Horse messing with head in trot


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7 August 2019
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The horse I ride recently snapped his bridle (he stood on reins) and we got a new bridle.
Since this he’s been shaking his head around in trot, and it only starts once you ask him to trot. It’s like he puts his nose in the air and shakes it. No matter how much contact I have it happens. I’ve dropped the reins completely and he still does this.

We have had the dentist out and are now working with a physio to loosen his neck and back. She’s asked us to lunge him long and low but when we do this using a bridle the same thing happens in trot. If we use a head collar it doesn’t and he’s much happier.

I was wondering if this could have anything to do will poll pressure? Does anybody have any experience of this or suggestions? Currently looking into an anatomical bridle.


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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have you checked how well the bridle fits? I think many off-the-peg bridles come with browbands that are too short and pull the headpiece towards the ears. as you don't have a problem in a headcollar I'd look at that and the rest of the general fit first.


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7 August 2019
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I’ve checked the headpiece isn’t pinching or too tight and same with noseband and cheek pieces but haven’t thought about the browband. Will look into the fit of that. Thanks for your advice ?


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7 August 2019
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He’s a ex racehorse and very sensitive and I think that may blow his mind ? I have his old bridle fully intact minus 2 cheek pieces so I thought about putting new cheek pieces on this one to try, was just putting feelers out for other ideas


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7 August 2019
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Early April he broke it. Yeah we’ve had the physio out and she said his neck/shoulders/chest were tight and she loosened him up and told us to work him long and low lunging for 3 weeks before another physio session. Just curious as to why still an issue with bridle when he works in a head collar still after physio


Well-Known Member
16 September 2012
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Have you had a vet out to check? I would, just to rule out anything that could be causing it physically.

If you get the all clear from that, I would look at anatomical bridles. I have one from Horsemanship Saddlery and it is very lightweight.


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7 August 2019
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No vet check as of yet as went down physio route first, but this will be something done if he’s not happy still


Patting her thylacine
26 March 2007
Daemon from Hades
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When did he break the old bridle? I'm wondering if he's injured himself doing it - mostly when they tread on the reins, they break the reins. There must have been significant pressure on his poll to break the cheek pieces?

This - he's telling you there is a problem/pain. The poll area is quite delicate and easily injured.
Time to get a vet.


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11 November 2020
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I had a bit lady out who also checked bridle fit. Took my too tight browband off & pony much happier. Was able to purchase bigger browband from Henry James fortunately.

Lois Lame

Well-Known Member
11 May 2018
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He sounds sore to me. Vet would be my thought. Tell the vet exactly what happened and what horse is doing now.

I missed the bit where the cheekpieces broke (or one cheek piece). I assumed it was the reins. I wonder if the bridle was just weaker than the we bridles we know and love from way back when.


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7 August 2019
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I’m unsure as to how it happened but the cheek pieces and reins both snapped. I remember him walking off and me trying to grab the reins but he stood on one part before I could grab him and it snapped as he pulled up so the bit fell out his mouth.

We’re lunging him in a German string long and low as the physio reccomends at the moment. If you put the lunging aid on (it’s only on loose hes not pinned down) he can walk and trot round with his nose dragging through the sand properly working over his back. As soon as you ask him to trot without the aid on he starts this. We sent videos to the physio today and she said it could be a memory of pain that he needs to realise doesn’t hurt anymore, as she can’t see any evidence of pain based on how he works in the aid.

If this continues after our next physio session in 1.5 weeks we’ll get the vet ?

Lois Lame

Well-Known Member
11 May 2018
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The bit was pulled out of his mouth, it didn't fall. I once acted in haste and caused my mare to lift her head while she was standing on a rein (she had bucked me off) and the bit was pulled from her mouth. I felt guilty for years afterwards. Decades. Even now probably if I catch myself thinking about it.

I'm a bit unsure how the physio would see pain due to this. I know little about physios and although I have employed one on a few occasions, it's the rare physio I have confidence in. I'd have more confidence in a vet who is known to be good at diagnosing horses.