Have you ever had a horse PTS becuase of yard issues?


Well-Known Member
19 May 2009
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Chatting with friends today and one has said that because of problems finding the right yard for her suicide horse she is contemplating having him pts - she has owned him for 10years and he has been ridden for approx 6 months in the whole of this time. It has just been one freak accident after another. He was last ridden in the summer of 2012.

Her current yard is up for sale, and she is travelling miles endways to find a yard that will accomodate him in an individual paddock, but as yet - no joy.

She has said if the yard is sold - an offer is in on it - that really she has 3 options:-

1. put him in on full livery miles away from home till something comes up - but after my recent experiances will full livery she is worried to death.
2. move him to group turn out and let him get on with it and if he is injured then what will be will be
3. face up to the reality and pts before he goes through anohter major injury.

I really feel for her as she adores this horse and has done everything she can for him - but she has had zero fun out of him for so long, and she is worrying already about the next injury.


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7 September 2008
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I'm not sure I could do it without at least trying option 2 (unless he is a risk to others as well as himself?).


Well-Known Member
7 May 2011
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I totally feel for you and your mate...there is a serious lack of yards in our area with much land being given over to housing estates in the last 10-20 years so lots of the yards that existed when I was a little girl just don't anymore, most of those that are left are on restricted turnout or are run by lunatics who should not be allowed near creatures....

Several times over the last 5 years I've thought my boys would be better off with someone else or somewhere else because of this

The choices we've got are 1. Rent a house with land or stables - prohibitively expensive; 2. Move to a different part of the country.....


Well-Known Member
19 May 2009
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I totally feel for you and your mate...there is a serious lack of yards in our area with much land being given over to housing estates in the last 10-20 years so lots of the yards that existed when I was a little girl just don't anymore, most of those that are left are on restricted turnout or are run by lunatics who should not be allowed near creatures....

Several times over the last 5 years I've thought my boys would be better off with someone else or somewhere else because of this

The choices we've got are 1. Rent a house with land or stables - prohibitively expensive; 2. Move to a different part of the country.....

I know I am desperatly on the look again - I seam to be attracted to the control freak YO, got to the yard yesterday to find that my mare had been bathed and timmed up - thanks that was my plan for today. Whilst my best mate is still stuck waiting on the yard chain to get away from her very small yard that even insists on what brand rug, boots, bit etc she has to buy.


Well-Known Member
20 August 2007
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Chatting with friends today and one has said that because of problems finding the right yard for her suicide horse she is contemplating having him pts - she has owned him for 10years and he has been ridden for approx 6 months in the whole of this time. It has just been one freak accident after another. He was last ridden in the summer of 2012.

Her current yard is up for sale, and she is travelling miles endways to find a yard that will accomodate him in an individual paddock, but as yet - no joy.

She has said if the yard is sold - an offer is in on it - that really she has 3 options:-

1. put him in on full livery miles away from home till something comes up - but after my recent experiances will full livery she is worried to death.
2. move him to group turn out and let him get on with it and if he is injured then what will be will be
3. face up to the reality and pts before he goes through anohter major injury.

I really feel for her as she adores this horse and has done everything she can for him - but she has had zero fun out of him for so long, and she is worrying already about the next injury.

There was many years ago a hacking centre in Torquay that closed down, she sold 2 maybe three horses to private homes to people she knew and trusted and had the rest shot by the hunt, not that she couldn't find homes for them, not that they wouldn't have been great horses for anyone else, she just didn't want to sell them to anyone she didn't know. They were fit, healthy with no issues.


Well-Known Member
6 June 2012
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I haven't done it OP but I have come close. Reason was a horse with issues where suitable turnout couldn't be found, horse couldn't live in due to being unable to provide sufficient exercise (horse not suitable for sale or sharer). Luckily a solution was found eventually, but had I run out of options I would have sadly PTS.

