Well-Known Member
This is Bubbles, aka Troubles
He’s doing my head in
He’s fat, he’s impossible to get weight off. I currently haven’t even been trying as it just makes no difference.
He is breaking through 4 strands of electric fencing, he was, until last night black mailing me with “if you don’t muzzle me I’ll stay in the field, if you do I’ll just escape and go in search of more grass”
He’s totally 100% happy to be alone, the other 3 however get hysterical without him.
I have a little surfaced turn out pen, post and rail which he’s broken! Even with electric over the rails.
His only saving grace is that these photos are him hearing me getting the others in for breakfast this morning and coming home by himself. Sometimes I have to go traipsing round to find the little monkey.
Anyone want?