Well-Known Member
My mare went to the vets overnight last Tuesday to be scoped on Wednesday. They found grade 2 ulcers which she is now being treated for using Omeprazole and Sucralfate. Since coming home she is very quiet, doesn’t really want to be in the field, when she is out there she just stands in the mud waiting/calling for me and doesn’t bother going down to the nice grass with the rest of the mares (this is all very unlike her, she loves her girls and normally right in there). She definitely hasn’t rolled in the field since being home and I can’t guarantee she has laid down in her stable....had a bit of straw in her tail today but not a lot. She was off her hay the first night, barely ate anything. Then I bought her some very soft second cut hay and she is happily chomping away at that. Eating her feed as normal, taking the meds etc. Just VERY quiet and not her normal slightly mental/neurotic self. Am thinking I will get a camera for stable to watch her overnight behaviour. Has anyone else had any experience like this?