In your friends situation I don't think I would be treating any more injuries requiring veterinary intervention costing more than 100 pounds or box rest of longer than two weeks. I buy horses for the pleasure of their company and to ride, not to have to constantly nurse them whilst they're cranky from enforced box rest. I find ten years with only six months riding from what is meant to be a riding horse totally unacceptable and I wouldn't have done it. Is it possible the horse could be sold to someone who could provide individual turnout or is the horse not suitable for selling?


Well-Known Member
19 May 2009
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I haven't done it OP but I have come close. Reason was a horse with issues where suitable turnout couldn't be found, horse couldn't live in due to being unable to provide sufficient exercise (horse not suitable for sale or sharer). Luckily a solution was found eventually, but had I run out of options I would have sadly PTS.

In your friends situation I don't think I would be treating any more injuries requiring veterinary intervention costing more than 100 pounds or box rest of longer than two weeks. I buy horses for the pleasure of their company and to ride, not to have to constantly nurse them whilst they're cranky from enforced box rest. I find ten years with only six months riding from what is meant to be a riding horse totally unacceptable and I wouldn't have done it. Is it possible the horse could be sold to someone who could provide individual turnout or is the horse not suitable for selling?

Horse is still 1/10th lame and had x rays last week - so he is fianlly on the mend - vets are hopeful with correcitve shoeing that he will be sound in 6 to 8 weeks - so that has given her hope - then quickly dashed by the yard owner saying they have received an offer on the premises, but the one concern is the new owner has said that whilst they will conider taking on the current liveries that the rules will be changing - i.e. all have to be on full livery and that the paddocks will now be for 2 or 3 horses not individual.


Well-Known Member
11 April 2014
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Couldnt she rent a field for hers and get a companion. It would be the last ditch attempt for me. Why does the horse keep being injured is it bullied or is it the bully, ot does it have no respect. Maybe a massive field in a herd would make it relax.


Well-Known Member
26 April 2007
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Could she try contacting the new owner and explaining the situation? If the horse is at risk being turned out with others then they may be more accomodating. Other than that in her shoes, if I couldn't find anywhere suitable, then I don't think pts is unreasonable under the circumstances.


Well-Known Member
6 June 2012
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Gingerwitch perhaps your friend could speak to the owners of the two quietest horses on the yard to ask if her horse can be paired with theirs for the field, if they're ok then speak to the yard owner about it. If yard owner agrees with the plan then I'd put horse on full livery until sound then sell to a home that can provide individual turnout. Otherwise I'd PTS. It sounds like a nightmare situation tbh, I cant imagine how your friend has coped with the horse for so long.


Well-Known Member
29 October 2010
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retirement livery??

i wouldnt think any less of her pts....or anyone for that matter

its an expensive hobbyas it is without draining finances......


Well-Known Member
19 May 2009
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Couldnt she rent a field for hers and get a companion. It would be the last ditch attempt for me. Why does the horse keep being injured is it bullied or is it the bully, ot does it have no respect. Maybe a massive field in a herd would make it relax.

He just does not read horses body language - he was a flat racer for his first four years, and i have watched him myself - a horse puts its ears back at him and threatens to kick him, he puts his ears forward and moves closer to them, they double barrell him, he holds up his leg in pain and looks bemused at what has gone on. If they start to canter round - he has to win - but has not worked out that when the others are approaching the 5 bar gate and slow that he needs to stop - so has once crashed through the gate and the 2nd time jumped over the gate and landed on his knees on the tarmac outside.

Echo Bravo

Well-Known Member
6 August 2009
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Think the kindest thing for them both is to PTS him as she will be able to get her life back and he will no longer be in any mental or physical pain.


Well-Known Member
28 June 2009
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might be an option to ask the purchasers if they'd let her stay as a livery? bless her! I would be heart broken if I had to leave my yard! so I really feel for your friend!


Well-Known Member
19 May 2009
My own planet
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Think the kindest thing for them both is to PTS him as she will be able to get her life back and he will no longer be in any mental or physical pain.

I dont think he is in mental pain - i have seen him out with an 11 hh fine pony - and he loved that - problem was he needed the grass and the pony didn't