Well-Known Member
Unfortunately I would not be a reliable sharer as I might have to work late if we have a work emergency or travel to see my parents if they need help so I could not promise to do a set day every week.
I was a sharer for 5 years before owning and it ended as my share horse was sold but was able to commit to that at the time as I was in a different job and I used to finish work at 3pm on Wednesday in order to get to the yard in time to catch in and weekends were always free as my parents lived in France and were younger and only saw them once a year.
I cannot commit to being a sharer as due to work I cannot turn out in the mornings and cannot get to yard in time to catch in the evenings hence why I have to be on part livery. It would have to be a grass livery or part livery arrangement with a lot of flexibility to work for me as a share. Shares advertised locally all require jobs being done or want people to hack out during the day which is not an option unless a weekend and some weekends would be out if I need to visit and help my family.
Oh, that sounds really tough, I'm sorry.
Perhaps the alternative might be buying your own, but finding a sharer to help who would also be willing to help out in an emergency situation? It wouldn't be a traditional share set up as such, but the right person might exist.
That said, when I had my pony on assisted DIY, other people on the yard would always help in an emergency- and equally I'd help out others when I could.