Hay Bars


Well-Known Member
17 March 2005
South Yorkshire
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i trawled HHO to see if anyone had one for sale - good old Stephanie_B had 2 for sale so bought them off her - very reasonable price 2. (thanks Stephanie_B)
ive had them since about May time i think maybe a bit before. Only put it up when Ebi came in to foal. She loves it. So much easier than pulling hay/haylage out of a net. So much easier to fill as well.
I really like them. I would go and invest in them for all my horses.

Chantin was away on schooling livery from March and they had them there - she was so much cleaner with the haybar than she was with haynets and she looked so much better from eating this way thats the other reason i got it apart form the safety aspect for foalie


Well-Known Member
17 March 2005
South Yorkshire
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thanks Boss, ive heard horror sorrys too about horses rearing up and catching them however as they are plastic i would expect them to break easier than a leg but you never know do you.


Well-Known Member
17 March 2005
South Yorkshire
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no she thinks it brill. When i found her the morning she had been born, Ebi wouldnt let her suckle so she was suckling off the edge of the haybar - very cute to see but not nice in the circumstance.
She eats out of it too if Ebi doesnt drop hay on the floor. When she was stabled at first she could only just get her head to the edge of it and pull little bits out of the it but now as shes shot up she can get to it no problems and just tucks in with Ebi


Well-Known Member
17 March 2005
South Yorkshire
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you could go for the pony size one if you want however my mums 14.1hh and her 14.3hh have been fine using the horse size one. i should add that apart for Willow (Ebis foal) eating out of it, i had a little 12.2hh in the stable and she was absolutely fine with the horse haybar - it was only one night though and if it was a permanent thing i would have a pony one for her. maybe its the way ive positioned it, as its only a few inches off the floor - just enough room to clean it out.


Well-Known Member
25 February 2003
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I am a big fan of haybars and have recommended them to several friends who now have them. Three people I know use them with mares and foals and I don't know of any problems they've had.

I keep a small rubber feed bucket in the bottom of mine to catch all the seeds and little bits. It is also fitted a couple of inches off the floor to make cleaning it much easier.


Well-Known Member
26 July 2006
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Not sure if this helps, but top edge of haybar is approx. 35" from ground (this is with Haybar fitted about 2" off ground to allow bottom to be swept out). Should have added this is the bigger size.