horse out - the owner was an absolute nutter...whch was a shame as the yard was lovely - just the people on there too are absolutely tapped.


8 May 2014
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How far away is this other yard? Could you cycle or get the bus?
Re the girls saying things and standing by the barn... it really does sound like teenagers. Be the bigger person.

Its 6 miles away,its not where i thought it would be,there's 5 horses on at the mo,6 if mine goes on,the school is massive,optional turnout,little quiet yard,there's a train station bottom of the hill,a miles walk,not sure about buses,cant afford to buy a scooter or anything,was attacked,myself an my dog 6 weeks ago,been riddled with vet bills,so a little poor at the moment


8 May 2014
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we're fine now,we're just waitiing for the case to go to court,the dog owners were meant to pay the vet bill back as ive paid out near £400 on the dog,for her treatment and medication,how far away is your horse?


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8 August 2005
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I don't do Facebook or Twitter, everything I hear about them is they cause trouble for people. Why do people bitch etc on them & expect everything to somehow remain private. Everything said on there comes back to bite the writer on the backside!


Well-Known Member
11 February 2010
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OP I really feel for you, being kicked off a yard that really suits you for unfair reasons has got to be awful! I hope you can either resolve things with the YO or find another place that suits you. There is a part of me that thinks you may be happier somewhere else!

I've had short periods of time where I've been unhappy on my yard to the point where I just wanted to pack up and leave, mostly where I felt other liveries have behaved unfairly or selfishly toward me or my daughter and expected us to just swallow stuff that they would go mad about if the shoe were on the other foot! I will do anything to avoid confrontation and I like a peaceful life so I usually don't say anything, my daughter is a bit more feisty and gets frustrated with me when I advise her to climb down and let it go. She doesn't see why we should always have to compromise or live up to the standards/expectations of others for no consideration in return, she has a point, but the way I see it is that on the whole the yard is good for us so it's not worth getting into big arguments. The YO and YM are not the sort to get in the middle of livery bitching thank God, I think they realise that most things tend to blow over.

chestnut cob

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24 November 2004
we're fine now,we're just waitiing for the case to go to court,the dog owners were meant to pay the vet bill back as ive paid out near £400 on the dog,for her treatment and medication,how far away is your horse?

Mine is 12 miles away, so a 24 mile round trip. Worth it though for the facilities and support I get there. I've been on big livery yards, never again. They are, IME, full of b1tchy women who never ride their own horses but are happy to stand around doling out unwelcome "advice" on how everyone else should ride theirs. Full of people who are full livery so never so much as lift a finger doing jobs for their own, yet feel qualified to peer over stable doors commenting on how others muck out. I moved to a friend's place about 18/20 months ago. At the time she had 3 of her own horses plus one full livery (who never came up, but was lovely on the odd occasion I did see her), then I moved there. YO doesn't have any of her own now (one sold, one was ancient and was PTS, the other has gone out on loan), just has liveries. One livery is a close friend of mine, used to share my previous horse, and 2 others plus me. Everyone is lovely, supportive and helpful. I couldn't imagine going back to a big yard.


Well-Known Member
11 April 2014
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If i was you i would accept it and get help whilst there you will have to pay, but at least horse will be safe whilst you sort out transport, you need to take off the blinkers and look at the bigger picture, no more i didnt do it, its happened now deal with it, when you speak to yo dont repeat what has happened just speak about your notice period, apologise you could say you have been unnecessarily involved and are actually innocent, kinda clears your name a bit, good luck


Well-Known Member
31 October 2012
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Yes, Yes and yes... (bare in mind i have never owned just loaned)

The first part loan i had was on a small yard (all young girls mostly) they were ALL friends the whole yard went to shows ect... hogged the school and watched me ride ALL the time so i didn't enjoy riding.
one day i decided to try a few jumps, got in the school and then went round to jump another jump, they had moved the jump up a lot. Horse stopped. I flew and landed on my back onto the poles was out for about 5 mins woke up everyone was laughing and running off... Loved that yard....

The second yard i was on nothing bothered me it was like family, unfortunately due to an accident involving the YO the yard fell to a state as he wasn't able to run it, people left understandably and others moved on that's we it was our queue to leave.

The next yard i got thrown off a few times and got laughed at (hated going up) and i lost the confidence to ride.

THEN i started my job at a yard... THAT WAS HELL! (they still owe me £1,000.00 +) i was 'contracted' for 3 hours 5 days a week:
- YM hated me slagged me off every chance she got to anyone that would listen (while she sat outside her stable and i was shoveling poo!)
- Kept most of my 'extra' pay (additional pay for mucking out, rugs ectt. £1k)
- Worked more than my 'contracted' hours and she was hardly there,
- YM was not experienced but liked to tell people she was riding instructor/RSPCA officer in the past (yeah right!),
- Liveries used to actually help me because it would be getting to 9pm pitch black and i still had a list from YM to do,
- YM threw a head collar at me when i offered to help catch a stressy horse, (i quit that day.)
- On my day off two horses sadly got colic and had to be PTS - that was my fault (?!!?)
(too much to list! sorry bit of a rant :S )

But i truly have to say i never actually noticed how people do vary, i have learnt alot from my time on Livery yards and keep myself to myself, if people ask me a question on things i might know i answer honestly but the snide comments and the running around swearing and shouting i stay out of, i'm either mucking out, grooming, riding on my day up the yard.

IMO a yard really does depend on the person running the yard as they are the overall influence but that may just be me.