Well-Known Member
How is everyone feeling if you are safe to start competitions if you are in a lockdown area that has moved down a level
i am getting my second vaccine soon but what I am really wondering is truthful do rosettes and trophies and sashes matter to you or are you just out to have a good day with your friends and have a lovely time with you and your horse
I must tell you I use to worry about the rosette colour at a different place but I have been told just to go and go fun with your horse I used to ride riding school horses but I heard on some one instagram page said a rosette is a rosette I had never heard of that before ?
i am getting my second vaccine soon but what I am really wondering is truthful do rosettes and trophies and sashes matter to you or are you just out to have a good day with your friends and have a lovely time with you and your horse
I must tell you I use to worry about the rosette colour at a different place but I have been told just to go and go fun with your horse I used to ride riding school horses but I heard on some one instagram page said a rosette is a rosette I had never heard of that before ?