Barton Bounty
Just simply loving life with Orbi 🥰
I love this post!So matchy matchy is tacky, unless it’s on you, in which case it’s fine because you are only matching your idea of acceptable colours?
It is this snobbish attitude about matchy matchy which I cannot stand.
I personally don’t do matchy matchy colours. It’s not for me, I am absolutely in the brown/navy/black brigade. I do have some muted colours, like Fig, Ink and Blackcurrant which I use for hacking. My taste is not for bright colours.
But does this give me the right to look down on people who do like bright colours? To say they must have no idea?
No it does not.
Good for them. I hope it brings them joy. I think it’s great that we have choice and that people can express themselves. When I was a kid, primary red or blue was as thrilling as it got.
Like Lemieux/matchy matchy or don’t, but there’s really no need to be such a snob about people who do wear it. Says more about you than about them.
And I also respect that everyone is different.. we should all be allowed to express what we want and if thats le mieux matchy then fine. I cant say that I have ever had a set fall apart either.
it has been insinuated on several posts that people are more interested in matchy that welfare.
I pick my sets because I like them not because I have seen an influencer promoting.
I also have a few different base layers that match and can in turn be rotated by mixing.
cracking photosThe weird snobbery around bright colours and Le Mieux is super bizarre! I find the pads excellent quality, can be worn and washed to death and suit my horses . Tend not to buy this seasons colours of any brand, as I go for the colours I think rather try to fit in with the latest fad of any brand. I have rather gone off them more for their business practices but their pads are still in my tack room 6+ years on, going well against the test of time!
I'll just leave these here, obviously with too much gear and knowing nothing, as these horses definitely did not get to medium and PSG with me wearing Le Mieux ...