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Hello, I thought this would be a good place to ask for help anonymously as I sometimes feel I don't actually know who to talk to about feeling like this.
I'm at a real point with my horse where I'm not enjoying lessons/competing/training etc and this is what I normally love. She's a tricky little horse and we've been through a lot together but she really deflates me. We're coming up to 5 years together this year, the first year was spent me holding on as she was a nutter, the next two pretty much injury after injury then since we've been on a rollercoaster training, we've done it all together and it's like the blind leading the blind. We're training elementary now even though I feel we should be way more ahead of this. But she's so unpredictable it makes having her sometimes not very enjoyable.
I've lost a lot of confidence in my ability to do her justice and I feel like what I'm doing is always wrong/not good enough. I've stuck with her for so long when many would have given up as I always thought she would become what I've always wanted - she's a lovely horse (minus her bad points), moves good, good breeding but I just don't find her willing enough. Maybe it's me - maybe we don't gel and she's had enough of me
She wants for nothing and has regular physio and MOT's from top vet to ensure she's always feeling good because of her history, she also gives up on life at the slightest 'off feeling' so she pretty much tells me when something is up.
I'm about to buy a house and the cost of her/enjoyment from her is stressing me out so I'm wondering if these options are what other people have considered when got to this rut themselves
1. Send her to a pro to compete then sell her & give up completely
2. Loan her out on full loan - this makes me feel nervous
3. Turn her out for the summer - have a break and start again in winter. Seems a bad idea to start a tricky horse again in winter
4. Send her to someone full time for them to train and compete
5. Move to training livery so I have more support/guidance
6. Sell her & buy something easier
I'm currently paying over £650 per month for part livery & feed so it's a hefty amount once I add in training and competing.
Please someone help me with a few ideas and situations they've been in so I can try and feel better
Thanks x
I'm at a real point with my horse where I'm not enjoying lessons/competing/training etc and this is what I normally love. She's a tricky little horse and we've been through a lot together but she really deflates me. We're coming up to 5 years together this year, the first year was spent me holding on as she was a nutter, the next two pretty much injury after injury then since we've been on a rollercoaster training, we've done it all together and it's like the blind leading the blind. We're training elementary now even though I feel we should be way more ahead of this. But she's so unpredictable it makes having her sometimes not very enjoyable.
I've lost a lot of confidence in my ability to do her justice and I feel like what I'm doing is always wrong/not good enough. I've stuck with her for so long when many would have given up as I always thought she would become what I've always wanted - she's a lovely horse (minus her bad points), moves good, good breeding but I just don't find her willing enough. Maybe it's me - maybe we don't gel and she's had enough of me
I'm about to buy a house and the cost of her/enjoyment from her is stressing me out so I'm wondering if these options are what other people have considered when got to this rut themselves
1. Send her to a pro to compete then sell her & give up completely
2. Loan her out on full loan - this makes me feel nervous
3. Turn her out for the summer - have a break and start again in winter. Seems a bad idea to start a tricky horse again in winter
4. Send her to someone full time for them to train and compete
5. Move to training livery so I have more support/guidance
6. Sell her & buy something easier
I'm currently paying over £650 per month for part livery & feed so it's a hefty amount once I add in training and competing.
Please someone help me with a few ideas and situations they've been in so I can try and feel better
Thanks x